Object Manager and Lightning App Builder Flashcards
How can you change Standard Objects?
They may be hidden from users and renamed, but never deleted.
What are Custom Objects?
Objects created by the administrator to meet a specific use case.
What are the Standard Objects that are included with a Salesforce organization out-of-the-box?
- Account (store info about companies & individuals)
- Contact (individual associated with an account)
- Lead (prospect that can be converted into an account, contact, and opportunity)
- Campaign (stores info about a marketing effort such as a seminar)
- Opportunity (open & close deals as well as track sales deals in progress)
- Case (customer questions, feedback, issues)
- Solution (description of a customer issue & resolution)
- User (allows a person to log in to Salesforce & access info)
What are the two main types of relationship that can be created between two objects?
Master-detail (tightly relates two objects through a parent-child relationship, one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many)
Lookup (loose relationship that links objects together, one-to-one, one-to-many, self, external, indirect, or hierarchical)
What relationship does the Account object have with the Contact, Opportunity, and Case objects?
Parent-child lookup relationship - a lookup relationship with some characteristics of a master-detail relationship.
How many Contacts, Opportunities, and/or Cases can an Account be related to?
An Account can be related to one or many Contacts, Opportunities, and/or Cases.
How many Accounts can an Opportunity be related to?
Only one.
How many Accounts can a Case be related to?
Only one.
How many Accounts can a Contact be related to?
One or many Accounts if “Contact to Multiple Accounts” setting is enabled.
What’s the relationship between Contacts & Cases? How many can be related to each other?
A Contact has a lookup relationship to a Case.
A Case can be related to one Contact, and a Contact can be related to many cases.
What objects can a Lead be converted into?
Account, Contact, and optionally Opportunity
What objects can a Campaign Member be related to?
A Lead or a Contact
What is Schema Builder used for?
To view the data model and create objects, fields, and relationships quickly.
Where can related records from a lookup or master-detail relationship be seen?
On related lists on the page layout.
What is the difference between lookup relationships and master-detail relationships where sharing & security is concerned?
Lookup relationshps do not inherit the sharing and security settings from another object, unlike master-detail relationships, where this is the case.
What are hierarchical relationships and where are they available?
They allow users to click a lookup icon on a field and select another user from a popup list; they’re available only on the User object.
What is a Self Relationship?
A lookup to the same object, e.g., an Account with a lookup to another Account field.
What is required for a child lookup to exist (the object with the lookup)? What’s the logical implication there?
The parent must exist (the record the user is looking up); e.g. if there are Expense Report and Expense Line Item objects, the expense line items only exist when there’s an expense report to link them to.
If a master record is deleted, all detail records are deleted as well unless the Allow Reparenting setting is enabled that allows detail records to be associated with another master record when a master record is deleted.
What sharing & security settings do child objects have?
None. They inherit the sharing and security settings of the parent object and have no settings of their own.
Can Standard objects be master or detail or both (when relating to a custom object)?
Standard objects must be on the master side of the relationship with a custom object.
Can Custom objects be master or detail or both?
Both, when between custom objects. They can only be detail records when relating to a Standard object.
What are many-to-many relationships? How do they work? Give an example.
They allow two objects to related to each other when a record from one object can be linked to multiple records from another object and vice versa.
They work using a junction object, which sits between the other two objects and has a master-detail relationship with both.
e.g. If there’s a Position object and a Candidate object, one position can be related to multiple candidates and a candidate can be related to multiple positions.
What can record types in Salesforce be used to do?
- Display picklist values (different values can be displayed for the same field depending on record type)
- Display page layouts (different fields can be displayed based on combo of record type & user profile)
- Support business processes
What are the two types of record type?
Master (system created)
Custom (manually created)
Where is record type access defined?
At the Profile level or through Permission Sets, or a combo of both
What are the two options when assigning record types to a profile?
- Master record type only (no custom record types)
- Multiple custom record types (not the Master record type)
What record types can be given access to via permission sets?
Custom record types only
What controls record creation and editing of specific record types?
Record type access
Users can view records of any type, as long as…
… they have access to the object.
What specifies which record types a user can use when creating or editing records?
Record type assignment
Any user can view records with that record type, even if it is not assigned to them.
What impact to users’ sharing settings does record type assignment have?
What is record type assignment meant to be used as?
A way to improve data quality and avoid the unnecessary creation of multiple custom objects that serve similar purposes.
When would you create a lookup relationship?
When objects are only related in some cases. For example, sometimes a Contact is associated with a specific Account, but sometimes it’s just a Contact.
When you’re creating a master-detail relationship, where do you create the relationship field?
On the detail object.
What are the customization options for standard fields?
- Field labels can be changed
- Standard picklist values can be added, renamed, reordered, deleted, deactivated
- Field History Tracking can be set
- Field-level help can be added
- Lookup filters can be added or edited
- Auto-number field format can be adjusted
- Can be removed from page layouts to hide them from users
- Cannot be deleted
What are the steps in creating a custom field?
- Select data type
- Enter details
- Set Field Level Security
- Add to Page Layouts
What might changing field types do to your data?
You might lose data, depending on the field type change being made.
What are picklists?
Predefined lists of values from which users select their input.
What is a restricted picklist?
Only the values defined can be used. Other values cannot be inserted even via the API.
(An unrestricted picklist can have a value imported that’s not on the picklist)
What are the two options for selecting picklist values?
- Use global picklist value set (always a restricted picklist)
- Enter values, with each value separated by a new line
What are dependent picklists used for?
Dependent picklists are used to limit the available values on a certain picklist field depending on the values selected on another field.
What are the controlling & depending fields in a dependent picklist?
The controlling field is the picklist or checkbox that drives the filtering.
The dependent field is the picklist that has its values filtered by the value selected in the controlling field.
What determines whether a field can be controlling or dependent?
Standard picklist fields can be controlling but not dependent
Custom object picklist fields can be controlling or dependent.
A dependent picklist can be multi-select, but a multi-select picklist can only be a dependent field.
What’s the name of the section/setting where Dependent Picklists are defined?
Field Dependencies
What are Roll-up Summary Fields?
Fields used to “roll-up” either the sum of the value of a particular field in the child object, return the min or max value or a count of the number of child records.
Where are roll-up summary fields defined?
On the master object
How can you manually perform a calculation on a roll-up summary field?
By selecting the “Force a mass recalculation on this field” option on the edit page of the field.
What are formula fields?
Fields that automatically calculate a value based on other fields or a formula.
What are the types of formula fields?
What do simple formulae allow?
Selection of fields from the same object and use of operators.
What do advanced formulae allow?
Selection of fields from the parent object and use of functions.
What do cross-object formulae do?
They reference merge fields on related objects for calculations that will be displayed on detail pages, list views, and reports.
What happens when a field is deleted?
Its data is also removed. Standard fields cannot be deleted.
When can a field not be deleted?
If it’s referenced elsewhere in the application (e.g., field updates in a Workflow or Process Builder)
How long do fields count against your custom field allocation after they’ve been deleted?
Within 15 days, but hard-deletion of deleted custom fields can be accelerated in order to free up custom field allocation.
What must be done if a deleted field is restored?
It needs to be
- manually added back to page layouts
- marked as required/unique again if needed
- restored as a lookup & converted to master-detail (if it was part of a master-detail relationship)
Field history will be available again.
What is Record ID Field? Where can you find it? How long is it?
A globally unique read-only system type field assigned to every object in Salesforce.
It’s generated when the record is created (see the URL).
Each record has its own 15-character case-sensitive unique ID. The API defaults to using 18-character case-insensitive record IDs.
What are External IDs?
Fields that contain a unique identifier from a system outside Salesforce. There can be up to 25 external IDs on an object.
How many custom objects can be created in the different Editions of Salesforce?
Up to 200 in Enterprise
Up to 2000 in Unlimited and Performance
What are the Custom Object Options?
- Allow Reports
- Track Field History (up to 20)
- Allow Activities (Open Activities & Activity History related lists need to be added to page layout)
- Allow in Chatter Groups (lets users add records in chatter groups)
What kind of field can a custom object record name be?
A text field, usually, or an auto-number if it makes sense to have an auto-generated sequential record number.
Where does a custom object record name appear?
- Page Layouts
- List Views
- Related Lists
- Lookups
- Search Results
What is an App?
An App is a collection of tabs made visible to certain profiles.
When creating a custom object, what must be done in order to create records via the user interface?
A new tab must be created.
What can custom tabs be?
Custom objects
Web tabs
Visualforce tabs
Lightning tabs
What are web tabs?
They embed a web page within a salesforce tab
What do page layouts control?
The layout and organization of fields, buttons, links, publisher actions, report charts, Visualforce, and related lists; related list fields, sort order and buttons.
What does the mini page layout control?
The fields that are displayed when hovering over a record.
Where can related list properties be edited? What can be changed?
Page layout
Fields displayed, sort order, and buttons can be controlled
What’s the difference between page layouts & record types?
Page layouts control which fields, lists, etc. appear on records for different profiles.
Record types control which picklist values, page layouts, and businesses processes appear on object records for different profiles.
How are record types assigned?
Via a page layout, one type per profile.
What does assigning a record type to a profile do?
It gives the user the ability to create records of that record type. Users can still see records of all record types.
What are the steps to create a new record type?
- Create a page layout to be used for the record type
- Add any addtl. picklist values
- Create record type record
- Assign record type to profiles
- Assign page layout for each profile for each record type
- Select picklist values for record type (if not already done)
Where/how are page layout assignments specified?
Profiles only!
What happens when a permission set specifies a custom record type?
The user assigned with the permission set gets the page layout specified for that record type within their profile.
If a user has access to multiple record types, where can they select their default record type?
Personal Settings > Display & Layout > Set Default Record Types
Which objects must have a business process created before a record type? Which is only available in Classic?
Solutions (only available in Classic)
What does a Business Process do?
It captures the lifecycle of leads, opportunities, cases, or solutions. It references a standard picklist field, and the values can be customized.
How do you enable and create a Path?
Search for “Path Settings” in Setup
How do you put a path on a page layout?
When created, the path will appear as a Lightning Component to be placed on the page in Lightning App Builder.
If there is a need to relate several teachers to several different classes, what type of relationship is this and what type of lookup is needed?
A many-to-many relationship, needing a junction object for the lookups.
What is a self relationship?
A lookup to a different record of the same object
In which relationship do the records inherit the security and sharing settings of the parent record?
In a master-detail relationship between a standard and custom object, which object must be the parent?
The standard object
When would creating a formula field be appropriate?
When a read-only field is required and that is calculated based on values of fields (including fields in related objects) or based on a defined formula
What’s the difference between record types and business processes?
Record types control the page layout and picklist values based on the selection of record type. Business process controls stages and then picklist values based on the stage of certain objects.
Which type of custom field can be created to store information about the preferred contact hours of a customer?