OBGYN - General Flashcards
Define early, variable, and late decels, sinusoidal, prolonged decels. Mechanism for each?
Early = head compression.
Variable = less than 30s from onset to nadir. Not correl w contractions. Cord compression
Late = Decel starts at max contraction. Placental insuff. Can be from tacchysystole
Sinusoidal = blood loss/fetal anemia. Hydrops fetalis risk
Prolonged - >2min but less than 10min.
Woman vomiting - name, risk for, when?
Hyperemiss gravidarum. >5% weight loss. Hypoglycemia==ketoacidosis detected in urine. HEMOCONCENTRATION, HYPOCHLOREMIC MET ALK (VOMIT) HCL. HypoK via kidney excretion from to balance loss of OH- (Na/K atpase followed by ROMK).
Abnormal Uterine bleeding - definition and ddx
5 days more than 1pad/2hrs.
Fibroids - painful enlarged masses on uterus.
Endometriosis - menorrhagia
Adenomysosis - bulky tender enlarged uterus
Screenings for STIs. Who, when, tx if +? Some sxs?
Sexually active women <=25 or women w risk factors should have annual screening via PCR (NAAT). Chlam - azith. Gonn - cef AND azith (due to increasing resistance). Empiric = both.
Sxs: asymop (most common), cervicitis, urethritis, perihepatitis.
Risks: PID, ectopic, infert
Woman stops labor - name, definition
Active phase arrest - 6-10cm no change in size for 4hrs w 200unit contractions or 6hrs with inadequate contractions
Contraindicated in Breast Cancer?
Hormone replacement therapy. Also reduce ETOH intake to less than 1/day
Fetal heart rate tracing is called and when? Can work up more doing this test? What does it consist of and points?
Nonstress test - Contractions&FetalHR done if less than 10 kicks felt by mom in 2hrs.
Biophysical profile - NST + Amnoitic volume (oligohydromanios<=5=6/10 is normal
Skin conditions? Gyn/Ob
-Physiological leukoria….
-Lichen Planus - all mucous affected. Pruritic, glassy red-purple lesions with overlaying white lines.
-Lichen Sclerosis - no vaginal invovlemnt White labial lesions. Prepub and peri/postmenopausal women. r/o cancer then superpotent corticosteroids
-Candida intertrigo - think beefy red plaques, s/p steroids, tx clotrimazole oitment.
-Acanthosis nigricans vs melasma
-Hiradentisi suppurative - recurrent/chronic follicular inflam of intertriginous regions. Tx Doxy.
-Granuloatus inquinale = STI klebseilla - painless ulcers no lymph
-Cellulitis - bactrim (TMP-SMX
-Lymphogrnaulmoa vernirum = chlam, painful w/ lymph
-Condylomata acuminata (gen warts) - HPV6/11. Pink/skin colored leasions. VERRUCCOUS growths. Smooth to caulifolower-like gorwths. Tx: Resin, trichloroactic acid, Imiquiomd, cryotherapy/lase/excision.
Condylomata lata (2nd syph) - gray-white lesion on mucousal. SMOOTH.
HSV warts - ulcerative blisters/pustules
OCPs - side effects/risks
SERMs - tx, SEs, risks
HTN, Clots, breakthrough bleeding. Amenorrhea, breast tenderness, nausea/bloating.
Liver disorders - hepatic adenoma, chole & INCREASED triglycerides.
DECREASED risk of ovarian/endo.
INCREASED risk for cervical.
Not weight gain.
SERMs - Tamox, raloxifene. Comp inhibitor of estrogen (mixed antag/ag). Prevention of breast cancer.
Raloxifene - postmenopausal osteo.
SEs: Hot flashes, venous thromboembol, endo hyperplasia/cancer (tamox)
Fetal bradycardia and tachycardia - when?
Brady <110 = tachysystole of uterus, hypothermia, beta-blockers, hypothyroid (fetal), heart-block (anti-RO/SSA, LA/SSB)
Tachycarida >160 = chorioamniotisis (think infection), beta-agonists, hypoerthyroid, fetal tachyarrhythmia
Fetal HR Accelerations - cause, definition, nl amount?
Contractions? - nl
Categories during labor?
From fetus moving around.
minimal<6 - moderate <=25 marked
<32wks = 10bpm inc for 10seconds 2 in 20min
>=32wks = 15bpm for 15, 2 in 20min.
Contractions - normal is 5/10mins.
Tachy = >5/10min
Type I: nl rate, moderate variability, with accels. Not late/variable decels. +/- early. Type III: 1) Sinusiodal pattern. 2) Minimal variability with any of -Recurrent late decels -Recurrent variable -Bradycardia Type II: everything else
Def of PPH? Causes? Tx? Vignettes?
500ml in NSVD, 1000ml in C-section
1) Uterine Atony - boggy uterus - (most common) - Tx with pitocin. Methylergonivine is contraindicated in hx of ecclamp/HTN.
Carboprost - syn PG uterotonic, bronchoconstric & asthma***
2) If 48-72hrs postpartum think coagulopathy like vW disease (factor 5 is procoag).
3) Genital tract laceration
4) uterine rupture
5) retained placenta
Tx - massage, oxytocin, uterotonics, intrauterine balloon tamponade, uterine artery embolization hysterectomy.
RFs: Prolonged/induced labor, Chorioamn, Multip, polyhydramnios, operative delivery
HTN in pregnancy:
definitions? RFs? Tx? Risk for?
HTN crisis: drugs?
How long after preg can you have PreE?
Chronic HTN.
If AKI signs before 20 weeks it is likely nephropathy
GestHTN = >140/90
PreE >140/90 [x2 4hrs apart] & proteinuria (300mg/ml)
PreE w Severe: >160/110 with
-Cerebral/visual disturbances
-2x nl LFTs
-Thrombocytopenia <100K platelets
-renal insuff: Cr>1.1 (or doubling from nl level)
-Pulm Edema
-*note that proteinuria isn’t needed
RFs: Nulliparity, previous PreE, HTN, DM, Coag, Smoking, CKD, BMI, PCOS, Autoimmune, Sickle cell, African american
Tx: Aspirin for high-risk patients. NSAIDs can INCREASE BP*. Labetolol, Hydralazine, Alpha-methyl-dopa, Nifedipine
HTN crisis: 1st line: IV Hydralazine (vasodil), IV labetalol (not in brady, <60bpm), Nifedipine (oral, not in emesis).
AMdopa - too slow acting. Nitro - last resort, avoid if possible dt cyanide byproduct.
Risk for: Seizure HELLP (epigastric, nasuea, HA) ->DIC risk Abruption Stroke AKI ARDS
6weeks post-partum
Diabetes and Preggers
1hr 50g GLucose test <140
check this
Folate amount?
0.4g/day or if NT defect 4g/day
Poor growth - definition, measured,f/u, risk factors?
Fetal growth restriction <10th percentile (<3==severe).
Crown rump length most reliable.
BPP getting amnio fluid volume and umbilical cord doppler. NST.
IUGR dx then twice weekly antenatal testing.
DM2 (not DM1), CVD, HTN, CVA, COPD, BMI. Polyhydramios w reverse doppler flow = deliver now
Normal changes in preg: Blood? CV? Pulm? Renal? Uterus? Progesterone?
Blood: 36% volume (47% plasma, RBCs 17%)
CV: increase in CO (inc HR and SV)
Pulm: Physio dyspnea of preg. 15% insp cap from inc TV and insp reserve. Dec of FRC to 80% of nl
Renal: comp met alk
Uterus and R ovarian vein compress ureter causing hydronep (R more than L). Sigmoid colon protects L.
Progesterone is a smooth muscle relaxant - GERD.
Estrogens/OCPs effects?
Bone protective
Increase in TBG (inc in total T4 but not free).
Risk for blot clots, HTN
Molar pregnancy - presentation? Mets?
Snowstorm appearance on TransVUS.
Lungs are most common site - thus get CXR.
Methods to prolong pregnancy: when to use each? and what each does?
“MTS” - mag, tocolytic, steroids
<32wk - Mag & indometacin & Betamethasone
<34wk - Indomethacin & Betamethasone
<37wk - Betamethasone
Magnesium - develops nervous system, prevents CP.
Indometahcin - tocyltic - allows for you to get steroids on board. Renally excreted.
Steroids = lung maturation
Infertility - defintion? Tx?
1 year of trying.
PCOS - get testosterone levels.
Psych meds - anti-DOPA == inc ProLactin. Fix meds before bromocriptine
Ovarian insufficiency - look for antimullerian hormones
Tx - sex 18 days post-mences.
Prolapse thru vagina or incontince -tx?
Time for postpartum urinary retention?
1) Pelvic floor strengthening then 2) Pessary
Inability to void >=6hrs post NSVD
Endocrine disorders
Phenotympic female at birth, no upper ⅓ of vag or rest of female sex organs. With (androgen insensitivity syndrome->test to est. Androgen receptor cannot inhibit boob formation) vs without breasts (Alpha-5reductase, increase masculine features during puberty, )
“blue tinged vaginal protrusion”
Imperofate hymen
Post-menopausal bleeding?
Requires endometrial biopsy (less likely <=4mm
Compare end, firbroids [heavy menstrual bleeding, firm uterus], endometrioma[no affect on uterus - chronic pelvic pain 25-35yo, dysmenorrhia], cysts, adeno [boggy tender uterus**in multip 40+ women, chornic pelvic pain with increased bleeding, w symmetrically enlarge ut]…this is the most imporant
Primary ovarian insufficiency - definition and labs will show?
<=40yo. Increase in GnRH, FSH. Decreased Estrogen (ovarians cannot respond)
Bilateral lower quadrant pain & tenderness post c-section
Septic thrombophelbitis of pelvic/ovarian/uterine veins. T antibiotics and anticoag.
1) Unilateral breast inflammation?
2) Tender mobile breast mass?
3) When BRCA?
1) w/ fever - think mastitis, especially breast feeding. Give antibiotic and continue to feed
W/o fever - inflam breast carcinoma esp with dimpling/pitting (po’deorange). Possible axilliary lymph as well.
2) Likely benign. US shows simple echogenic likely cyst. FNA if clear monitor for 2-4 months. Then yearly survel.
3) 1 in 8 risk of breast cancer. BRCA if family dx before 50
Woman postpart with discharge and fever
Post-part endometriosis. Risks = csection, chorioamniotisi, Group B strep, Gonn/Chlam, Prolonged ROM. Tx with Cef/azith
Antibiotic combos?
Clind and gento = chalm and gonn
Annovoluation in a reproductive woman?
Give progesterone challenge to see if she bleeds.
Weight gain in pregnancy?
Woman pregnant after 6months - at risk for?
Short interpreg interval (ideally >18mnths). Anemia, PPROM, preterm, low birthweight.
Fever, nausea vomitting in preg:
- w right sided pain
- unilateral pain
- FHR inc and fever == infection generally
- Acute appendicitis from uterus affecting anatomy. Sudden onset. Can have atypical right mid to upper quad w flank pain. Mild Leukocytosis. Psoas (hip extension) obturator (inernal hip rot pain), rovsing (RLQ with LLQ palp)
- Ovarian torsion. Possible palpable mass. Absent doppler flow to ovary. Tx: Lap with detorsion.
- Ruptured ectopic pregnancy: hCG, US (“RING of fire == increased doppler flow).
- Nephrolithiasis - more flank pain but keep in ddx
Tired patient 5 months after pph. Other sxs?
Sheehans - pit infarct
- Dec prolactin: trouble breastfeeding
- Amenorrhea: dec FSH/LH
- Bradycardia: dec TSH.
- Anorexia/weight loss, HoTN (dec ACTH)
- Decreased lean body mass (dec grwoth hormone)
Fertile age woman with acute abdomen (guarding with decreased bowel sounds)
Hemopertineum from ruptured extopic preg. Dx/Tx: Ex lap. Get HCG if she were stable.
Causes of hirsuitism
PCOS, idiopathic, Nonclassic 21-hydroxy def, androgen-secreting ovarian tumors, ovarian hyperthecosis, cushing
Virilization - what is it? Compared with? Signs? Labs?
Severe Hyperandrogenism. Worse than hirsuitism. Voice deepening strong sign. Male pattern baldness, increased muscle, clitoromegaly. Get test, 17-hydroxygpreorgestorne and DHEAS.
If virulization: unlikely PCOS. more likely androgen secreting tumor( Sertoli-leydig or adrenal TUMOR.)
TransUV - bilateral fetal kidneys are enlarged with thin renal cortices? What else to expect? Name?
Posterior urethral valves. Potters sequence: expect oligohydramnois with increased FHR and hypoplastic lungs. Limb deformities/flat faces. Poor prog
Women cannot void >6 hrs post preg
Postpartum urinary retention due to pudenal nerve injury causing bladder atony.
White odorless discharge during cycle?
Physiologic leukorrhea - expect rare polymorphonuclear leukocytes.
Vaginal Infections/STIs?
Risk factors? Tx?
Bacterial Vaginosis Gardenerella vaginalis - malodorous discharge after mensces/intercourse. Clue cells >=20%. pH>4.5. Tx: metronidazole (even if preg; 500mg BID/7days) or clindamycin.
Candidiasis - white vaginal discharge, vulvur pruritis. Hyphae & +KOH test. RF: DM, Immunosupp, preg, OCP (increased Estrogen), antibiotics. Dx: nl pH, pseudohypahe. Tx: Flucanozole. pH 3.8-4.5
Acute cervicits - NAAT, Chlam/Gono. Spotting, mucopurlent cervical discharge. Abdundan polymorphs. NO organisms on microscopy.
Trich - vulvovaginal pruritus - malodorous green vag discharge. Protozoa. pH>4.5 Tx: metronidazole & partner
Still born male, short bent extremiities, limb fractures and hypoplastic thorax.
Osteogenisis imperfecta Type II. Auto dom, type I collagen defect.
Patient from india with cough, progressive dysnpea, orthopnea
Pulm Edema due to develop of new Atrial fib with rapid ventricular reposne (RVR) due to prior rheumatic heart disease. == mitral stenosis.
Granulosa = estrogen
Sertoli-leydig = testo, ovarian mass
yolk-sac = AFP
Dysgerminous (placental tissue) = hCG.
Woman with multiple miscarriages? Dx? Tx?
Antiphospholid syndrome. Anti-cardiolipin Lupus anticoag Anti-beta2-glyocoprotein. Tx: anticoag
Dysparunia, dymetria, dyschezia. Posssible met/Menorrahgia? Dx? Risk for?
Endometriosis. Risk for infertility.
Treat with NSAIDs & OCPs first. Then ex lap + removal.
Menopause -
Tx with contraindications
Vasomotor sxs
Sleep disturbances, cognitive decline, Depression
Decreased libido.
GU: Vaginal bleeding, dysparenunia, dryness, atrophy, urinary incontence. UTIs
Tx: Topical estrogen or HRT. Contra=CAD, Thromboembolism, TIA/CVA, breast/endo cancer. SSRIs
1) Classical cong adrenal hyperplasia
2) Nonclassical cong adrenal hyperplasia
3) Adrenocortical carcinoma
4) Aromatse deficiency.
5) Kallman syndrome
6) McCune-Albright
1) 21-hydrox def. Salt-wasting adrenal with hypohormone. inc in 17-h levels. NOT test.
2) 17-hydrox def. Hyperandrog. Inc 17-h levels. Not test.
3) DHEAS levels not test. Virulization.
4) No DHEAS to estradiol. Virulization
5) hypogonadotropic hypogonadism with anosmia
6) Traid: cafe au lait, polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, autonmous endo hyperfunctions
7) Hirsuit with Metabolic syndrome, OSA, NASH, endohyper. Tx: Weight loss, OCP/Clomiphene
PAP, Cerv, HPV
epithelial cells are common 45<= uncommon to have epithelial cells (meaning risk for endo cancer).
PID: Sxs PE Tx Risks
Lower abd pain with abnl bleeding.
Cervical motion tenderness, fever, discharge
Tx: Third-gen ceph with Azith or doxy
Risks: Tubo-ovarian abscess, infert, ectopic preg, perihepatisis (Fitz-hugh-curtis)* RUQ pain can present*