Obedience - Situational Explanations Flashcards
Agentic state
- destructive behaviour occurs when we act as an agent for an authority figure.
- personal responsibility is passed to the authority figure.
Binding factors and reason for
Legitimate authority figure and legitimate setting, reduces moral strain, able to pass the blame onto the victim (allows person to minimise the damaging effects).
Opposite (autonomous state)
Where you take full responsibility for your actions
Agentic shift
You go from the autonomous state to the Agentic state due to legitimate state and setting.
+ positive ao3 (nurses, milgram studies)
- backs up hofling where 21/22 nurses obeyed an order from a legitimate authority figure, without question.
- Explains milgram’s shock study findings as participants obeyed the requests by Mr Williams (legitimate authority figure due to lab coat) made in a legitimate setting (Yale university).
- A study showed a clip of Milgram’s study and asked students “who was responsible?” and they said Mr Williams - participants would’ve been in the Agentic state.
- AO3 negative, nurses + ww2
- doesn’t explain Rank and Jacobson, only 2/18 nurses obeyed a legitimate authority figure in legitimate setting so their must be other factors/reasons that contribute such as innate tendencies to disobey orders that cause intended harm.
- doesn’t explain the gradual and irreversible shift doctors made during WW2, working at concentration camps as they were high standing members of the community but committed some of the worst acts of humanity.
Legitimacy of authority
- society is structured by a hierarchy
- we give up independence to people we trust to exercise authority.
- learned in childhood and reinforced in school (identifiable by uniform).
AO3 STRENGTHS + repeat of Milgram, RWA
• Kilham repeated Milgram’s experiment in:
Australia: 16% 450v
Germany: 85% to 450v
In certain cultures it is embedded that legitimate authority figures are entitled to demand authority.
• Real world application: 500 unarmed civilians were gunned down, women raped, buildings blown up and villages burnt to the ground. Soldier faced charges said “I was just following orders from senior officers”.