Obedience Intensive Flashcards
Active dog:
a dog who has made the connection between their behavior and generally favorable
outcomes (rewards) and as a result is offering behavior to drive the production of said outcomes
Active “stresser”:
a dog whose response to physical or psychological stress is to become
aroused and active, as opposed to a suppressive “stresser”.
A hormone secreted by the adrenal glands, especially in conditions of stress, that
increases rates of blood circulation (heart rate), breathing, and carbohydrate metabolism, and
prepares the muscles for exertion (raises the blood levels of glucose and lipids). Occurs often as
part of the body’s fight or flight response to stress, or highly competitive situations, it also
creates feelings of heightened energy, strength, and alertness. An analgesic (pain-killer).
Agonistic behavior:
Any social behavior related to fighting, including threats, displays, retreats,
placating behaviors, etc.
Appeasement Gestures:
Another term for Distance decreasing signals, or displacement
behaviors, often “submissive” in nature.
the physiological and psychological state of being awoken or of sense organs
stimulated to a point of perception. It involves activation of the ascending reticular activating
system (ARAS) in the brain, which mediates wakefulness, the autonomic nervous system, and
the endocrine system, leading to increased heart rate and blood pressure and a condition of
sensory alertness, mobility, and readiness to respond.
Assisted shaping
a form of shaping behavior in which the handler/trainer helps the dog move
toward the desired behavior with physical inputs like luring, spatial pressure, or the use of
leash manipulation.
In psychology, aversives are unpleasant stimuli that induce changes in behavior via
negative reinforcement or positive punishment. Aversives can vary from being slightly
unpleasant or irritating to physically, psychologically and/or emotionally damaging. It is not the
level of unpleasantness or intention that matter, but rather the level of effectiveness the
unpleasant event has on changing behavior that defines something as aversive. What is aversive
to one dog is not necessarily aversive to another, and aversives should always be viewed from
the dog’s perspective.
Avoidance behavior:
wide ranging types of behavior that dogs employ to cope with stressful
situations. Examples include flight, sniffing the ground, “pretending” something isn’t there,
active submission, etc.
Same as a Conditioned reinforcer, Reward marker, or Secondary reinforcer. It is
called a 'bridge' because it bridges the time between when the dog gives the desired behavior
and when the reinforcer (reward) is actually delivered.
Calming Signals
Behaviors dogs use to communicate non-aggressive intent.
(Shaking, yawning, look away, scratching, lip or nose licking, lifting paw, slow careful
movements, moving slowly in an arc on approach, sitting or lying down, sneezing, blinking)
Classical conditioning (Pavlovian conditioning, Associative learning, Respondent
a conditioning process in which a neutral stimulus (often a sound in dog training,
although not necessarily) precedes/predicts an unconditioned stimulus (generally something the
animal inherently finds valuable) repeatedly until the animal responds to the now conditioned
stimulus as he/she would to the unconditioned stimulus.
Competing motivations/motivators
another way of describing distractions in training.
Something that competes with the trainer for the dog’s attention, or behaviors that are more
reinforcing to the dog than those being prompted by the trainer.
Conditioned punisher
A previously neutral stimulus that has acquired the ability to act as a
punishing stimulus through classical conditioning. Synonymous with a punishment marker.
Conditioned reinforcer
A previously neutral stimulus that has acquired the ability to act as a
reward/reinforcer through classical conditioning. Synonymous with a reward marker.
Conditioned stimulus
In classical conditioning, the conditioned stimulus is a previously
neutral stimulus that, after becoming associated with the unconditioned stimulus, eventually
comes to trigger a conditioned response.
Continuous reinforcement schedule:
A reinforcement schedule in which every repetition of a
given behavior is reinforced/rewarded.
A glucocorticoid produced by the adrenal cortex that mediates various metabolic
processes, has anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive properties, and whose levels in the
blood may become elevated in response to physical or psychological stress.
A technique employed in animal training and the treatment of phobias
and similar conditions in humans, in which behavior incompatible with a habitual undesirable
pattern is induced. Most commonly the process of giving a reward immediately after the
presentation of a fear inducing stimulus.
Defense drive
Describes a given dog’s motivation to protect itself (through aggressive displays
or actual aggression) when it perceives threat. Lower threshold dogs tend to perceive threat
easily, often in situations that are not necessarily threatening, as opposed to higher threshold
dogs who do not perceive threat easily.
Gradual exposure to a stimulus, starting at lower intensity and increasing over
time, with the goal of making the animal less sensitive/reactive to said stimulus. This can also
happen unintentionally, or perhaps intentionally, with repeated use of aversive techniques in
training. The opposing process is called Sensitization.
Displacement Behaviors/Activities:
Behaviors used by dogs to distract themselves from
unpleasant, or stress-inducing, situations when they are unable to deal with it. Some overlap with
Calming Signals. (Sniffing, averting gaze/pretending something isn’t there, shaking, yawning, scratching,
increased activity, marking behaviors) (Aloff)
Distance Decreasing Signals
Invitations to interact/approach. Behaviors that indicate that the
dog is not a threat. (Play bow, avoiding eye contact, submissive grin, getting low, big tail wagging, lip licking,
raising paw, rolling over, submissive urination, lifting rear leg when touched or sniffed) (Aloff)
Distance Increasing Signals/Threat displays
Behaviors designed to gain social distance, a
cushion. Not all are aggressive, but many are.
(Staring, snarling/lips lifted vertically, ears erect or flattened, stiffness/tension,
raised or lowered head, piloerection, marking/grand scratching, tail straight or arched over back,
wagging tail while held high and short arc, stalking) (Aloff)
Distance Increasing Signals/Threat displays
Behaviors designed to gain social distance, a
cushion. Not all are aggressive, but many are.
(Staring, snarling/lips lifted vertically, ears erect or flattened, stiffness/tension,
raised or lowered head, piloerection, marking/grand scratching, tail straight or arched over back,
wagging tail while held high and short arc, stalking) (Aloff)
Priority access to a resource (sex, food, etc.) NOT an attitude or way of being in the
world, frequently fluid.
A neurotransmitter. In popular culture and media, dopamine is often seen as the
main chemical of pleasure, but current scientific opinion is that dopamine instead affects
incentive salience, meaning that it signals the value of an outcome which motivates the organism
to achieve an outcome (drives action).
An innate, biologically determined urge to attain a goal or satisfy a need. The terms is
generally used synonymously with motivation in dog training circles.
Any of a group of endogenous peptides found especially in the brain that bind
chiefly to opiate receptors and produce some pharmacological effects (such as pain relief and
euphoria) like those of opiates. Comes from endogenous (produced within the organism)
morphine (a narcotic it resembles).
Sustained focus on the trainer with the goal of acquiring a reward. Our
prerequisite to teaching behavior.
Learning process driven through the use of negative reinforcement and
positive punishment. The animal learns to escape an aversive experience with a given behavior,
which reinforcer that behavior, and over time, with a predictive cue, the dog can learn to avoid
the aversive consequence by performing, or not performing, the learned behavior.
The primary female sex hormone. It is responsible for the development and regulation
of the female reproductive system and secondary sex characteristics.
A dog whose arousal is physically obvious and beyond their conscious control. These
dogs tend to have a harder time containing their energies, are more likely to shake, tail wag,
prance, vocalize, etc.
External reinforcement
The reinforcement that comes from the environment through operant
conditioning, as opposed to internal reinforcement or self-reinforcing behaviors.
The process of eliminating “help” in dog training, i.e. fading lures.
Short, stiff tail wagging. Denotes potentially aggressive intent, or high arousal.
A form of habituation in which the animal is exposed to the fear inducing stimulus
intensely and continuously with the goal of eliminating the fear response.
Food drive/hunger drive
A dog’s motivation for food rewards.
Free shaping
A process whereby behavior is captured and shaped without input (physical help)
from the trainer using a conditioned reinforcer.
The phase of learning in which the animal learns that the new knowledge is
relevant in a variety of circumstances and situations. Perhaps the most important and time-
consuming phase of the learning process.
A form of non-associative learning in which an innate response to a stimulus
decreases after repeated or prolonged presentations of that stimulus.
a regulatory substance produced in an organism and transported in tissue fluids such
as blood or sap to stimulate specific cells or tissues into action (testosterone, estrogen,
progesterone, cortisol, adrenaline/epinephrine, endorphins).
A dog whose arousal is not physically obvious. These dogs tend to hold themselves
well, be quieter, and externally calm, although they may be as aroused and motivated as their
external counterparts.
Internal reinforcement
Behaviors that illicit internal, neurochemical reinforcement during
their performance and require no external (operant) reinforcement to maintain. Behaviors that
“feel good” for their own sake i.e. chasing/predatory behavior, some kinds of aggression,
barking, etc.
Latent learning
The subconscious retention of information without reinforcement or
motivation. In latent learning, the animal changes behavior only when there is sufficient
motivation later than when they subconsciously retained the information. This type of learning
is frequently observational and is not evident until the animal is motivated to implement the
Learned helplessness
Behavior exhibited by a subject after enduring repeated aversive stimuli
beyond their control. It is characterized by the subject's acceptance of their powerlessness:
discontinuing attempts to escape or avoid the aversive stimulus, even when such alternatives are
unambiguously presented. They have learned that they are helpless to change their situation and
no longer try.
Learned irrelevance
A process in which the animal learns that a stimulus has no meaning due
to repeated exposure without consequence, also known as the pre-exposure effect.
Leash pressure: The process of teaching a dog to move with the leash instead of resist it
(extinguishing the natural opposition reflex). It is done with a combination of negative
reinforcement and positive reinforcement and results in a dog that is what we would term
“light on the leash”.
Limbic System
A complex system of nerves and networks in the brain, involving several areas
near the edge of the cortex, concerned with instinct and mood. It controls the basic emotions
(fear, pleasure, anger) and drives/motivations (hunger, sex, dominance, care of offspring), as
well as long term memory and olfaction.
The first of our physical tools for manipulating our dogs during behavior creation. The
dog learns to strive vigorously for a piece of food in our hand and to move with our hand
wherever it goes. Finished luring should include persistent effort on the dog’s part and our
ability to control the dog’s head very precisely.
All the many and varied things trainers do with dogs in order to live with them
and prevent them from rehearsing unwanted behavior while we complete the training process. It
includes the use of various confinement techniques like crates, ex-pens, tie-downs, etc. As well
as many other techniques to control the dog and their surroundings. It is one of the most
important and overlooked aspects of dog training.
Marker/Verbal marker
A verbal conditioned reinforcer or conditioned punisher. Sounds
made by voice that are conditioned to be rewarding or punishing through the use of classical
conditioning. The basis of our communication system.
The reason for an animal's actions and goal directed behavior. Motivation is derived
from the word motive which is defined as a need that requires satisfaction. These needs could be
acquired through the influence of training and/or experience, or can be generally innate (genetic).
Motivation is the main driver of reward-based training, of course, but we must remember that
animals are not simply motivated to acquire things they desire, they are also motivated to escape
and avoid aversive experiences. For the most part though, we will refer to motivation as the
desire for rewards in training.
a chemical substance that is released at the end of a nerve fiber by the arrival
of a nerve impulse and, by diffusing across the synapse or junction, causes the transfer of the
impulse to another nerve fiber, a muscle fiber, or some other structure (Dopamine,
Noradrenaline, Serotonin, etc.)
A neurotransmitter. The general function of norepinephrine is
to mobilize the body for action. Its levels are lowest during sleep, rising during wakefulness, and
reaching much higher levels during situations of stress and danger. In the brain it increases
arousal and alertness, promotes vigilance, enhances formation and retrieval of memory and
focuses attention. It also increases restlessness and anxiety. Increases heart rate, blood pressure,
triggers the release of glucose, increases blood flow to skeletal muscles.
Operant conditioning (Instrumental learning)
A learning process through which the strength
of a behavior is modified by reinforcement or punishment. It is also a procedure that is used to
bring about such learning. This is the cause and effect part of dog training, in which the dog
learns to do, or not do, things based on their past experience. It is generally considered
voluntary, or driven by choice, as opposed to classical conditioning which creates an
involuntary response.
Positive reinforcement (R+)
the addition of a reinforcing stimulus following a
behavior that makes it more likely that the behavior will occur again in the future.
Negative reinforcement (R-): a response or behavior is strengthened by stopping, or
removing, an aversive stimulus.
Positive punishment (P+)
presenting an aversive consequence after an undesired
behavior is exhibited, making the behavior less likely to occur in the future.
Negative punishment (P-)
the removal, or blocking of access, to a reinforcing stimulus
that results in the behavior that proceeded the removal becoming less likely to occur in the
Overshadowing (or Blocking)
A process in which an animal is presented with more than one
stimulus/signal at a time and the more relevant (to the animal) stimulus overshadows or blocks
the response to the less relevant stimulus/signal. For example, making a lured gesture at the
same time as a verbal prompt, and the gesture, being more relevant to the dog, blocks the dog’s
response to the verbal prompt.
Pack drive
A dog training term used to describe a dog that has high levels of motivation to be
with and interact with their social group. The term pack is a bit of a misnomer, as it derives from
discussions of wolf biology, but unlike wolves, dogs are NOT pack animals, although they do
form strong social bonds with humans and other dogs.
Physical cue/prompt
A cue or prompt is an action that is conditioned through training to
prompt behavior. There are verbal cues (commands) and physical cues (gestures or body
language) used throughout the training process.
Erection or bristling of hairs due to the involuntary contraction of small muscles at
the base of the hair follicles that occurs as a reflexive response of the sympathetic nervous
system, especially to fright, cold, or shock.
Play drive
Describes a dog’s motivation for playful behavior.
Predatory Drift
Dogs get stimulated enough to trigger a limbic response and switch into
predatory mode. Often happens with running and chasing.
Predatory Drift
Dogs get stimulated enough to trigger a limbic response and switch into
predatory mode. Often happens with running and chasing.
Predatory sequence
Eye, stalk, chase, bite (shake), bite (hold), dissect.
Prefrontal cortex
Is the cerebral cortex which covers the front part of the frontal lobe. This
brain region has been implicated in planning complex cognitive behavior, personality expression,
decision making, and moderating social behavior.
Premack Principle
Dr. David Premack 1959. A less likely behavior (less reinforcing) increases
in frequency when followed by a more likely (more reinforcing) behavior. The opposite is also
Primary reinforcer
A primary reinforcer is a reinforcer that an animal is born needing such
as food, water, shelter, sex, etc. Secondary, or conditioned, reinforcers are stimuli, objects, or
events that become reinforcing based on their association with a primary reinforcer. No
training or learning is necessary for a primary reinforcer to be of value to an animal, as they are
driven by biological needs.
Prey drive
Describes a dog’s motivation to chase and mouth things, can be directed toward
animals in a predatory sense, or toward objects like toys, people, cars, etc.
A female steroid hormone that prepares the uterus for pregnancy.
In training, anything that makes a behavior less likely to occur in the
future…positive punishment or negative punishment.
Random reinforcement schedule
A reinforcement schedule in which random repetitions of a
given behavior are reinforced/rewarded.
Reactive dog
This term is different than reactivity, in that it describes a dog that has yet to
make a connection between its behavior and outcomes. The opposite of an active dog.
Generally used to describe dogs reacting aggressively (distance increasing signals)
due to lower thresholds for defensive behavior and/or frustration, or avoidance related behavior
driven by fear/anxiety. Not my favorite term, as it almost always has a negative connotation, and
lower levels of reactivity can actually improve trainability.
Anything that makes a behavior more likely to occur in the future.
Typically, something the dog finds valuable (rewarding). Often used interchangeably with the
term reward.
Negative reinforcement (R-)
a response or behavior is strengthened by stopping, or removing, an aversive stimulus.