Objectivity and values Flashcards
name the 4 sociologists you must know:
What do Early positvists believe about Objectivity and Values in sociological research?
Sociological researches job is to discover the truth about society
What did Weber argue: (2)
A value can neither be proved or disproved
Values in sociology are essential for research
What do modern positivists argue (2)
Their own values are irrelevant to their research
Sociologists should remain morrally neutral
What did Gouldner argue (4)
Sociologists have become spiritless technicians
Sociologists used to challenge authority
Sociologists now hire themselves out to governments
Sociologists should take moral responsibility for their own research
What is committed sociology?
Believe that researchers should openly take sides
What did Mydral say (2) ?
Sociologists should openly take sides
Its neither possible or desirable to ignore own values in research.
What did Becker argue? (3)
Values are always present in sociology
Sociologists should identify with the underdog
By giving them a voice, we can identify with the hidden voice of society.