Ob Gyn Flashcards
when do you get a Quantitative Beta hCG?
- diagnose and follow ectopic pregnancy
- to monitor trophoblastic disease
- to screen for fetal aneuploidy
When is the gestational sack visible by ultrasound?
Five weeks gestational age
What defines an embryo?
0 to 8 weeks
What defines a fetus?
8 weeks to delivery
What as an infant?
Delivery to one year
What is the term pregnancy?
37 weeks or later
What is a preterm pregnancy
20 to 36 weeks
What renal change occurs during pregnancy
Increased GFR ~50%, increased renal flow
How does blood pressure change during pregnancy
Decreases 10% by 34 weeks then normalizes
How does heart rate change during pregnancy
Gradually increases twenty percent
How does cardiac output change during pregnancy
How’s peripheral vascular resistance changing pregnancy
How does peripheral venous distention change during pregnancy?
Progressively increasing
What is the effect of an increase title volume during pregnancy?
Create an increased CO2 gradient for the fetus for gas exchange
How does fibrinogen change during pregnancy?
What is the recommended folic acid supplementation during pregnancy
0.4 mg a day 4 mg a day if h/o neural tube defects in prior pregnancies
Rh negative when do you give Rhogam?
Week 28 and postpartum if the fetus is Rh positive
What drug: fetal renal tubular dysplasia and neonatal renal failure, oligohydramnios, IU GR, lack of cranial ossification
What drugs: growth restriction before and after birth, mental retardation, mid facial hypoplasia, renal and cardiac defects
What drug: virilization of female, advanced genital development in males
What drugs: note to defects, fingernail hypoplasia, microcephaly, developmental delay, IUGR
What drugs: bowel atresia, congenital malformations of the heart, face and GU tract, microcephaly, IUGR, cerebral instructions
What drugs: clear cell adenocarcinoma of the vagina or cervix, vaginal adenosis, Amber melodies of the cervix and uterus or testes possible infertility
What drug: increase spontaneous abortion rate, stillbirths
What drug: congenital heart disease
What drugs: increased spontaneous abortion rate
What drugs: cerebral atrophy, microcephaly, mental retardation, spasticity, Seizures, or blindness
Organic Mercury
What drugs: IUGR, mental retardation, microcephaly, dysmorphic craniofacial features, cardiac defects, fingernail hyperplasia
What drugs: microcephaly, mental retardation
What drug: hearing loss cranial nerve eight damage
streptomycin and kanamycin
What drug: permanent teeth discoloration, hypoplasia of tooth enamel
What drug: neural tube defects, minor craniofacial defects
valproic acid
What drugs: increased SAB rate, thymic agenesis, cardiovascular defects, craniofacial dysmorphism, micropthalmia, cleft lip or palate, mental retardation
Vitamin A
Nasal hypoplasia and stippled bone epiphyses, developmental delay, IUGR, ophthalmologic abnormalities
Mgmt of fetus with anomaly incompatible with life
allow labor to procede
First stage arrest definition
no cervical change for >4 hours with adequate contractions or no cervical change for >6 hours with INadequate contractions
When screen for GDM?
first visit in pts with a history of diabetes, otherwise 24-28 weeks with OGTT
when check AFP?
15-20 weeks
when check for GBS?
35-37 weeks
when hear fetal heart tones
10 to 12 wks on US
when order US to evaluate fetus?
- size date discrepancy >2-3cm
- suspect fetal death or demise
- RF for pregnancy related problems ex. SLE, DM, HTN, renal disease
should ASA be avoided in pregnancy?
yes, unless pts have Anti phospholipid syndrome
what are rare disorders associated with prolonged gestation?
anencephaly and placental sulfatase deficiency
what can a low AFP indicate?
Down syndrome, fetal demise, inaccurate dates
what can a high AFP represent?
neural tube defects, ventral wall defects, multiple gestation or inaccurate dates
what do if AFP elevated?
repeat it if remains elevated–> US to look for anatomical abnormality
US uncertain–> amnio
rec for Downs syndrome screening
offer to all women prior to 20 weeks
best test when suspect intrauterine fetal demise
real-time ultrasound
what is the best diagnostic test for endometriosis?
how confirm a true PCN allergy
skin testing
MCC elevated AFP
neural tube defects and abdominal wall defects , also multiple gestations
first line testing for thalassemia
pt with positive pregnancy test, but no evidence of ectopic pregnancy on imaging, next step?
repeat B hCG in 48 hours
what meds can be used as emergency contraception ootions
ulipristal pill (antiprogestin) delays ovulation
levonorgenstrel pill (progestin, delays ovulation)
OCPs “”
**not mifepristone and misoprostol
MCC of a nonreactive non stress test?
fetal sleep cycleuse vibroacoustic stimluation to awaken fetus
patient with dyspareunia, dysmenorrhea and dyschezia: dx and tx
EndometriosisOCPs + NSAIDS
if no improvement the laparoscopy
tx for chlamydia if asymptomatic
single dose azithro or 7 day course of doxy
what is the association between hypothyroidism and hyperprolactinemia?
TRH stimulates prolactin production
34 yo trying to get pregnant, 3 months of amenorrhea, next step?
mgmt of threatened abortion
- ascertain fetus is present and alive
2. reassurance and performance of US one week later-bed rest
Downs Syndrome testing for woman at 10 wks gestation?
cell free fetal DNA
mgmt of a pregnant woman with severe nausea and vomiting
US to rule out trophoblastic dz or multifetal gestation
Tamoxifen increases risk of what?
endometrial cancer
tx preeclampsia
hydral or labetalol to decrease BP
mag sulfate to prevent or tx eclamptic seizures
suppression of lactation
tight fitting bra and ice packs and analgesics
depressed DTRs indicate what? mgmt?
Mag sulfate toxstop mag sulfate and start Ca gluconate
1 RF for clear cell adenocarcinoma?
in utero exposure to DES
sudden vaginal bleeding an a hypertonic, tender uterus: dx? mgmt?
placental abruptionemergency C section
Dx: painless hemorrhage coinciding with rapid fetal deterioration and preceded by ROM
torn fetal vessel
vasa previa
see tachycardia followed by bradycardia and a sinusoidal pattern
dx: antenatal and trasvag doppler US
MCC heavy or prolonged menses in a young woman who recently started menstruating
decreased aFP, bHCG, estriol and normal inhibin A
trisomy 18
increased AFP, nml bHCG, estriol adn inhibin A
neural tube or abdominal wall defect
mgmt of septic abortion
suction curreage
most accurate way to determine estimated gestational age?
US dating in the FIRST TRIMESTER
patients with complete androgen insensitivity with cryptorchid gonads: when intervene?
gonadectomy after puberty
mucopurulent discharge and erythematous, friable cervix: ddx
Cervicitis, either chlamydia or gonorrhea
cause of schistocytes and platelet consumption seen in HELLP
overall cause of HELLP is abnormal placentation, but the specific cause of plt/RBC damage is due to systemic inflammation and platelet consumption
Does a woman with HELLP have to have a C section?
NO!She needs to DELIVER
vaginal delivery is preferred in women in labor or with ROM and a vertex presentation, can induce!
which pregnant women should be vaccinated against the flu?
ALL of them
what is alloimmunity?
immune response to antigens from members of the same species
patient with orthostatic changes and cervical motion tenderness, dx?
ectopic pregnancy
what are common tocolytic drugs?
beta agonists
Bilateral breast discharge, brown, serous or milky or unilateral: next step in mgmt?
mammo +/- US surgical eval
bilateral breast discharge that is not milky, serous or bloody: next step in mgmt
likely physiologic
- pregnancy test
- serum TSH and prolactin
- consider pituitary MRI
fetal heart rate monitoring mneumonic?
Variables: cord compression. (V and C)
Early decelerations: head compression. This is generally a benign event. (E and H)
Accelerations : oxygenation – which explains why they’re generally a good prognostic factor. (A and O)
Late accelerations : placental insufficiency. (L and P)
hemodynamically stable pt with an incomplete abortion: mgmt?
expectant, prostaglandins or surgical eval
what abx for mastitis
diclox or cephalexin
risk factors for vaginal squamous cell cancer