Object-oriented Programming Language Features Flashcards
What is Object oriented programming?
In object oriented programming we combine a group of related variables and functions into a unit, we call that unit an object. We call the variables (“properties”) and we call the functions as (“methods”)
Functions overloading creates multiple functions from the same name with different parameters.
Polymorphism (having many forms)
Means that code, operates or objects can behave in some situations differently by functions overloading
Inheritance is big part of object-oriented programming,allowing a new class inherited from an existing class instead of writting completely new data members and member functions. The existing class is called the base class, and the new class is a derived class.
Data hiding
Encapsulation is the container that can hide data inside an object, allowing the programmer to focus on a higher level of coding, called abstraction, using methods to manipulate data rather than needing to code these actions
Encapsulation binds data and functions that manipulate the data together, keeping both safe from outside interference and misuse. Data encapsulation leads to the concept of data hiding
The techniques detailed on this page all help to make code and objects very re-usable usable. A base class defines the core of the derived objects removing the need to code and recode their methods and properties.