Obest. History Flashcards
Enumerate obs. History???
- Current pregnancy 🤰 detailes
- Past obst. History
- Past gyn. History
- Family&social
- Past Medical & surgical
- Drugs & allergies
Why it is important to ensure privacy in obst. Clinics???
- Obst. Require intimate examination
- Discuss sensetive informations
- Domenstrate respect & confedentiality
Its important to offer a………. As chaoeron in obs.
Health professional
Informations contained in patients hand - held note???
Define gravidity???
Number of pregnancies, including current one
Define parity!!!!
Number of births, Byond 24 wks
Definecompare btw :
- Primi gravida
- Primi para
- Experienceed her first pregnancy
2. Pregnant for first time / who has given birth to only one child
Compare btw :
Nulli gravida
- Never given birth / never had a pregnancy progress byond gestational age of abortion.
- Never been pregnant + not now pregnant
Gravidity and parity explained with……………
Gravida x, para a+b
A women who has pregnant for 4th time, with 1 normal delivery at term, 1 termination at 9 wks, 1 miscariage at 16wks!???
Explain gravidity and parity
Claculate EDD from……. Day of……….. Period,using…………
Ist day
Last menstruak peride
Nqegele’s rule
Clacukate EDD for women her LMP was 11/ 5/2021
Enumerate details may affect validity of the oatients EDD as calcukated from her LMP???
- Long cycles
- Irregukar periods
- Recent use of COCP
Btw……… More reliable than LMP??
Ultrasound scans
8 and 13 wks
If > 20 wks, enquire about
Fetal movements
Results of antenatal blood tsets are……. And…….
Past obs. History?!
- Detailes of all previous pregnancies
- Length of gestation
- Date & place of delivery
- Onset of labor
- Mode of delivery
- Sex & birth wieght
- Fetal and neonatal life
8 adverse outcomes ( sgoukder dystocia, still birth, post partum hg
Family history an obs???
- Familial disorders such as thrombofilias
- Previous affected pregnancies with chromosomal defects, HPT, early pregnancy loss, oreterm delivery
- Consanguinity
History of hereditary and congenital defects is important and required to……..???
Ensure adequate counselling and screening is offered
Social history in obst!!!!
- Smoking, drugs, alcohol
- Domestic violence
3.plans for breast feeding
4.Social aspects such as plans for childcare arrangments.
Osychiatric illness esp. In postpartum peride