Obedience Flashcards
Psychology being Investigated
- Social pressure: influence of a person or group on another person or group.
- May be orders, threats or demands.
- Takes the form of feeling the need to conform to the expectations.
Destructive obedience: obedience that has the potential to cause psychological or physical harm.
Investigate how obedient individuals would be to orders received from a person in authority.
Research Method and Design
- Controlled observation
- Laboratory setting (variables and measurements were controlled while behaviors of participants were observed and recorded)
- Independent measures design
- Operationalized as the maximum voltage given in response to orders.
- Observers noted body language and verbal comments
- Volunteer sampling (newspaper advertisement)
- 40 men
- 20-25 years
- New Haven, USA
- Different backgrounds and occupations
- After responding to advertisement, participant was promised $4.50 for taking part.
- Took place at Yale University, in a laboratory (location was used to make the procedure seem legitimate)
- Participants arrived individually, introduced to another man who they thought was another participant.
- This person was a stooge: playing a role in a piece of research.
- Told they would both be allocated in roles: teacher, learner
- Drew pieces of paper from a hat, it was fixed that the real participant was always allocated the role of teacher
- Participant was taken into another room where stooge was strapped to a chair with electrodes attached.
- Participant was presented with shock generator, had rows of switches labeled with voltages of 15V to 450V.
- Labeled ascending order, Moderate shock, Danger: severe shock, last two XXX.
-Participants were told that, although the shocks were painful, they weren’t dangerous.
- Given an example of 45V for demonstration.
- Seated behind a wall so they could hear but not see the stooge.
- Although learner didn’t get shocked, the machine was set up to convince the participants that they were injuring the learner.
- Experimenter remained with participant.
- Experimenter: 31 years old, teacher who wore a grey technician’s coat
- Participant instructed in memory task: reading word pairs aloud, testing the learner on their recognition.
- When learner made a mistake, participants were told to give a shock by pressing a switch on the generator.
- They were ordered to increase shock level by 15V for all errors.
- Since learner was a stooge, a pre-set plan was made, deliberately giving wrong answers.
- Until 300V, learner remained silent when receiving punishment.
- When 300V and 315V, learner began to bang the walls in protest.
- After this, learner made no noises and stopped responding to memory task altogether.
- If participants asked what to do, the experimenter insisted they should continue with reading the words out.
- No answers were considered wrong; thus, they shocked the learner.
- If learners protested to this, prods were given:
please go on
please continue
the experiment requires you to continue
it is absolutely essential you continue
you have no other choice, you must go on - Procedure was over when participant refused to give more shocks, or when 450V was reached.
- One-way mirror was used to record physical behaviors, and comments were noted.
- Once completed, interviews were conducted and deception was fully explained.
- Participants were asked to estimate how painful they thought 450 V shock was (0-14 scale)
- Could meet learner for reassurance that they weren’t harmed.