Obesity Flashcards
1: Weight Stigma
Learning Outcomes
- Define weight stigma and where weight stigma is found
- Describe empirical examples of weight stigma in children and the impact it has on real world outcomes
- Describe empirical examples of weight stigma in the workplace and health settings
- Describe the impact weight stigma has on pro-health behaviours
- Critically evaluate research on weight stigma
- Identify the main explanation for weight stigma
- Identify strategies to reduce weight stigma
1: Weight Stigma
What is weight stigma?
Definition: weight stigma refers to the negative attitudes held towards people who are overweight or obese and any subsequent prejudice and discrimination
For example: characters in films who are overweight are often portrayed as, in the case of female characters, masculine, non-sexual, the “side-kick”, the “funny one“ and in general just as negative characters – Miss Trunchbull, Marge Dursley, “Shallow Hal”, Megan in Bridesmaids. These negative portrayals can also be seen for male characters – Norbit, Jurassic Park
1: Weight Stigma
Obesity in the UK
In the UK in 2015:
• 2/3rds of UK adults were overweight or obese
• In children:
1 in 5 children in reception were overweight or obese
1 in 3 children in year 6 were overweight or obese
• Obesity can lead to a number of chronic diseases including Type II diabetes, coronary heart disease and cancer
• Affects quality of life and wellbeing
1: Weight Stigma
What kind of stigmatised views do people hold?
Where are they found?
There are strong negative attitudes towards people with obesity e.g. unintelligent, lazy, undisciplined, lack willpower and motivation
Weight stigma is the second most common form of discrimination reported by women
Found in personal relationships, education, the workplace, health care and the popular media
1: Weight Stigma
Weight stigma in children: Study
Harrison et al. (2016)
- 126 school children (50% females; mean age: 5.3 years) from 4 UK schools
- Read one of three story books about Alfie and Thomas
- Gave ratings of Alfie and Thomas on attributes (e.g. who is more friendly) and who they would choose to be friends with (Alfie or Thomas)
- Alfie’s weight fluctuated and thomas’ remained thin and constant
- When Alfie was a healthy weight, ratings between Alfie and Thomas did not differ (p = ns).
- When Alfie was a healthy weight, Alfie and Thomas were equally chosen to be friends with.
- When Alfie was overweight, he was rated as being less likely to win a race and as having fewer friends compared to healthy weight Thomas (p < .01).
- When Alfie was overweight, 42 out of 43 children chose to be friends with Thomas.
- When forced to choose, children preferred to be friends with a healthy weight child compared to a peer who was overweight
1: Weight Stigma
Impact of weight stigma on children
Teasing and bullying:
- 71% of boys enrolled in a weight loss programme reported weight-based teasing and bullying
Psychological health - Weight-based teasing:
- Predicted lower self-esteem, lower body image and higher depressive symptoms
- victims 2 times more likely to think about a suicide attempt compared to those not weight-teased
Academic performance:
- Avoid school
- Teachers rated heavier children’s academic performance to be worse than their test results showed
Future weight status:
- Project EAT-IV
Longitudinal 15-year study (n = 1830, M: 15 years).
- Weight-based teasing predicted binge eating, weight gain and obesity 15 years later (even after controlling for starting BMI)
1: Weight Stigma
Weight stigma in adults
The workplace
Weight status is a source of discrimination and prejudice in the workplace, especially for women
Nickson et al. 2016
- “Assume you are a recruiter and need to hire someone for a customer facing and non-customer facing role. All candidates hold the same skills and experience.
Who would you pick?”
- Pick of thin person and same person morphed to be a higher BMI
- Laboratory study with 120 participants (50% female)
- For non-customer facing jobs, weight status did not significantly affect hiring.
- For customer facing jobs, participants were more likely to hire non-overweight Vs overweight candidates – this effect was stronger for the female faces than female
- even slight changes in weight can affect job selection, even if in a healthy BMI, effect is worse for women
1: Weight Stigma
Weight stigma in health care environments:
- Blood pressure cuffs, weighing scales and waiting rooms chairs can be too small
Weight stigma in health care practitioners
- Health care practitioners perceive patients with obesity to be “weak-willed, sloppy and lazy” and “awkward, unattractive, ugly and non-compliant”
- Strong implicit and explicit anti-fat bias in health care practitioners
Schwartz et al (2003)
- 389 obesity professionals
- Looked at:
1) Explicit attitudes and beliefs (7-point scales)
2) Implicit Association Task (reaction times to stimuli, faster with congruent stimuli with regards to own views)
1) Explicit Attitudes
- Rated as more lazy, stupid (both ps
1: Weight Stigma
Impact of weight stigma on patients
- Increased cortisol and blood pressure
- Avoid and delay using health care services:
Less likely to attend cancer screenings - Less effective communication - less likely to recall advice and follow instructions
1: Weight Stigma
Impact of weight stigma on pro-health behaviours
Weight Stigma and Food Intake
Women (n = 74; overweight Vs non-overweight) watched stigmatising video Vs neutral video and were then provided with snacks
Results: Intake was 3x greater for overweight women in stigma condition compared to those in the neutral condition
1: Weight Stigma
Explanations for weight stigma - attributing blame to the individual
Attribution of Causality - weight stigma occurs because blame is attributed to the individual
People with obesity are perceived to be lazy and undisciplined. This belief persists despite the majority of the UK having a BMI that is overweight or obese.
1: Weight Stigma
What happens if external attributions are made?
DeJong, 1993
- 168 high-schoolers rated healthy Vs overweight woman.
• Said the people being rated were overweight due to either an internal Vs external cause.
• Internal attribution - Woman who was overweight was rated as more self-indulgent and less disciplined
• External attribution - Ratings did not differ between the overweight and healthy-weight woman.
1: Weight Stigma
How can weight stigma be reduced?
Education and training
Training for health care professionals
- educate health care professionals and educators about the causes of obesity
- make people aware of the anti-fat biases they hold (IAT test)
- use patient-centred, empathetic behaviour change approaches
- create safe and non-stigmatising environments in education and health care settings
Kushner et al. (2014) – Impact of education
- First year medical students (n = 127; 47% females). Rated explicit attitudes pre- and post-training.
- Training: Patient training role playing scenarios with overweight patients –> received feedback –> Practised 4-6 times
- Negative stereotypes significantly reduced from baseline (2.31±0.55) to post-training (2.18±0.57), p=0.002
- However, the effect diminished at 1 year follow up
Study limitations:
- Based on explicit attitude measures – would all attitudes be expressed openly/ salient? More research is needed.
1: Weight Stigma
How can weight stigma be reduced?
People-first language
- Avoids discrimination to people with obesity
- ‘People with obesity’ rather than ‘obese people’
- Avoids labelling people by their disease which can reinforce stigma
- Disease first language is more common for obesity than other diseases.
Google scholar search – more hits for disease-first language compared to people first language – opposite for autism asthma and diabetes.
1: Weight Stigma
- Weight stigma is wide spread and is found in multiple settings (personal, media, education workplace and health)
- In children, weight stigma leads to bullying and impacts socialising and academic performance
- In adults, weight stigma affects employment and health (physical, care seeking, communication, pro-health behaviours)
- Attributing blame to the individual is one of the main reasons for weight stigma
- Education and respectful language are needed to move away from weight stigma but there is still a lot to be done!
2: Social Influences and Eating Behaviour
Learning outcomes
- Define social facilitation (SF), modelling and social norms (dynamic, descriptive and injunctive) related to eating behaviour
- Critically evaluate different methods used to investigate social influences on eating behaviour
- Describe and evaluate studies that have investigated the impact of social influences on eating behaviour
- Recognise that the impact of social influences on eating can be affected by individual differences
- Identify explanations for the impact of social influences on eating behaviour (SF, modelling and social norms)
2: Social Influences and Eating Behaviour
Social facilitation of eating
Social Facilitation - “When people eat in groups, they tend to eat more than they do when alone” Hermans et al 2003
2: Social Influences and Eating Behaviour
Social facilitation of eating
Study 1: De Castro & De Castro (1989)
STUDY: De Castro & De Castro (1989)
Correlational study
Asked ppts to record food intake for 7 days whilst also recording social setting
- “social correlation” – as the number of people increased, food intake increased (r=.4)
- Meals eaten with others were 44% greater (weighed on a scale) compared to eating alone.
This conclusion is supported by multiple studies
- Self-reported eating behaviour
- Correlational data – another factor/ non-social explanation at play?
- Alcohol intake increased food intake
- Tend to eat with family & friends – might choose to eat with people who have similar tastes and eating habits rather than the other person influencing one’s own eating habits to be similar to theirs
2: Social Influences and Eating Behaviour
Social facilitation of eating
Study 2: Clendenen et al 1994
Experimental evidence
Remember: Experimental studies allow for the random allocation of participants to either solo or social conditions.
Key Questions to Consider…
a) Is social facilitation found under controlled laboratory procedures?
b) Do the effects extend when eating with strangers?
Clendenen et al 1994
120 students allocated to one of three conditions:
i. Solo eating
ii. Eating in pairs
iii. Eating in groups of 4
(With friends vs strangers)
- Provided with both savoury and sweet snacks
> IV 1: Social Environment (Solo vs Social)
- Greater intake in the pairs and 4s compared to solo eaters (90%more), no significant difference between pairs and 4s
> IV 2: Familiarity with Others (Strangers vs Friends)
- Greater oreo intake amongst friends (in both pairs and 4s) compared to strangers in pairs and 4s
- Baseline hunger levels? Were some people just hungrier than others?
- Levels of friendship?
- Snack fondness? – what if they didn’t like oreos?
- What about the findings with savoury snacks?