Obstetrics Flashcards
What is a miscarriage?
The spontaneous termination of pregnancy; early is before < 12 weeks and late is 12 to 24 weeks
Different classifications of miscarriage?
Missed - no symptoms but the foetus is dead
Threatened - vaginal bleeding, cervix closed and foetus alive
Inevitable - vaginal bleeding with an open cervix
Incomplete - retained products of conception
Complete - full miscarriage
Aembryonic - no embryo, just gestational sac
Investigation for miscarriage
1) Foetal HR?
2) Crown-rump length of 7mm?
3) Gestational sac of 25 mm diameter and foetal pole
Management of miscarriage
Less than 6 weeks - expectant
More than 6 weeks - expectant, medical (misoprostol) or SMM
Types of SMM
Manual vacuum aspiration - LA, syringe to aspirate, must be below 10 weeks. Better in parous women
Electric vacuum aspiration - GA
Rhesus D proph to rhesus negative women
Incomplete miscarriage management
Medical - misoprostol
Surgical - ERPC (evacuation of retained products of conception)
When to be concerned about miscarriages?
Infection or heavy bleeding
Define recurrent miscarriages
3 x first trimester
1 x second trimester
Causes of recurrent miscarriages
Haematological (APLS and inherited thrombophilias)
Structural (fibroid, cervical insufficiency, congenital)
Genetics - balanced translocations
Chronic diseases - DM, thyroid, SLE
Other - chronic histiocytic intervillositis
Management of recurrent miscarriages
Referral to specialist
Pelvic US
Blood tests - APLS and hereditary thrombophilia
Genetics - of conception products and parents
Presentation of ectopic
Abdo/pelvic pain
Missed period
Cervical excitation
Dizziness and shoulder tip pain
Investigation for ectopic
TVUS - bagel sign
Management of ectopic pregnancy
Expectant - if unruptured, less than 35 mm, hCG < 1500, no HB or significant pain
Medical with methotrexate - same as above but hCG less than 5000
Surgical - laparoscopic salpingectomy or salpingotomy, with rhesus D proph is rhesus negative
Timeline of sickness in pregnancy
Starts at 4-7 weeks, peaks at 10 to 12 weeks and settles at 16-20 weeks
Definition of hyperemesis gravidarum
Protracted N&V plus 5% loss of body weight, dehydration an electrolyte imbalance
Can use PUQE score to quantify
Obs, ketones, can they keep stuff down, weight
Cyclizine, prochlorperazine or metoclopramide, in that order
Think about reflux as an issue
Ginger and acupuncture
Depending on severity admission may be indicated for IV fluids, electrolyte correction, observation, IV antiemetics, thiamine and VTE proph
What is a hydatidiform mole?
A molar pregnancy is a tumour that grows like a pregnancy in the uterus
Two types: a complete and partial mole
Complete - no foetal material; two sperm fertalise and empy egg
Partial - some foetal material; two sperms fertilise an eg
Presentation of a molar pregnancy
Increased N&V
Vaginal bleeding
Abnormally large uterus
Abnormally high hCG
Thyrotoxicosis - hCG mimics TSH
Investigation for molar pregnancy
TVUS - snowstorm appearance
Management of molar pregnancy
Refer to gestational trophoblastic disease centre
Evacuation and follow-up
Anaemia in pregnancy
Screen at booking and 28 weeks, 110 and 105 respectively
Micro - give iron
Macro - give folate/B12
Remember pregnancy is a high volume, low pressure physiology and so there will be a dilutional anaemia to some degree
Pre-existing diabetes in pregnancy
5 mg of folate
Diet, metformin and insulin only
Opthalmology review shortly after booking and at 28 weeks
Planned delivery between 37 and 38+6
Sliding scale during labour if type 1
Gestational diabetes RFs
Had it previously, big baby, BMI over 30, ethnic origin and family hx of diabetes
They get OGTT at 24- 28 weeks, previous gestational diabetes also get one soon after booking