Observing Young Children Flashcards
Which is the most useful way of writing observations?
Objective it tells the facts not the opinion.
What are the benefits of observing children?
Better understanding development, learn about an individual children (what activities meet their needs), identity special needs children or disabilities, important feedback about parenting, and behaviors.
Running record?
Writing down for a set period of time everything is observed, used when you’re just getting to know a child.
Anecdotal record?
I’ll behaviors are recorded use when you want to see a children’s reaction to a new environment.
Frequency count?
How often a behavior occurs you can use a tally mark use when you were trying to change your behavior you don’t want.
Where should you position yourself and how should you act when observing?
You do not want to be noticed. Blend into the background, choose a spot outside the area where the kids are. Avoid them asking questions.
Explain confidentiality in connection with observation records?
Share only to the children’s caregiver or child development teacher keep privacy.