Elements of torch syndrome
TORCH syndrome comprises hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, hepatosplenomegaly, and brain calcifications. The hemolytic anemia results in extramedullary hematopoiesis (specifically of the liver and spleen), leading to hepatosplenomegaly and neonatal jaundice.
What leads to torch syndrome?
The infections that cause TORCH syndrome are those in the original mnemonic—Toxoplasmosis, Other (early syphilis), Rubella, Cytomegalovirus, and Herpes simplex virus. TORCH syndrome are extremely rare.
When is a fetus at risk for TORCH?
hey are so rare because, to develop TORCH syndrome, the mother must become exposed and infected for the first time during pregnancy, before 20 weeks’ gestation.
What is the most common outcome of TORCH syndrome?
the most common outcome is stillbirth or spontaneous abortion.
What other viruses aside from the TORCH infections can have significant impact on developing fetus?
parvovirus B19, varicella-zoster virus, Zika virus, hepatitis B, HIV, and late syphilis, which led to a new mnemonic TORCHeS (ignore this because not all of these lead to TORCH syndrome)
__________________ is caused by the protozoon Toxoplasma gondii, which is transmitted through cat feces, contact with oocysts in soil, or undercooked meat that contains cysts.
What brain changes do you see in toxoplasmosis?
Brain toxoplasmosis in the fetus includes intracranial calcifications, ventriculomegaly on TVUS, and ring-enhancing lesions on MRI
Avoid cat litter and undercooked meats to avoid exposure.
Maternal infection is treated with spiramycin to reduce transplacental spread to the fetus. Fetal infections (confirmed with PCR on the amniotic fluid) are treated with pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine.
Blueberry looking mf’er
What happens if mom has syphilis and it isn’t treated?
If mom is infected with syphilis (or there is secondary syphilis) in the first trimester, the fetus will likely not survive, presenting as a dead and macerated fetus. If the fetus doesn’t die, and the gestation is at less than 20 weeks, the fetus will present with TORCH syndrome.
Unique to congenital syphilis,there will also be bony deformities, such as saddle nose, saber shins, Hutchinson’s teeth, deafness, and mucopurulent nasal discharge, termed snuffles.
What are the elements of congenital syphilis?
Unique to congenital syphilis,there will also be bony deformities, such as saddle nose, saber shins, Hutchinson’s teeth, deafness, and mucopurulent nasal discharge, termed snuffles.
How do we treat syphilis in pregnancy?
penicillin even if mom is allergic
The distinguishing characteristics of this infection are deafness, cataracts, and cardiac septal defects,in addition to the typical TORCH syndrome.
Once mom and fetus are infected, there is no treatment. As with most congenital infections that cause birth defects, there aren’t usually fetal symptoms after 20 weeks’ gestation, but stillbirth, spontaneous abortion, or TORCH syndrome are possible before 20 weeks.
How is rubella transmitted?
Respiratory droplets
How is CMV transmitted?
CMV is transmitted in all body fluids and is ubiquitous in the environment.