Obstetrics Flashcards
blood tests in ?suspected cholestasis
conjugated bilirubin
signs: meconium aspiration
- meconium stained liquor
- green staining of infant
- foetal respiratory distress
- low APGAR score
- limp infant
- crackles on auscultation of foetal lungs
tx: meconium aspiration
- suctioning of mouth and nose
- prophylactic abx
- O2 administration
- monitor
- ventilate in severe cases
antenatal appt schedule: obs
10-12 weeks booking clinic - screen for RFs, dating scan and T21
20 weeks - anomaly scan
28,34 and 36 weeks - midwife appts, monitor foetal growth (SFH) and heart
40 weeks - offered stretch and sweep
41+ - offered IoL
24-28 weeks - screen for GDM
28 and 34 weeks - anti-D
obs taken: antenatal appointments
- BP
- urinalysis
dating pregnancy: antenatal scan
<14/40 - CRL (crown rump length) and BPD (biparietal diameter)
>14/40 - head circumference (BPD), abdominal circumference and femur length
standard dose: folic acid
400 micrograms
RFs: higher dose folic acid
* previous baby affected by neural tube defect
* either parent with NTD
* stong fhx NTD
* BMI >30
* diabetes
* coeliac
* thalassaemia
* multiple pregnancy
* drugs - antiepileptics
screening: booking scan
- Hep B
- syphilis
- blood group
- Rh status
- rubella immunity
- anaema
- urinalysis for symptomatic bacteriuria
genetic screening: combined test
COMBINED TEST - first line and most accurate
USS (nuchal translucency) and bloods (BhCG and PAPP-A)
* 11-14/40
abnormal result (increased risk)
* USS >6mm nuchal translucency
* increased BhCG
* low PAPP-A (pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A)
genetic screening: triple test
between 14-20 weeks
higher risk:
* BhCG high
* AFP loow
* serum oestriol low
genetic screening: quadruple test
14-20 weeks
identical to triple test +inhibin-A
higher risk:
* BhCG high
* AFP low
* oestriol low
* inhibin-A high
genetic screening: antenatal diagnostic testing
if risk score >1/150 - woman offered testing for karytyping foetal cells
<15/40 chorionic viillus sampling (CVS) - USS biopsy placental tissue
>15/40 amniocentesis - USS aspiration of amniotic fluid (later in pregnancy when safe to take amniotic fluid)
genetic screening: NIPT
non-invasive prenatal testing (Harmony testing) - currently private
from >10/40
- blood test from mother containing foetal DNA from placental tissue
- not definitive test but gives indication if foetus is affected
- gradually rolled out as alternative to invasive tesing
growth chart: antenatal care
- personalised on mothers demographics
- x= fundal height
- o = estimated weights to scan
- centile lines show overall trend
- falling across centile or <2nd centile = USS repeat in 2 weeks
trimesters: anternatal care
0-12 weeks first trimester
13-26 weeks second trimester
27 weeks - birth third trimester
foetal movements: anternatal care
from 20 weeks until birth
vaccines: antenatal care
whooping cough )pertusis) from 16 weeks
influenza in autumn/winter
live vaccines avoided in pregnancy
pregnancy lifestyle advice: antenatal care
- take folic acid from before 12 weeks
- take vitamin D supplement (10mcg or 400IU daily)
- avoid vitamin A (liver or pate - teratogenic in high doses)
- avoid alcohol (foetal alcohol ssyndrome)
- avoid smoking
- avoid unpasteurised dairy (listeriosis)
- avoid undercooked or raw poultry (risk of salmonella)
- continue moderate excercise but avoid contact sports
- sex is safe
- flying increases VTE risk
- place seatbelt above or below bump (not acorss it)
foetal alcohol syndrome: antenatal care
effects greatest in first 3 months - miscarriage, small for dates, preterm delivery and foetal alcohol syndrome)
* microcephaly
* thin upper lip
* smooth flat philtrum
* short palpebral siddures (short distance from one side of eye to other)
* learning disability
* behavioural difficulties
* hearing and vision problems
* cerebral palsy
smoking in pregnancy: antenatal care
- foetal growth restriction
- miscarriage
- stillbirth
- preterm labour and delivery
- placental abruption
- pre-eclampsia
- cleft lip/palate
- sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
flying in pregnancy: antenatal care
37 weeks single pregnancy
32 weeks in twin
after 28 weeks airlines often require letter from healthcare stating pregnancy going well and no additional risks
LGA: antenatal care
- growth >95th centile
* constitutional
* obesity
* diabetes
* birth injury
* hypoglycaemia
def: SGA
growth <10th centile
no underlying pathology
causes: SGA
- maternal height/weight
- ethnicity
rx: SGA
- growth and umbilical artery doppler 2-3 weekly
- if abnormal - do CTG
- if CTG ok - continue monitoring
- if CTG abnormal - deliver
causes: IUGR
- diagnoses: PET, DM, CKD
- lifestyle: alcohol, smoking, malnutrition
- infections: CMV, rubella
- congenital: trisomies, turners, IEM (inborn errors of metabolism)
signs: IUGR
- decreased foetal movements
- decreased amniotic fluid
- abnormal umbilical artery doppler - absent or reversed end diastolic flow)
- abnormal CTG
management: IUGR
- 2 weekly growth scans, doppler and fluid measurement
- <32/40 and abnormal doppler = daily CTG
- if CTG abnormal = deliver
- > 34/40 and abnormal doppler = deliber
- if delivering preterm - consider corticosteroidss and MgSO4
rx: delivery preterm
corticosteroids lungs
MgSO4 neuroprotective
def: hyperemesis gravidarum
prolonger vomiting causing dehydration or >5% weight loss
caused by high B-hCG levels
ix: hyperemesis gravidarum (5)
- U+E (K)
- urinalysis (ketones)
- bone profile
rx: hyperemesis gravidarum (5)
- antiemetics (cyclizine, promethazine, prochlorperazine)
- fluid replacement
- pabrinex (wernicke’s)
- corticosteroids
def: hypertension in pregnancy
BP >140/90
* <20/40 - essential HTN
* >20/40 - NO PROTEINURIA gestational HTN
* >20/40 - PROTEINURIA pre-eclampsia
rx: hypertension in pregnancy
1st line = labetalol (NOT ASTHMA)
2nd line = nifedepine (asthma)
ACE/ARB contra-indicated in pregnancy
def: pre-eclampsia
multi-system disorder
hypertension with proteinuria or end-organ dysfunction or placental dysfunction
triad = hypertension, proteinuria and oedema
high risk: pre-eclampsia
1+ RF = take aspirin
* essential/chronic HTN
* previous HTN in pregnancy
* diabetes
SLE or anti-phospholipid syndrome
moderate risk: pre-eclampsia
2+ RF = take aspirin
first pregnancy
age >40
multiple pregnancy
obese BMI >30
unusual gap between pregnancies
strong fhx of HTN
symptoms: pre-eclampsia
- headache
- blurred vision/flashes
- apigastric/RUQ pain
- oedema in hands and feet
- N+V
- brisk reflexes
- reduced urine output
rx: PET
1st line labetalol
2x weekly USS (foetus, fluid, doppler)
2-3x weekly bloods = FBC, U+E, LFT and clotting
if BP can’t be stabilised or mother v unwell (risk of eclampsia) - give MgSO4 (until 24 hours post birth or seizure) and deliver
risk of pulmonary oedema - fluid balance and restrict
def: eclampsia
IV MgSO4 (and emergency delivery)
cure - removal placenta
complications: pre-eclampsia
- eclampsia
- HELLP syndrome (haemolysis (low Hb, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets)
- stroke
- renal or liver failure
- pulmonary oedema
- placental abruption
- stillbirth
def: obstetric cholestasis
- reduced flow of bile acids from liver (intrahepatic cholestasis)
- usually develops after 28/40
- increased oestrogen and progesterone levels
- genetic component
- more common in south asian ethnicity
symptoms: obstetric cholestasis
itching (esp palms and soles)
complications: obstetric cholestasis
increased risk stillbirth - planned birth 37/40
ix: obstetric cholestasis
LFTs - ALT, AST, GGT and raised bile acids
rx: obstetric cholestasis
- ursodeoxycholic acid
- emollients (calamine lotion)
- antihistimines (chlorphenamine)
- BMI >30
- previous hx GDM
- previous baby >4.5kg
- ethnic origin - south asian, middle eastern or afro-carribean
- 1st degree relative with DM