Obs - Vacuum Extraction Flashcards
What would you assess before performing instrumental delivery?
Maternal condition: partogram and vitals
Fetal condition: CTG for heartrate and contraction, +/- fetal blood sampling
Indication: prolonged second stage, maternal exhaustion or underlying condition, fetal disress
Abd: longitudinal lie, head not palpable
PV: full dilatation, S+2, known head position cephaloc, ruptur of membrane, caput/excessive moulding
Describe steps of ventouse delivery.
Rule out contraindications (cephalopelvic disproportion, bloodborn infection, coagulopathy)
- Consent for vacuum, epi, emergency CS
- Catheterise bladder
- LA
- Choose cup and connect to machine
- Apply to flexion point 3cm anterior to posterior fontanelle over the sagittal fissure
- Check no maternal tissue trapped
- Suction force to 60 cmHg
- Check no maternal tissue trapped
- Traction in sync with uterine contraction and maternal effort (head descend with each pull, crown in 3 pulls, delivery in 5 pulls/15minutes)
- Decide if episiotomy is needed when crowning
- Give baby to neonatologist
Cord blood sampling, check for genital tract injury/PPH, debrief mother, documentation