Ob Flashcards
Tiny cystic structure implanted within the echogenic decidua
Intradecidual sign
3.5- 4.5 wks
Visualization of 3 layers of decidua
Double de idual sign
> 5 wks
Echogenic decidua thickness
> 2mm
Growth in MSD
1.2 mm/day
Embryo transabdominal utz
MSD >20mm
Embryo transV utz
MSD > 8mm
Connects yolk sac to embryo
Vitelline duct
Earliest site of blood cell formation in the embryo
Yolk sac
Earliest demonstration of the embryo
Double bleb sign
Cyst in ovary surrounded by ring of fire
Corpus luteum
6-8 weeks
Normal structures in posterior fossa
Yolk sac is between
5 and 12wks
Pregnancy in wch the embryo has died and is no longer visible
Anembryonic or blighted pregnancy
Empty gestational sac
Very early intrauterine pregnancy
Nonviable intrauterine pregnancy/ anembryonic pregnancy
Pseudogestational sac associated with
Ectopic pregnancy
Abnormal gestational sac development
In transV, cardiac activity is seen in ebryos as small as
1.5 mm CRL
MC location of ectopic pregnancy
Isthmus of fallopian tube
Highly aggresive malignancy that forms only trophoblasts
Estimate GA without embryo
Gestational sac
Estimate GA in first tri with embryo
Measured on acial view at the level of 3rd ventricle and thalamus
HC measured same as
AC measured at the level of
Intrahepatic portion of the umbilical vein
FL measurement of
Ossified portion of the femural diaphysis
Below 5th percentile
Biophysical profile parameters
Respiratory activity
Gross motor movement
Fetal tone
MCA carries %? Of cerebral bloos flow
> 80
Fetal macrosomia
> 90 percentile
Sono appearance
Thin, broken echogenic line
Menstrual phase
Hypoechoic thickening on sono
4-8 mm
Proliferative phase
Triple layer on sono
Preovulatory phase
Hyperechoic thickening
Secretory phase
MC solid pelvic masses during pregnancy
MC cystic pelvic masses in pregnancy
Corpus luteal cysts
Normal placenta is first apparent on utz at
Subchorionic hemorrhage
Marginal abruption
Retroplacental hemorrhage
Central abruption
Abnormal edherence of the placenta t the uterine wall
Placenta accreta
Invasion of uterine wall
Placenta increta
Penetration of uterine wall
Placenta percreta
MC common tumor of the placenta
Polyhydramnios afi of
> 20cm
Oligohydramnios afi
Nuchal translucency
2.5-3 mm
In 2nd tri nuchal translucency more tha ______ is abnormal
> _ 6mm
MC chromosome abnormality
Trisomy 21
MC neural tube defect
Bossing of the frontal bones in axial plane
Lemon sign
Compression of cerebellar gemispheres
Banana sign
MC solid pelvic masses during pregnancy
MC cystic pelvic masses in pregnancy
Corpus luteal cysts
Normal placenta is first apparent on utz at
Subchorionic hemorrhage
Marginal abruption
Retroplacental hemorrhage
Central abruption
Abnormal edherence of the placenta t the uterine wall
Placenta accreta
Invasion of uterine wall
Placenta increta
Penetration of uterine wall
Placenta percreta
MC common tumor of the placenta
Polyhydramnios afi of
> 20cm
Oligohydramnios afi
Nuchal translucency
2.5-3 mm
In 2nd tri nuchal translucency more tha ______ is abnormal
> _ 6mm
MC chromosome abnormality
Trisomy 21
MC neural tube defect
Bossing of the frontal bones in axial plane
Lemon sign
Compression of cerebellar gemispheres
Banana sign