OBGYN Flashcards
Cervical Cancer screening: 3 years after onset sex or 18/21 (whichever is earlier). Risk for getting HPV (and thus cervical cancer) is lower in women if they don’t have sex with men. Even if a woman is lesbian, should still get the regular screening schedule. Annual screening is the recommendation.
An adequate Pap smar should have endocervical or squamous metaplastic cells seen in the smear. If no endocervical cells are seen on a pap smear, should do follow up in 1 year for low risk women with hx of normal smear, whereas high risk women (abnormal previous smear, immunosuppresion), should have smear repeated in 4-6 months.
Cervical Pap revealing low grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL) or low grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN1): These usually regress spontaneously, so just do expectant management. Should just do repeat cytology at 6 and 12 months, or HPV DNA testing at 12 months. If there is progression seen on the f/u, then treatment is indicated. If action is needed, the next step is always to do an excision, since this allows for histological examination.
High grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL): Includes CIN II and III, moderate/severe dysplasia, and carcinoma in situ. HSIL shoulod always be Rx with ablation or excision. Ablation can be done using cryosurgery or laser. Excision can be done using LEEP or laser/knife conization. LEEP is the TOC for HSIL, since it’s accurate and low cost.
Bleeding is the most common complication after cervical conization (cone biopsy)., whether its cold knife or LEEP.
Atypical Squamous cells of unknown significance (ASCUS): If you see this on a pap smear, you should do HPV DNA testing. You do samples for both cytology and HPV DNA> Do cytology first, and if negative, no need for HPV DNA. If positive, should get HPV DNA. If the HPV DNA is a high risk type, do a immediate colposcopy. If test is negative, do repeat papin 1 year.
Cervical Cancer: HPV is strongly linked. Some RF include early initiation of sexual activity, multiple sexual partners, and high risk partners. Pap smear is effective screening. Screening should be started either at 18 yo (some say 21) or 3 years after initiation of sexual activity, whichever is earlier. This is because high grade cervical cytological changes don’t happen until 3-5 years after HPV exposure.
Surgical Rx of CIN before conception increases incidence of cervicalincompetence and preterm birth by 2-3x. If a pregnant pt has PMH of this, should measure length of cervix in the second trimester. Repeated cervical exams to evaluate for cervical stenosis will be needed in the 2nd trimester. If a pt has hx of pregnancy loss after cervical surgery, then consider placing a cervical cerclage in the 2nd trimester. This will prevent loss of pregnancy d/t cervical incompetence.
Condylomata Acuminata (anogenital warts): can manifest with pruritis, bleeding, burning, tenderness, vaginal discharge, and pain. Large lesions can interfere with defecation, intercourse, and delivery. Looks like warty projections on the post wall of vagina. Another description is a flesh colored, hyperkeratotic papules. If you apply acetic acid to the lesions, they will turn white. These are caused by HPV, and is the MC viral STD in the USA. Rx includes chemical, immunotherapy, and surgery. First, try the chemical destruction (trichloroacetic acid application). This will destroy the lesion, although the clearance rate is low and repeated applications are often necessary. Safe for pregnancy, no intervention needed during delivery if lesions are present. Podophyllin has similar effect to trichloroacetic acid, but is contraindicated in pregnancy.
Gestational DM: All pregnant pt should be screened btw 24th and 28th weeks using 50 gm glucose tolerance test. You give 50 gm of glucose, then check levels 1 hour after. If on this first test, pt has a blood glucose > 140, should then give them a 3 h glucose tolerance test after ingesting 100 gm. If in this test, you get 2 or more blood glucose values > 105, 190, 165, and 145 at 0, 1, 2, and 3 hours respectively, then you’ve dx gestational DM. The recommendation for a fasting blood glucose value on pregnant DM pt should range btw 60-90., and postprandial should be
Pt on OCP with hypoTH: Estrogen of OCP will increase TBG levels, which will decrease the free T4 (and increase total T4). Person should increase the dose of levothyroxine.
Norplant: 6 capsules of levonorgestrel which are placed subdermally, generally in the upper arm. Offers contraceptive protection for 5 years. MC complication is menorrhagia (prolonged vaginal bleeding during periods), which happens in 30% of cases. Less commonly, VTE, PE
Emergency Contraception: levonorgestrel is the recommended method. It has maximal efficacy when used the first 12 hours after intercourse, good efficacy within 48 hours, and appears to work even up to 120 hours after intercourse.
Pregnancy Rates for various contraceptives: Best are implantable and injectable contraceptives (implantable levonorgestrel and depot medroxyprogesterone acetate) have the lowest rate of pregnancy (
OCP contraindications: Absolute ones include hx of VTE/stroke, acute liver disease, hx of estrogen dependent tumor, pregnancy, abnormal uterine bleeding, heavy smokers who are older than 35, and hypertriglyceridemia.. Relative contraindications are migraines, poorly controlled HTN, and anticonvulsant drug therapy.
Anti-seizure medications lower efficacy of OCP by induction of P450. All antiseizure meds lower efficacy except gabapentin and valproate.
OCP: if taken perfectly (never miss a pill, takes pill at same time each day, no vomit/diarrhea), theer is 99.9% efficacy. Risk of fetal anomalites /2 use of OCP during pregnancy is negligible.
Depot medroxyprogesterone: can help decrease menstrual flow and produces temporal amenorrhea, diminishing episodes of blood loss in the pt. This can be useful if pt has a hematologic disorder. It also dereases the risks of PID and endometrial cancer.
Exercise induced amenorrhea: Females who maintain a lower weight or BMI may become hypoestrogenic, which causes amenorrhea. In addition, the low estrogen also predisposes them to developing osteopenia and even osteoperosis. Spontaneous fractures have been seen. Rx with gain weight, or HRT and Ca/Vit D if calories not possible. Remember that exercise induced amenorrhea is a diagnosis of exclusion (always check TH and prolactin). The hypoestrogenemia is d/t a decrease in the pulsatile secretion of LH.
Vulvovaginitis: Common infectious causes are candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis, and trichomoniasis. A good technique is saline and KOH prep for microscopy. On this, candidiasis will show pseudohyphae. Bacterial vaginosis will show clue cells. Trichomoniasis will show motile trichomonads and lots of PMN cells.
Bacterial Vaginosis: Imbalance in the normal vaginal bacterial flora associated w/ increased numberw of Gardnerella various bacteria. Dx when 3 of the following criteria are present: homogenous vaginal discharge, vaginal pH > 4.5, amine odor with KOH application, or presence of clue cells on microscopic exam of wet mount. Many women are asymptomatic, but BV often causes an excessive white/gray vaginal discharge or foul/fishy odor, especially after intercourse (d/t male semen). BV has association w/ pregnancy complications (spontaneous abortion, PROM, preterm delivery). Adverse outcomes of pregnancy are not improved when BV is screened for or treated in an average risk asymptomatic woman, so asymptomatic pt should be monitored but not treated. If you do decide to Rx, the Rx is oral metronidazole or clindamycin. If a pt is symptomatic or high risk (for preterm labor), then you should Rx the condition.
Tcichomoniasis: If symptomatic, characterized by a copious frothy gray-green discharge, fishy odor, vulvar and vaginal pruritis, or dysuria. On a smear, you’ll se epear shaped motile organisms. Vaginal and cervical petechiae (strawberry cervix) can sometimes be seen. Rx is indicated for all women dx with trichomoniasis and their partners. Rx is with metronidazole. While it enters breast milk, no known side effects. General recommendation is to Rx with metro 2g PO for 1 dose, then breastfeeding should be d/c for 12-24 hours after the dose.
Atrophic Vaginitis: MCC of postmenopausal bleeding. Should always r/o more serious stuff (endometrial cancer) by endometrial biopsy before diagnosing this. Atrophic vaginitis is characterized by vaginal dryness, burning, dyspareunia, and reduced vaginal secretions, and vulvar pruritis. Sometimes, urinary symptoms might be seen. Pelvic exam shows loss of labial labial fullness, pallor of vaginal epithelium, and decreased vaginalsecretions. This is usually d/t declining estrogen levels. You might also see it in non-menopausal women, where estrogen production can be stunted by radiation rx, chemotherapy, immunologic disorders, and lactation. Rx with HRT, lubricants, or transvaginal estrogen replacement (cream, hrmone releasing rings).
Folic acid for pregnancy: Should start 0.4-0.8 mg/day of folic acid supplementation at least 1 month before conception.
First prenatal visit: should get blood type + antibody screen, Rh, CBC, rubella status, screen for syphyliss, chliamydia, and HIV, hep B surface antigen, U/A + culture, and pap smear. On subsequent visit, should check BP, weight, uterine fundal height, fetal heart tones, fetal presentation and activity, and urine glucose and protein. This discovers 50% of fetuses w/ growth abnormalities, prevention of 70% of eclampsia episodes, and detection of 80% of breech presentations.
Gestational Thrombocytopenia: benign condition, defined by the presence of 5 criteria. They include mild and asymptomatic thrombocytopenia, develop late in pregnancy, no hx of thrombocytopenia outside of pregnancy, no evidence of fetal thrombocytopenia, and spontaneous resolution once the child is delivered. Rx conservatively, and f/u to make sure the thrombocytopenia resolves after pregnancy.
HELLP syndrome: hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets. This is an ominous variant of severe preeclampsia, and is responsible for 20% of cases of thrombocytopenia in pregnancy. Rx with Mg sulfate to reduce seizure risk.
Asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnant pt: should be Rx promptly, since it can quickly progress to cystitis and pyelonephritis. These 2 conditions are associated with preterm labor and premature birth. E. Coli is the most common, but S. Agalactiae can also be present. S. agalactiae indicates GBS colonization, which should be Rx with penicillin G or cephalexin.
Rho D immune globulin (anti-D immune globulin): Give at 28 wks if needed (father unknown status, mom is Rh – with no anti-D antibodies). Also, if there is feto-maternal hemorrhage during the birth (ex placental abruption), then you should consider giving anti-D. Do a rosette test. This helps determine presence of feto-maternal hemorrhage. If negative, than the standard dose of anti-D should be given. If positive, dose of anti-D should be increased accordingly. Eisenmenger Syndrome (reversal of L to R shunt) in pregnant pt: There is high risk of maternal and fetal deterioration. There is a 30-50% risk of mortality. There is alos higher risk of spontaneous abortion, preterm delivery, and fetal mortality. All pregnant pt with Eisenmenger syndrome are advised to abort the pregnancy.
Subchorionic hematoma: Bleeding btw the endometrium and gestational sac. Appears on US as a crescent shaped hypoechoic region adjacent to the gestational sac. MC source of first trimester bleeding. Manage expectantly until symptoms resolve or additional findings develop. Should re-evaluate in 1 weeek. There are no known therapeutic Rx for the condition. Pregnant women with this are at increased risk for spontaneous abortions.
Exercise during pregnancy: Should be continued as long as its comfortable. Avoid scuba diving, very stressful sports (distance running), and sports w/ risk of falling (ski).
Pruritis in pregnancy: Pruritis is very common during pregnancy. It affects up to 20% of pregnant women. Symptom may be a manifestation of pregnancy associated dermatosis. Usually involves the scalp, anus, vulva, and abdomen. Can just Rx symptomatically if needed (topical steroid, antihistamines).
Papular urticarial papules and plaques o fpregnancy (PUPPP): common pregnancy associated dermatosis that is characterized by erythematous papules within the striae gravidarum. Rx with tomical steroids.
Herpes gestationis (aka pemphigoid gestationis): uncommon blistering dermatosis that I sassociated with pregnancy. May first manifest as abd pruritis (and looked on as benign). Eventually, a rash develops. Rash is localized around umbilicus, and is characterized by papules, urticarial plaques, and vesicles. This is an autoimmune disorder (NOT caused by a virus). It’s an autoimmune disease. Thus, rx with corticosteroids mainly. For milder cases, just use triamcinolone (weaker steroid). In more advanced cases, systemic steroids are employed.
Serum AFP: usually measured during 16-20 wks gestation to detect open neural tube defects. An elevated AFP (> 2-2.5) is present in open spina bifida and anencephaly. This can also be present in other fetal abnormalities, like congenital nephrosis, ventral wall defects, etc. If you get an elevated AFP but it’s not greater than 7.0, then do a repeat AFP. 30% of the repeat tests will end up being normal. If repeat values are high or if the AFP is > 7, then an US should be done to confirm gestational age and look for neurologic abnormalities. Amniocentesis becomes necessary only if the US is normal or inconclusive despite highi AFP levels.
Hemophilia A: X-linked recessive disorder. Leads to deficit in coag factor VIII. For a female to be a carrier, there must have been a FH in the past somewhere.