Obstetrics Flashcards
What does increased alpha feto protein indicate
- neural tube defects (meningocele, myelomeningocele and anencephaly)
- abdominal wall defects (omphalocele, gastroschisis)
- multiple pregnancy
What does decreased alpha feto protein indicate
Down’s syndrome
Trisomy 18
Maternal diabetes
What is Sheehan’s syndrome
Hypopituitarism caused by ischaemic necrosis due to blood loss and hypovolaemic shock
Can cause: agalactorrhoea
What is ashermans syndrome
Intrauterine adhesions may occur following dilation and curettage
Can prevent the endometrium responding to oestrogen as it normally would
What is the treatment for vaginal vault proplapse
- suspends the vaginal apex to the sacral promontory
Presentation of Turner’s syndrome
Primary amenorrhoea
Raised FSH and LH
When should the 2 doses of anti D prophylaxis be given to rhesus negative women
28 weeks
34 weeks
What should be given to women at high risk of pre eclampsia
Low dose aspirin at 12-14 weeks
What is placenta accreta
When the placenta is attached to the myometrium and increases risk of PPH
What should be done if someone with pre eclampsia presents with seizures
Deliver baby
Give MgSO4 for 24h after delivery / last seizure
Location of ectopic that increases risk of rupture
What can help to reduce BP in induced labour
Epidural anaesthesia
What are the test results that suggest Down’s syndrome
Thickened nuchal translucency, increased B-HCG, reduced PAPP-A
What is placenta percreta
A severe disorder on the placenta accreta spectrum
Chorionic villi of the placenta invade through entire myometrium to the perimetrium
What is placenta percreta
A severe disorder on the placenta accreta spectrum
Chorionic villi of the placenta invade through entire myometrium to the perimetrium