Objects Flashcards
[n] Battery
Die Batterie
Der Akku
Nein, der Akku ist leer
[adj] heavy
[n] Bag
Die Tasche – generally refers to a bag or a pocket that is used for carrying items. It can be a handbag, a backpack, a briefcase, or any other kind of bag. “Tasche” can also refer to a pocket on clothing, such as the pockets on a pair of pants or a jacket.
Example: “Ich habe mein Buch in meiner Tasche.” (I have my book in my bag.)
Die “Tüte”: This word specifically refers to a paper or plastic bag used for carrying goods, often used for packaging or carrying groceries, snacks, or other items. It is similar to the English word “bag” or “sack.”
Example: “Kannst du bitte eine Tüte für mich mitbringen?” (Can you please bring a bag for me?)
So, while “Tasche” is a more general term for bags or pockets used for carrying various items, “Tüte” specifically refers to the type of bag commonly used for packaging and carrying goods.
[n] Pack(s)
Die Packung
Die Packungen (pl)
[n] Balloon(s)
Der Luftballon
Die Luftballons