At what hCG level can you do a transvag US?
At what hCG level can you do a transabdominal US
Naegele’s rule for gestational age
+7day to LMP
- 3 months
When is the quad screen done? What does it assess?
15-20 weeks
MSAFP, Estriol, hCG, Inhibin A
Eval for neural tube defects, spina bifida, ancephaly, and Ter of Fallot, trisomy 21, and other chromosomal
What is “quickening”?
When does it start?
maternal awareness of fetal movement
failure to progress
3Ps: power (uterine contractions)
passenger (baby too big/ wrong angle)
passage (canal too small)
What changes are NOT normal during pregnancy
diastolic murmur
increased BP (after 20wks)
fetal viability=
20 weeks/ 500gms
term gestation
38-42 weeks
Preterm =
<37 weeks
early decelerations due to
head compression
variable decelerations due to
cord compression
late decelerations due to
uterine placental insufficiency
Rhogam in rh negative prego w/o sensitivity given at
28 weeks
Quad screen with decreased MSAFP & estriol
+ increased hCG and inhibin A
Trisomy 21 or 28 (or other chromosomal abnl)
Increased MSAFP (maternal serum alpha fetal protein) seen in
neural tube defects: spina bifida, ancephaly, etc
How much folic acid should prenatal provide
0.4 mg folic acid
Nausea tx
1st gen antihistamine first choice
Esp in 1st trimester
what happens during the 2nd stage of labor
“pushing stage”
from full cervical dilation to delivery of baby