Obgyn Flashcards
prolactinoma pres
child bearing age females
amenorrhea/ oligomen
ED men
visual problems in macroadenoma (eyes on boobs)
RF: MEN-1 or FIPA mutations, oestrogen therapy
Prolactinoma Ix
High serum prolactin
Pituitary MRI
Computerized visual field exam
Prolactinoma tx
asympt = observation
sympt = 1st dopamine agonist (cabergoline or bromocriptine), 2nd = COCP, 3rd = trans-sphenoidal surgery, 4th = sellar radiotherapy
skip COCP if wanting to get preg
What are charcoal swabs used for
- BV
- Candida
- Gonorrhoea (specifically endocervical swab after NAAT swab)
- Trich (specifically posterior fornix swab)
- Other bac, e.g. group B strep
What are NAAT swabs used for
Directly for DNA or RNA via endocervical, vulvovaginal swabs or first catch urine:
- Chlamydia
- Gonorrhoea (after NAAT, charcoal is needed for sensitivities, etc)
- Mycoplasma genitalum (too slow growing for culture)
what is seen on microscopy with BV
clue cells - usually Gardnerella vaginalis
BV tx and advice when prescribing
asymptomatic = none
otherwise metronidazole orally 400mg 2x day 5-7 days or vaginal gel
preg = oral
advise avoid alcohol for duration of tx
alternative = clindamycin
thrush organism
candida albicans
thrush classic pres
cottage cheese thick, white discharge, not smelly
itching and irritation around vag and vulva
soreness or stinging during sex or urination
satellite lesions rash (fungus causes this)
thrush tx
if preg = clotrimazole 500mg via pessary single dose (anti-fungal) not tablets!
pessaries can cause damage condoms etc so alternative contraception for 5 days after use
non-preg = single dose fluconazole or clotrimazole oral tablet 140mg (contraindicated in SSRIs)
trich organism
Trichomonas vaginalis = protozoan single-celled parasite with flagella, spread through sex
trich pres and results on ix
frothy and yellow green discharge
strawberry cervix (colpitis macaluris) bc of tiny haemorrhages
charcoal swab taken from posterior fornix of vag
trich tx
metronidazole same as BV
chancroid organism
Gram-negative coccobacillus – Haemophilus ducreyi
chancroid pres
PAINFUL genital ulcer – soft, ragged edges, 1-2cm
Fluctuant lymphadenitis (bubos)
chancroid ix
gram stain ulcer and bubo aspirates - school of fish coccibacilli seen
culture and PCR shows h.dycreyi
Syphillis, HSV, HIV should all come back neg. Repeat HIV after 3 months to confirm
chancroid tx
azithro 1mg oral single dose
ciproflox 500mg oral 2x for 3 days (not in preg)
Behcet’s three pres
oral ulcers
genital ulcers
anterior uveitis
chlamydia organism
gram -ve intracellular chlamydia trachomatis
what is lympthogranuloma and its tx
strain of chlamydia unilaterally affecting painless ulcer, lymph nodes, inflam of rectum (proctitis, presenting as change in bowel habits, tenesmus) and groove sign, increasingly identified in MSM HIV positive, tx = doxy 100mg 2x daily for 21 days
chlamydia ix
NAAT is diagnostic
vag exam shows pelvic or ab tenderness, cervical excitation, inflamed cervix, purulent discharged
chlamydia tx
- 1st doxycycline 100mg 2x for 7 days
- Contraindicated in preg and breastfeeding – azithromycin, erythro or amox
TOC at 6 weeks
syphilis organism
treponema pallidum – spirochete
21 day incubation
syphilis primary stage
PAINLESS genital ulcer, hard raised edges (chancre), usually resolves 3-8 weeks, local lymphadenopathy in genital areas
syphilis secondary stage
systemic symptoms of skin or mucous membranes, e.g. maculopapular rash, low-grade fever, lymphadenopathy, alopecia, oral lesions, Condylomata lata (grey wart-like lesions around genitals and anus), usually after chancre has healed.
syphilis tertiary stage
many years after initial infection, multi-organ pres, esp development of rare gummas (soft, non-cancerous growth), aortic aneurysms
poss neurosyphilis - headache, altered behaviour, dementia, Tabes dorsalis (demyelination affecting spinal cord posterior columns), Ocular syphilis (eyes), paralysis, sensory impairment
Argyll-Robertson pupil – a constricted pupil that accommodates when focusing on near object, but doesn’t react to light. Often irregular shaped and referred to as ‘prostitutes pupil’
syphilis tx and tx SEs
Single deep IM dose of benzathine benzylpenicillin
oral doxy 2nd line
neurosyph - aqueuous benpen
SE = Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction – fever, chills, tachy, rash, literally pt will feel like they’re dying
HSV-1 causes what and lies dormant in what nerve ganglia?
cold sores (herpes labialis)
trigem ng
HSV-2 causes what and lies dormant in what nerve ganglia?
genital ulcers - multiple, tender, erythematous, painful
sacral ng
herpes gold std ix
NAAT swab
herpes tx
Aciclovir 200mg 5x a day for genital herpes
herpes in preg tx - meds and mode of birth
<28 weeks = aciclovir + prophylactic aciclovir from 36 weeks + normal delivery if asymptomatic
28 weeks = aciclovir + prophylactic aciclovir from 36 weeks + c section
genital warts caused by what strains of HPV
6 and 11
genital warts tx
- Multiple, non-keratinized warts = podophyllotoxin 0.5% solution or 0.15% cream, imiquimod 5%, sinecatechins 10%
- Solitary, keratinized warts = ablative methods – cryotherapy, excision, electrocautery
gonorrhoea organism
Neisseria gonorrhoeae = gram negative intracellular diplococci
Infects mucous membranes with columnar epithelium, e.g. endocervix, urethra, rectum, conjunctiva and pharynx
gonorrhoea tx
- Single dose IM ceftriaxone 1g if sensitivities not known or if preg
- Single dose oral ciprofloxacin 500mg if sensitivities known
Follow-up TOC 72 hours after treatment for culture (symptomatic pts), 7 days after tx (RNA NAAT) or 14 days after tx (DNA NAAT)
gonorrhea common complications
- infertility
epidymo-orchitis (men), prostatitis, conjuctivitis, septic arthritis etc.
- Gonococcal conjunctivitis in neonates – ophthalmia neonatorum – contracted from mother during birth, medical emergency, associated with sepsis, perforation of eye and blindness
- Disseminated Gonococcal Infection (GDI) = untreated gon infection where bac spreads to skin and joints. Causes skin lesions, polyarthralgia, migratory polyarthritis, tenosynovitis, systemic symptoms
HIV screening test options
1st fourth gen lab combined test for HIV antibodies and p24 antigen - window period of 45 days
Point-of-care HIV antibody tests - results within minutes- 90 day window period
normal range CD4 count
500-1200 cells/mm3
<200 = high risk infections
HIV tx
specialist centre / GUM referral
ART meds - aim for normal CD4 count and undetectable viral load (<20 copies/ml)
Prophylactic co-trimaxole if CD4<200 bc risk PCP
Close monitoring CVD, yearly smears, vaccinations (avoid BCG and typhoid bc live)
Preg HIV monitoring and meds
36 weeks viral load checked
<50 copies/ml = normal vag delivery
> 50 = consider pre-labour c section
> 400 = pre-labour c-section
IV zidovudine as infusion during labour+delivery if viral load unknown or >1000, then as prophylaxis for baby. avoid breastfeeding.
PEP how many hours after exposure
within 72 hrs
pubic lice organism
Phthirus pubis
pubic lice tx
refer gum, contract tracing, etc
Insecticides: Permethrin 5% cream or Malathion 0.5% aq solution
decontamination clothes etc
How often is mammo screening
every 3 years for women between 50-70 yrs
annually if high risk + chemoprevention offered: tamoxifen if premeno, anastrozole if postmeno (except if osteoporosis). Offered risk-reducing bilateral mastectomy or bilateral oophorectomy
most common metastases of breast cancer
2Ls and 2Bs:
lungs, liver, bones, brain
triple assessment for breast cancer
- clin assessment (hx+exam)
- imaging (US or mammography)
- histology (fine needle aspiration or core biopsy)
what is neoadjuvant therapy
chemo to shrink tumour before surgery
what is adjuvant chemo
chemo after surgery to reduce recurrence
what med supresses lactation
benign, warty lesion
with clear /blood-stained nipple discharge
nipple producing thick sticky substance
mammary ductal ectasia
also known as plasma cell mastitis
symptoms fluctuating with menstrual cycle
tender lump
fluctuating breast size
fibrocystic breast changes
small and mobile (breast mouse)
fixed in local structure
skin dimpling or nipple inversion
associated with oil cyst
possibly after trauma to breast
fat necrosis
after stopping lactating
40-50yrs old
phyllodes tumour (usually benign)
rapid phyllis even when old