Obstetric Emergencies Flashcards
What is shoulder dystocia?
Additional measures are required after normal downward traction has failed to deliver the shoulders after the head has delivered.
What are the consequences of should dystocia?
Excessive traction on the neck damages the brachial plexus, resulting in Erb’s palsy, which is permanent in about 50% of cases.
What are the risk factors for shoulder dystocia?
The principal risk is a large baby. Previous shoulder dystocia, increased maternal BMI, labour induction, low height, maternal diabetes and instrumental delivery.
How do you manage shoulder dystocia?
Rapid and skilled intervention, gentle downward traction is used
What is the Zavanelli manoeuvre?
Replacement of the head after shoulder dystocia and C section, by this time fetal damage is usually irreversible
What is cord prolapse?
After the membranes have ruptured, the umbilical cord descends below the presenting part.
What are the consequences of a cord prolapse?
Untreated, the cord will be compressed or go into spasm and the baby will rapidly become hypoxic.
What are the risk factors for cord prolapse?
Preterm labour, breech presentation, polyhydramnios, abnormal lie and twin pregnancy.
How do you diagnose cord prolapse?
When the fetal heart rate becomes abnormal and the cord is palpated vaginally, or if it appears at the introitus.
How do you manage cord prolapse?
Initially, the presenting part must be prevented from compressing the cord; it is pushed up by the examining finger or tocolytics are given. If the cord is out of the intraoitus, it should be kept warm and moist but not forced back inside. The patient should be on all fours. Usually, instrumental delivery occurs.
What is an amniotic fluid embolism?
This is when liquor enters the maternal circulation, causing anaphylaxis with sudden dyspnoea, hypoxia and hypotension, often accompanies by seizures and cardiac arrest. Acute heart failure is evident
What are the consequences of amniotic fluid embolism?
Many women die. If the women survives for 30 minutes, she will rapidly develop DIC, and often pulmonary oedema and adult respiratory distress syndrome.
When does amniotic fluid embolism usually occur?
Typically occurs when the membranes rupture, but may occur during labour, at C section and even at termination of pregnancy
What are the risk factors for amniotic fluid embolism?
Strong contractions in the presence of polyhydramnios, but prevention is impossible
How do you manage amniotic fluid embolism?
Resuscitation and supportive treatment as for any cause of collapse is key. Oxygen and fluid. Blood for clotting, FBC, electrolytes and crossmatch. Blood and fresfh frozen plasma will be required. Transfer to ICU