Obstetric Analgesia & Anesthesia Flashcards
To what do the degrees of pain experienced during labor depend on?
Parity, duration of labor, pelvic anatomy
Fetal size and presentation
Use of oxytocin (augment labor)
Psychological preparation
Emotional support
Past experiences
What happens physiologically during labor?
INC O2 consumption
Hyperventilation (hypocarbia)
INC catecholamines, cortisol, B-endorphin
What are the maternal factors that may prompt anesthetic consultation?
BMI >30kg/m2
short or thick neck or skeletal neck abnormality
Obstructive lesions: edema, anatomical abn, trauma
Decreased range of motion in opening the mouth or small mandible
Thyromegaly or other neck tumor
Severe preeclampsia syndrome
Bleeding disorders
Obstetrical complications with high risk of operative delivery
Maternal medical complications such as cardiopulmonary disease
Previous anesthetic complications
Wht are the ASA physical status and classification in obstetric patients?
ASA II = normal pregnancy, well-controlled gestational HTN, contrlled preeclampsia w/o severe features, diet-controled DM
ASA III = preeclampsia with severe features, gestational DM w complicatoins or high insulin requirements, thrombophilic disease requiring anticoagulation
ASA IV = preeclampsia with severe features complicated by HELLP
ASA V = uterine rupture
What are the relevant dermatomes in labor and delivery?
Uterus and cervix = T10 to L1
Fallopian tube = T11 to L1
Vagina & Pelvic outlet = S2-S4
Peritoneum = T4
What type of pain occurs in the stages of labor?
1st stage = visceral pain (uterine contractions, cervical dilaltion, distention of lower uterine segment)
2nd stage = Somatic pain (stretching, distention, ishcemia of vagina)
What are the different analgesic & anesthetic techniques for labor & delivery?
Parenteral agents/Systemic Analgesia
Inhalational agents
Regional Anesthesia
Local infiltration/Field block
General anesthesia
What is an anatomic and physiologic consideration to happen in a pregnant patient’s airway?
Airway edema = starts during 1st trim & progresses
What is test is used to evaluate the airways before the patient goes into labor and during labor?
Progression of Mallampati score
What are the diff airway changes during labor & delivery?
Incerased airway friability
- epistaxis is more common
When does CO incerase during pregnancy?
Begins @ 25th week and peaks during early 3rd trimester
What happens when the pregnant women is in a supine position?
Aortocaval compression = dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea, or syncope
What are the 3 symptoms characterizing Supine hypotension syndrome?
Nausea & vomiting
What can cause fetal acidosis?
Prolonged maternal hypotension (<10-15 mins)
How does the body compensate when under anesthesia & has aortocaval compression?
Increased SVR