Obstetric Ultrasound (PBR 1) Flashcards
The first trimester covers what period?
From conception to the end of the 13th menstrual week.
This include the entire embryonic period (0 to 10 weeks) and is a tume of dyanamic growth and the differentatiation and development of most organ systems.
The early gestational sac can be seen by transvaginal sonography at how many weeks?
3.5 to 4.5 menstrual weeks
As a tiny cystic structure implanted within the echogenic decidua, the intradecidual sign.
A normal gestational sac is visualized by the transabdominal apprach by how many weeks?
5 menstrual weeks
The normal gestation sac appears on ultrasound as what?
As a smoothly contoured, round, or oval, fluid-containing structure positioned within the endometrium near the funds of the uterus.
The normal gestation sac has an echogenic border greater than how many mm thick?
2 mm thick
Which represents the choriodecidual reaction
This sign is produced by visualization of three layers of decidua early in pregnancy (After 5 weeks).
Double decidual sac sign
It is evidence in about 85% of normal pregnancy.
This term refers to the endometrium of the pregnant uterus.
The decidua vera lines the ______.
Endometrial cavity
The decidua capsularis covers the ______.
Gestational sac
The decidua basalis contributes to the formation of the _____ at the site of implatation.
This is a 2- to 6 mm diameter, spherical, cystic structure that is connected to the midgut of the embryo by a think, stalk, the vitelline duct.
Yolk sac
It is generally the earliest structure visualized within the gestation sac and serves as a definitive evidence of early pregnancy.
The yolk sac should always be visualized in the normal pregnancy in gestational sacs of how many mm in diameter?
20-mm mean sac diamater (MSD) by transabdominal ultrasound
8 mm MSD by transvaginal ultrasound
MSD greater or equal to 25 mm on transabdominal US
MSD greater or eqaul to 16 mm on TVS
The yolk sac is general seen between how many weeks of gestational age?
5 to 12 weeks of gestational age
The earliest demonstration of the embryo is the ______ sign, produced by the amniotic sac and the yolk sac with the embryonic disc between them.
Double bleb sign
Embryos as small as how many mm can be detected by transvaginal ultrasound?
2 mm