Objective-C jeopardy Flashcards
This attribute restricts access to a property’s setter by creating a getter only.
What is readonly?
This is a concise alternative to accessor methods.
What is dot syntax?
These are the connections that Interface Builder can make.
What is an outlet and an action?
Using this typedef lets IB know about a UI property.
What is IBOutlet?
This NSMutableArray method adds an object at a specific index in an array.
What is insertObject:atIndex:
This is the base class for control objects such as buttons and sliders that convey user intent to the application.
What is UIControl?
Use this method to check if an array has elements.
What is the count method?
This object interprets the intent of a user and instructs some other object to carry out the request.
What is a control?
Use this method to avoid modulo bias when generating random numbers.
What is arc4random_uniform()?
This is the best main method to get a random number.
What is arc4random()?
These are the layers of iOS, from most fundamental to highest abstraction.
What are the Core OS, Core Services, Media, and Cocoa Touch layers?
This class is the receiver of an action message.
What is a target?
This mechanism is called upon by a control to provide the translation between a raw event (user intent) and its corresponding instruction.
What is target-action?
This mechanism provides a way for a custom object to communicate application-specific behavior to some off-the-shelf object.
What is delegation?
This mechanism makes it possible for one object to alter the behavior of another object without needing to inherit from it.
What is delegation?