Obedience - Dispositional Explanation Flashcards
What are dispositional explanations?
Explanations of behaviour that highlights the importance of the individual’s personality
Authoritarian personality (AP)
A type of personality that Adorno (1950) argued was especially susceptible to obeying people in authority. They are thought to be submissive to those of higher status dismissive of inferiors
Adorno (1950) procedure
Studied unconscious attitudes of 2000+ middle class, white Americans towards other racial groups. Researchers developed several measurement scales including the Fascism (F) scale, measuring the authoritarian personality. P’s had to rate their agreement with a statement on a 6-point scale (1 being strongly disagree, 6 agree strongly)
Adorno (1950) findings
People with authoritarian learnings (those who scored high on the F-scale) were conscious of status, generally being contemptuous of the weak and extremely respectful to those of a higher status. This cognitive style was described as ‘black and white thinking’, with fixed stereotypes about other groups
Strengths of the AP
- Research support (eg. Elms and Milgram 1966 found obedient participants from the original study scored highly on the F-scale)
- Expanse of understanding from previous situational explanations (eg. Combining explanations provides a holistic understanding)
Limitations of the AP
- Political bias (eg. F-scale only measures tendency towards extreme right-wing ideology)
- Response bias (eg. All F-scale statements are worded positively, thus participants who tend to acquiescence are more likely to score higher)