Observations, Service outlets, Briefings & METAR Flashcards
What is an abbreviated briefing?
A shortened version of the standard briefing. It should be requested when a departure has been delayed or when specific weather information is needed to update the previous briefing.
What is the (EFAS)
The ENROUTE FLIGHT ADVISORY SERVICE is designed to provide enroute weather information upon pilot request
What is the (EFAS) otherwise known as?
Flight watch
What information does the (EFAS) provide
Weather advisories tailored to the type if flight, route and cruising altitude.
What information does the (TWEB) provide
Route orientated data, route forecast, forecast outlook, winds aloft and other selected weather reports for 50 nautical miles of the FSS or for a 50 mile wide corridor along a specific route.
How long is a (TWEB) forecast valid for.
12 hours
How often is a (TWEB) forecast updated
Four times a day
What is (TWEB)
The transcribed weather broadcast is a weather report transmitted continuously over selected nav-aids
On a sectional chart, how can you tell if a Nav-Aid has (TWEB) capability
There would be a ‘T’ in the upper right-hand corner of the Nav-Aid box
Upon receiving a (HIWAS) briefing who should you contact for more detailed information
FSS’s or an (EFAS)
On sectional charts, how can you tell if a Nav-Aid has (HIWAS) capability
There would be an ‘H’ in the upper right corner of the identification box
What is the (HIWAS)?
The Hazardous In-Flight Weather Advisory is a national program for broadcasting hazardous weather continuously over selected Nav-Aids
What does a (HIWAS) broadcast include
Advisories such as: AIRMET’s, SIGMET’s, Convective SIGMET’s and Urgent PIREP’s
When can a pilot contact an (EFAS)
Between 6:00am to 10:00pm anywhere in the U.S. and Puerto Rico.
What is the common (EFAS) frequency
122.0 MHZ
The (EFAS) common frequency is for what flight altitude range From/To?
5000 feet AGL to 17500 feet MSL
What does WSR-88D NEXRAD (DOPLER) Cover/Do?
Provides in-depth observations to inform surrounding communities of impending weather
Where is (TDWR) installed
Some major airports around the USA
Who gets the info from (TDWR)
Airport traffic controllers & Pilots
What info does (TDWR) provide to airport traffic control
Severe weather alerts and warnings
What info does (TDWR) provide to pilots
Wind shear, gust front’s and heavy precipitation for arriving and departing aircraft
Name the 6 service outlets
(FAA) Flight Service Stations, (TIBS) Transcribed information briefing service, (DUATS) Direct User Access Terminal Service, (EFAS) Enroute Flight Advisory Service, (HIWAS) Hazardous In-flight weather advisory, (TWEB) Transcribed Weather Broadcast.
What are the 3 types of aviation weather observations
Surface Aviation Weather Observations, Upper-Air Observations, Radar Observations.
What are Surface Aviation Weather observations otherwise known as?
What are the names of the 2 main ground stations for surface observations
(AWOS) Automated Weather Observing Systems, (ASOS) Automated Surface Observing Systems.
What does (FAA) Airport Surveillance Radar detect?
Aircraft and the Location and Intensity of Precipitation to Divert Aircraft if necessary
With Radiosonde observations; what data is collected?
Temperature, Humidity, Pressure & Wind Data.
How High do Radiosonde observations go to?
Up to and above 100,000 feet
What atmospheric conditions do PIREP’s report?
Turbulence, Icing & Cloud Heights
What are the 3 types of Radar observations
WSR-88D NEXRAD (AKA DOPLAR), (TDWR) - (FAA) Terminal Dopler Weather Radar, (FAA) Airport Surveillance Radar
If using a modem and a communications program to contact (DUATS) how do you make contact and where would you find contact details?
A toll free number which would be in chapter 7 of the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM).
What are the 2 methods of access to contact with (DUATS)
Internet website’s, Modem & communications program supplied by a (DUATS) provider.
What are the 2 web sites used to access (DUATS)
DynCorp - (http://www.duats.com) and Data Transformation Corporation (http://www.duat.com)
What is the Direct User Access Terminal Service
(DUATS) allows any pilot with a current medical certificate to access weather information and file a flight plan VIA Computer.
Who funds the (DUATS)
Funded by the (FAA)
Where does (TIBS) data come from
It is prepared and disseminated by selected (AFSS’)
When is the (TIBS) service available
24 hours a day
How do you contact a (TIBS) service
(TIBS) can only be contacted by Touch-Tone phone.
Where can you find contact details for (TIBS)
Phone numbers for (TIBS) are listed in the A/FD
What other services do (FSS’s) provide
In-Flight weather briefing services, scheduled & Un-Scheduled weather broadcasts and advisories.
What is the (TIBS)
The Transcribed Information Briefing Service provides continuous telephone recordings of meteorological and aeronautical information. Provides area and route briefings, airspace procedures & special announcements.
If you can’t contact an (AFSS) because you are in an area of the USA not serviced by one, who else might provide pilot weather briefings?
The National Weather Service.
Where might you find telephone numbers for NWS facilities and FSS’s/AFSS’s
Airport/facilities directory (A/FD) or the U.S. Government section if the telephone book.
What is the FAA Flight Service Station
The primary source for Pre-Flight weather information
What is an (AFSS)
Automated Flight Service Station
How do you contact an (AFSS)
When can you contact an (AFSS)
24 hours a day
Define Service Outlet’s
Government or Private Facilities that provide aviation weather services.
Name who it is that provides access to weather information
FAA - Federal Aviation Administration. NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. NWS - National Weather Service. All work with private aviation companies
What information comes from surface observations?
Type of report, station identifier, date & time, modifier (as required), wind, visibility, runway visual range (RVR), weather phenomena, sky condition, temperature/dew-point, altimeter reading and Applicable remarks.
What are the 2 methods of observing upper air weather phenomena?
Radiosonde observations. Pilot weather reports.
Where do observers get radiosonde observations data from?
Radio telemetry from sounding balloons
How often do observers collect radio observations data?
Twice daily.
Relating to weather what should a pilot do prior to every flight?
Gather all information vital to the nature of the flight.
Prior to any flight, who do you have to choose from for an appropriate weather briefing?
FSS’s/AFSS’s or the NWS
What are the 3 types of weather briefings you can ask a weather specialist for?
A Standard Briefing, an Abbreviated Briefing or an Outlook Briefing.
Other than the type of briefing, what else might be helpful for you to provide when asking for a weather briefing?
Whether the flight is (VFR) or (IFR), aircraft Identification and Type, Departure Point, Estimated Time of Departure (ETD), flight altitude, Route of flight, Destination and Estimated Time En Route (ETE).
Where does the weather specialist who briefed you record your Briefing information?
In the Flight Plan System.
In the Flight Plan System once your flight briefing is recorded a note is made of what?
The type of weather briefing provided.
Weather information requests filed on the flight plan system can be used later for what & why?
To file or amend a flight plan or it can be useful if an aircraft is overdue or reported missing.
Which type of weather briefing should be obtained prior to the departure of any flight?
A Standard Briefing
What is included in a Standard Briefing?
Adverse Conditions, VFR Flight NOT RECOMMENDED, Synopsis, Current Conditions, En Route Forecast, Destination Forecast, Winds and Temperatures Aloft, Notices to Airmen, ATC Delays and Other Information.
What does the Adverse Conditions section of a Standard Briefing include?
Any information that may influence your decision to cancel or alter the route of flight.
In the Adverse Conditions section of a Standard Briefing, what do ADVERSE CONDITIONS include?
Significant weather, thunderstorms, Aircraft Icing or airport closing’s.
Why might the VFR Flight NOT RECOMMENDED advisory occur in a standard briefing
Weather below VFR Minimum’s or simply doubtful the flight could be made under VFR conditions.
In a Standard Briefing, if VFR flight NOT RECOMMENDED, who’s decision is the Go/No Go?
The Pilot’s
In a Standard Briefing what is the synopsis?
An overview of the larger weather picture, fronts and major weather systems.
In a Standard Briefing what does the Current Conditions section include?
Current ceilings, visibility, winds and temperatures.
In a Standard Briefing the Current Conditions section will not be included if your departure time is how far away?
More than 2 hours away.
In a Standard Briefing what is the En Route Forecast?
A summary of the weather forecast for the proposed route.
In a Standard Briefing what is the Destination Forecast?
Summary of expected weather at the destination airport at your (ETA)
In a Standard Briefing what does the Winds and Temperatures Aloft section report?
Winds at specific altitudes. Temperature info only provided on request.
In a Standard Briefing what is the Notices To Airmen?
Supplies NOTAM information pertinent to the route of flight which has not been published in the Notices to Airmen Publication.
In a Standard Briefing is published NOTAM information provided?
No! Only on request.
In a Standard Briefing what does the ATC DELAYS section include?
Any known ATC delays that may affect the flight.
In a Standard Briefing what would you expect to be included in the OTHER INFORMATION Section?
Radio Frequencies needed to open a flight plan and contact an (EFAS) plus any other information requested.
When asking for an abbreviated briefing, what else does the weather specialist need to know?
The time and source of the previous briefing.
When should you request an outlook briefing?
When a planned departure is more than 6 hours away?
What are the three main types of weather reports?
Aviation routine weather reports (METAR).
Pilot weather reports (PIREP’s) and radar weather reports (SD’s).
What is an Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)?
An observation of current surface weather reported in a standard international format.
Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)…
Type of report - What are the 2 types of METAR reports?
- Routine METAR report.
2. Aviation Selected Special Weather Report (SPECI).
Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)…
Type of report - How often is a routine METAR report transmitted?
Every hour.
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Type of report - What is a (SPECI) report?
A special report that can be given at any time to update the METAR for rapidly changing weather conditions , aircraft mishaps or other critical information.
Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)…
Who established the four letter code that each weather station is identified by?
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)…
Station Identifier - In the USA the unique 3 letter identifier is preceded by what letter?
Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)…
Station Identifier - In other regions of the world, including Alaska and Hawaii, the first two letters of the four-letter ICAO identifier indicate what?
The region, country, or state.
Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)…
Station Identifier - What are the first two letters of the Alaska ICAO Identifier?
Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)…
Station Identifier - What are the first two letters of the Hawaii ICAO Identifier?
Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)…
Station Identifier - A list of station identifiers can be found where?
At an FSS or NWS office.
Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)…
Date and Time of Report - how many digits are there to display the date and time?
Six digits followed by ‘Z’ so seven figures all together.
Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)…
Date and Time of Report - what are the first two digits?
The date of the METAR.
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Date and Time of Report - What are the third, fourth, fifth and sixth digits for?
The time of the METAR.
Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)…
Date and Time of Report - What time zone is METAR always reported in?
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)…
Date and Time of Report - (UTC) is also known as what?
Zulu time.
Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)…
Date and Time of Report - What letter is always added to the final digit of the date and time report and what does it mean?
The letter “Z” which means that the time is always given in ‘Zulu’ or Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)…
Modifier - What is the Modifier?
Modifiers denote that the METAR came from an automated source or that the report was corrected.
Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)…
Modifier - What are the two modifiers that you might see in a METAR report?
Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)…
Modifier - If the modifier is AUTO, what does this mean?
It means that the report came from an automated source.
Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)…
Modifier - If the modifier is AUTO, what would you expect to be listed in the remarks section and what would it mean?
“AO1” or “AO2” would indicate the type of precipitation sensors employed at the automated station.
Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)…
Modifier - When the modifier “COR” is used, it identifies what?
A corrected report sent out to replace an earlier report that contained an error.
Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)…
Wind - wind is reported in how many digits?
Winds are reported with five digits, unless the speed is greater than 99 knots, in which case the wind is reported with six digits.
Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)…
Wind - What do the first 3 digits indicate?
The first three digits indicate the direction the wind is blowing, in tens of degrees. If the wind is variable, it is reported as “VRB.”
Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)…
Wind - What do the last 2 digits usually indicate?
The last two digits indicate the speed of the wind in knots (KT) unless the wind is greater than 99 knots, in which case it is indicated by three digits.
Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)…
Wind - What if winds are gusting?
After the wind speed there would be a letter “G” followed by the peak gust speed recorded.
Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)…
Wind - If the winds vary greatly in direction and speed, what else might be reported?
If wind varies more than 60° and windspeed is more than 6 knots, a separate group of numbers, separated by a “V,” will indicate the extremes of the wind directions.
Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)…
Visibility - The prevailing visibility is reported in WHAT? And denoted by which letters?
Statute miles as denoted by the letters “SM.”
Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)…
Visibility - In terms of visible distance, visibility is shown as WHAT & WHAT?
Miles and fractions of miles.
Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)…
Visibility - What is SOMETIMES reported after the prevailing visibility?
(RVR) or Runway Visible Range.
Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)…
Visibility - What is “RVR”?
RVR is the distance a pilot can see down the runway in a moving aircraft.
Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)…
Visibility - When “RVR” is reported, how is it shown on the METAR?
It is shown with an R, then the runway number, a forward slash, then the visual range in feet.
Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)…
Weather - Weather can be broken down into two different categories. What are they?
Qualifiers and Weather Phenomenon.
Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)…
Weather - What are the Qualifiers?
Intensity, Proximity, and the Descriptor of the weather.
Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)…
Weather - How might the Intensity be shown on the METAR Report?
(-) Light
( ) Moderate
(+) Heavy.
Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)…
Weather - What does the Proximity depict?
Weather phenomena in the airport vicinity “VC”, between 5 to 10 miles from the airport.
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Weather - What might Weather Phenomena be reported as being?
Precipitation, Obscurations, and Other phenomena such as squalls or funnel clouds.
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Weather - What are the 8 Qualifying Descriptors?
MI - Shallow BC - Patches DR - Low Drifting BL - Blowing SH - Showers TS - Thunderstorms FZ - Freezing PR - Partial
Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)…
Weather - What are the 9 Weather Phenomena, Precipitations?
DZ - Drizzle RA - Rain SN - Snow SG - Snow Grains IC - Ice Crystals (diamond dust) PL - Ice Pellets GR - Hail GS - Small Hail or Snow Pellets UP - *Unknown Precipitation (*Automated Stations only)
Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)…
Weather - What are the 8 Weather Phenomena, Obscurations?
BR - Mist FG - Fog FU - Smoke DU - Dust SA - Sand HA - Haze PY - Spray VA - Volcanic Ash
Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)…
Weather - What are the 6 Weather Phenomena, Other’s?
PO - Dust/Sand Whirls SQ - Squalls FC - Funnel Cloud \+FC - Tornado or Waterspout SS - Sandstorm DS - Dust Storm.
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Weather - What might also be found in THE REMARKS section of the report?
Descriptions of weather phenomena as they begin or end, and hailstone sizes.
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Sky Condition - Sky Condition is always reported in what sequence?
Amount, Height, and type or indefinite ceiling/height (vertical visibility).
Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)…
Sky Condition - How are the heights of cloud bases reported?
Cloud based are reported with a three-digit number in hundreds of feet above the ground.
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Sky Condition - Automated Stations don’t detect or report clouds above WHAT height?
12,000 feet.
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Sky Condition - What types of clouds are specifically reported with their heights?
Towering CUmulus (TCU) or CumulonimBus (CB) clouds.
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Sky Condition - How does the report describe the amount of cloud coverage and obscuring phenomena?
Broken down into Eighths of the sky from horizon to horizon.
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Sky Condition - What are the 5 levels of sky cover?
Less than 1/8 (Clear) 1/8 to 2/8 (Few) 3/8 to 4/8 (Scattered) 5/8 to 7/8 (Broken) 8/8 or Overcast (Overcast)
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Sky Condition - How is Clear shown on the report?
Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)…
Sky Condition - How is Few shown on the report?
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Sky Condition - How is Scattered shown on the report?
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Sky Condition - How is Broken shown on the report?
Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)…
Sky Condition - How is Overcast shown on the report?
Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)…
Temperature/Dew-point - How are Temperature and Dew-Point shown on the report?
Given in Degrees Celsius and separated by a forward slash. E.G. 18/17 means 18 degrees Celsius and a dew point of 17 degrees.
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Temperature/Dew-point - Temperatures below zero are preceded by which letter and what does it stand for?
“M” for Minus.
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Altimeter Setting - How is the Altimeter Setting Reported?
As inches of mercury in a four-digit number group preceded by the letter “A”.
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Altimeter Setting - With regard to air pressure, what might also be reported in the remarks section and how would it be displayed?
Rising air pressure “PRESRR”
Falling air pressure “PRESFR”
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Remarks Section - If a remark is reported, what might it include?
Wind data, variable visibility, beginning and ending times of particular phenomenon, pressure information, and anything else deemed necessary.
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Remarks Section - As an example, what does this mean (OCNL LTGICCG)?
OCcasioNaL LighTninG In the Clouds, and from Cloud to Ground
Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)…
Remarks Section - What do Automated Stations ALSO use the Remarks Section to indicate?
That the Station needs Maintenance.
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Remarks Section - The Remarks Section always begins with WHAT?