object oriented programming Flashcards
class abstraction
the separation of class implementation from the use of the class
declaration of methods and attributes and code
class encapsulation
hide the details of class implementation from the user
hide the details, focus on whats important
class contract
pretty much what the API is. what methods and attributes are availible and what are their descriptions. user should only look at this, no further details
class inheritance usage
public class extends
class can be seen everywhere in java
only package members and subclasses can see it
no modifier
only package members can see it, no subclasses
member can only be seen in its own class
variable of a superclass can refer to a subclass/more specialized class
area of 2dfigure can be circle or square
opposite of super()?
same method name can have different parameter list
subclass methods can override superclasses definitions. use @override modifier. so when you want to use polymorphism, this may be useful
concrete class
class can be used to create objects
abstract class
class CANNOT be used to create objects. they are allowed to have constructors that subclasses can use. concreate subclasses must implement all abstract methods or be abstract itself.
do not need an instance to be called. alot of core java functions/libraries are this