Obstetrics Flashcards
How is pregnancy confirmed in a patient with amenorrhea, enlargement of the uterus, and positive urinary b-HcG?
1) Presence of gestational sac (seen via transvaginal US at 4-5 weeks)
2) Presence of yolk sac (visualized w/in gestational sac at 4-6 weeks)
3) Fetal heart motion (seen by US at 5-6 weeks)
What is the mnemonic that should be used to describe parity?
T:term (>37wks)
P: preterm (20-36+6 weeks)
A: abortions (<20 wks)
L: living children
What are the routine screening tests for first trimester pregnancy?
CBC (for anemia, bld d/o’s)
Blood type, Rh, antibody screening (type and screen; direct/indirect Coombs)
Genitourinary screening (PAP smear, UA/culture)
Immunization status (rubella Ab, hep b surface Ag)
Infection (Hep C Ab, VDRL/RPR, HIV assay, cervical cx for gonorrhea/chlamydia)
What are the optional screenings in the first trimester?
Tuberculosis (QFT gold or PPD)
Trisomy 21 early testing (B-hcg, pregnancy-associated plasma protein A, fetal nuchal translucency, cell-free DNA)
What is the most common cause of anemia in pregnancy?
Iron deficiency
What are the cutoffs for anemia in pregnancy?
1st or 3rd trimester: <11
2nd trimester: <10.5
What are the next steps in management for anemia detected on screening?
low hemoglobin, low MCV: give iron, test for thalassemia if anemia does not improve
low hemoglobin, high MCV, high RDW: give folate
What’s the next step in management for thrombocytopenia detected in pregnancy screenings?
If <150K, correlate clinically for ITP
What is the significance of Rh-negative mothers? What’s the next step?
May become sensitized (anti-D Ab) which increases the risk of erythroblastosis fetalis in subsequent pregnancies
Give RhoGAM to Rh-neg mothers at 28wks after first rescreening for absence of anti-D antibodies
Give RhoGAM to Rh-negative mothers after any procedure and after delivery
What is the role of direct/indirect Coombs tests in first trimester screening?
Detects atypical RBC Abs
How do you manage asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnant women?
ALWAYS treat ASB in pregnancy to prevent pyelonephritis (30% risk when untreated)
- cephalosporins, amoxicillin
- you need a test of cure *
What is the implication of negative rubella antibodies in first trimester pregnancy?
Increased risk of primary rubella infection
- do NOT give rubella immunization during pregnancy, wait til after delivery
What is the implication of positive Hep B surface antigen in first trimester pregnancy?
Indicates risk for vertical transmission of HBV
- order HVB e-antigen
- positive HBV e-Ag indicates highly infectious state
What is the implication of a positive HCV antibody during first trimester pregnancy?
Will change delivery management to reduce likelihood of vertical transmission
- avoid amniotomy, prolonged rupture of membranes, and placement of fetal scalp electrode at time of delivery
treat between pregnancies
What are the implications of positive tests for syphilis in first trimester pregnancy?
Confirm w/ treponemal-specific tests (MHATP or FTA)
- if positive, treat w/ IM penicillin