OB Flashcards
Uterine sensory neurons carrying pain during the first stage oflabor enter the cord at what segments? What is the cause of pain during the first stage of labor?
Pain is carried through spinal segments TlO- L l by somatic afferent (sen- sory) nerves during the first stage oflabor. This is visceral pain. Visceral pain, arising during the first stages oflabor, is caused by uterine contrac- tions and dilation of the cervix. [Stoelting and Miller, Basics, 1994, p364j
What nerve carries pain during the second stage of labor? What causes pain during the second stage oflabor?
Pain is carried to spinal segments S2-S4 by the pudendal nerve during the second stage oflabor. This is somatic pain. Somatic pain is caused by stretching of the vagina and perineum by descent of the fetus. [Birnbach, Gott and Datta, Textbook ofOb. Anes., 2000, p19; Morgan and Milduil, Clinical Anesthesiology, 1996, p705; Stoelting and Miller, Basics, 1994, p364]
A patient in the first stage oflabor will need spinal anesthesia for what levels?
TlO- Ll. [Barash Handbook, Clinical Anesthesia, 1997, p584]
A patient in the second stage of labor will need a spinal level of anesthesia for what levels?
S2-S4. [Barash Handbook, Clinical Anesthesia, 1997, p584]
What dermatome level should be reached for a C-section?
T4. [Barash Handbook, Clinical Anesthesia, 1997, p585]
What is the PaC02 and Pa02 in the normal fetus?
8 mmHg PaC02 (40-45 mmHg in maternal blood), 30 mmHg PaO2 (fetal blood leaving placenta). [Guyton, TMP, 1996, pp1036-1037]
If a pregnant patient is placed on 100% oxygen (F,O, ~ 1.0), by how much will fetal 02 change?
A maternal F10 2 = 1.0 will cause maternal P02 to rise from 90 to 500 mmHg, which is an increase of about 1 mrnol in arterial oxygen content. Because increasing F10 2 will not cause uterine blood flow to increase, uterine venous oxygen content should also increase by I mmol. There- fore, uterine venous P02will increase by about 10 mmHg(ll.S mmHg, to be exact). Since uterine venous P02 is the primary determinant of umbili- calvenousP02, thefetalP02willincreasebyabout10mmHg.[Birnbach, Textbook Ob. Anes., 2000, p54]
Describe how maternal blood circulates through the placenta.
The maternal blood is carried initially in the uterine arteries. Blood is spurted into the intervillous space. Blood in the intervillous space passes fetal villi before draining back to the veins of the uterine waH (myometri- um). [Shnider and Levinson, Anes. for OB., 1993, p19; Morgan and Mi- khail, Clinical Anesthesiology, 1996, p697]
Fetal blood and maternal blood are separat~ ed by the placental membrane. How many microscopic tissue layers are found in the placental membrane?
Three. Fetal trophoplasts (which consists of cytotrophoblast and syncytio- trophoblast), fetal connective tissue, and the endothelium of the fetal capillaries are the three microscopic layers of the placental membrane. [Shnider and Levinson, Anes. for OB., 1993, pp 19,20]
What determines uterine blood flow?
Uterine blood flow is directly related to perfusion pressure (uterine mean arterial pressure- uterine venous pressure) and inversely related touter- ine vascular resistance. Mathematically: uterine blood flow == (mean uterine artery pressure- uterine vein pressure)/uterine vascular re- sistance. Note that uterine artery pressure depends on maternal arterial pressure. [Birnbach, Galt and Datta, Textbook Ob. Anes., 2000, p62; Longnecker eta!., PPA, 1998, p1991]
What determines placental blood flow?
Placental blood flow is directly dependent on the pressure in the uterine artery. Since uterine artery blood pressure depends on maternal blood pressure, placental blood flow depends solely on maternal blood pressure. [llirnbach, Galt and Datta, Textbook Ob. Anes., 2000, pp62,96]
Is the uterine and placental vasculature under appreciable neural control? Is utero- placental blood flow autoregulated? What is the significance of this?
Uterine and placental blood flows are not under appreciable neural con- trol; uterine bloodflow is not autoregulated. Uterine blood flow is deter- mined by mom’s arterial blood pressure and SVR. When mom becomes hypotensive, uterine and placental blood Oows decrease. Likewise, when mom’s arterial vessels constrict (increased SVR) as they would if phe- nylephrine were administered, uterine and placental blood flows decrease. [Barash, Clinical Anesthesia, 1997, pp 1063-1065; Stoelting and Miller, Basics, 1994, p359; Morgan and Mikhail, Clinical Anesthesiology, 1996, p695]
Identify the predominant adrenergic recep- tor in the uterine vasculature, and state the significance of this.
Alpha-adrenergic receptors predominate in the uterine vasculature. Ma- ternal release of catecholamines or administration of an alpha-adrenergic agonist drug such as phenylephrine will reduce uterine and placental blood flows. [Morgan and Mikhail, Clinical Anesthesiology, I996, p695]
List three factors that decrease uterine blood flow.
(1) Maternal hypotension, (2) vasoconstriction of uterine vasculature (by phenylephrine, for example), and (3) uterine contractions. [Morgan and Mikhail, Clinical Anesthesiology, 1996, p695]
Which maternal hemodynamic parameter shows the greatest decrease during normal gestation?
During normal gestation, the greatest decrease in a hemodynamic param- eter occurs in the systemic vascular resistance (-20% SVR). [Chestnut, Ob. Anes., 3’’ ed., 2004, p18t]
Which maternal hemodynamic parameter shows the greatest increase during normal gestation?
During normal gestation, the greatest increase in a hemodynamic param- eter occurs in the cardiac output (+50% CO). [Chestnut, OB Anes. 3e. 2004 pp18t]
How does extreme maternal hyperventila- tion affect uterine oxygenation? Give two reasons for this change.
Extreme maternal hyperventilation will result in fetal hypoxemia and acidosis because of (1) vasoconstriction and reduced umbilical blood flow and (2) increased affinity of maternal hemoglobin for oxygen secondary to a leftward shift in the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve; this left shift results in reduced transfer of oxygen across the placenta from the mother to the fetus. [Miller, Anesthesia, 1994, p2035]
How does mild hyperventilation affect the fetus?
Mild hyperventilation is probably safe, but fetal heart rate should be monitored to detect any adverse effects of a mild maternal hyperventila- tion. [Shnider and Levinson, Anes.Jor OB., 1993, p556j
How and why does fetal heart rate normally fluctuate with maternal blood pressure?
If maternal blood pressure falls, uterine blood flow decreases. Fetal heart rate decreases when fetal hypoxia develops secondary to decrements in uterine blood flow. [Shnider and Levinson, Anes. for OB., 1993, pp23, 25, 661]
If the mother is hypertensive, how and why will fetal heart rate fluctuate with maternal blood pressure?
Mothers with blood pressures not exceeding 160/100 mmHg before and during the Orsl20 weeks of pregnancy usually have no problems. Mothers with hypertension have a lower cardiac index and a decreased blood volume. Increased uterine arterial vascular resistance is associated with increasingly severe hypertension. This can result in decreased oxygen delivery to the fetus with resultant bradycardia. [Shnider and Levinson, Anes.for OB., I993, pp23, 509, 661]
What is the normal fetal heart rate? Fetal bradycardia is defined as a heart rate less than how many beats per minute? Fetal tachycardia is defined as a heart rate more than how many beats per minute?
Normal fetal heart rate ranges between 120 and 160 beats per minute. Fetal bradycardia is diagnosed when heart rate is less than 120 beats per minute, and fetal tachycardia is present when heart rate exceeds 160 beats per minute. [Shnider and Levinson, Anes. for OB., 1993, p660]
dentify 3 maternal physiological disturb- ances that pose the greatest risk to the fetus.
The greatest risk to the fetus occurs following maternal catastrophes involving (l) severe hypoxia, (2) hypotension, and (3) acidosis.[Chestnut, Ob. Anes., 3’’ ed., 2004, p283]
What is the most serious fetal risk associ- ated with maternal surge1y during pregnan- cy?
The most serious fetal risk associated with maternal surgery during preg- nancy is that of uterine asphyxia. [Chestnut, Ob. Anes., 3”1 ed., 2004, p263]
What are two signs of fetal hypoxia (asphyx· ia)?
Fetal bradycardia and late decelerations indicate fetal hypoxia (asphyxia). [Shnider and Levinson, Anes. for OB., 1993, pp661,663]
Urgent delivery of the fetus is indicated by what fetal heart rate deceleration pattern and what heart rate?
Urgent delivery is usually necessary when prolonged late decelerations without beat-to-beat variability and baseline fetal heart rate is below 70 beats per minute. [Datta, Ob. Anes. Handbook, 1995, p112]
Describe the mechanism of physiological anemia of pregnancy.
Physiological anemia of pregnancy occurs because plasma volume in- creases 75% (from 40 mL!kg before pregnancy to 70 mL!kg during late pregnancy) and red cell volume increases only 20% (from 25-30 mL!kg). Hematocrit falls to 35% and hemoglobin to 11-12 mg/100 mL because plasma volume increases more than red blood celt volume. [Barash, Clini- cal Anesthesia, 1997, pl061; Miller, Anesthesia, 1994, pp2033-2035]
When does the greatest increase in cardiac output occur in the pregnant patient? What happens to cardiac output during pregnancy and during labor?
The greatest increase in cardiac output associated with pregnancy occurs immediately after deliveiy, being elevated by as much as 80% above pre- labor values. Cardiac output increases about 30-40% by the lOth week and falls toward normal levels by the third trimester. During labor, cardi- ac output increases another 45%. [Shnider and Levinson, Anes. for OB., 1993, pp8-9]
Describe plasma cholinesterase (pseudo- cholinesterase) changes in the pregnant patient.
Plasma cholinesterase (pseudocholinesterase) levels wilt decrease by 24% before delivery and decrease further (to 33% less) by 3 days postpartum. Plasma cholinesterase (pseudocholinesterase) levels will return to normal levels in 2-6 weeks postpartum. [Hughes, Shnider Anes.for OB., 4e, 2002, p13]
What causes supine hypotensive syndrome?
Compression of aorta and inferior vena cava (aortocaval compression) occurs when the pregnant patient is in the supine position. Decreased venous return and hypotension result. [Miller, Anesthesia, 1994, p2033]
What are eight signs and symptoms of su- pine hypotensive syndrome (aortocaval compression)?
1) Diaphoresis, (2) nausea, (3) vomiting, (4) changes in cerebration,
(5) dizziness, (6) vertigo, (7) tachycardia, and (8) apprehension. [Stoelting and Miller, Basics, 1994, p356l
Describe the treatment for aortocaval com- pression (supine hypotensive syndrome).
Right hip up. Left uterine displacement by elevating the right hip 10-15 em with a blanket or foam rubber wedge while supine is effective in treat- ing this problem. [Shnider and Levinson, Anes, for OB., 1993, pll; Stoelt- ing and Miller, Basics, 1994, p375]
he patient in labor has a history of mulliple sclerosis. She becomes hypotensive. What is the agent of choice to treat this hypotension?
The primary concern with any mulliple sclerosis patient is in regard to exacerba- tion of the disease and is typically focused on drugs and/or techniques potentially causing neurotoxicity and on preventing an increase in body temperature. A specific interaction between multiple sclerosis and the treatment of hypertension is not discussed in textbooks. Therefore, treat the hypotension as you would for the normal obstetric patient: (1) left uterine displacement, (2) IV hydration, (3)vasopressors of which ephedrine is the pressor of choice in most obstetric situations. [Norris, Obstetrical Anestheshl, 1999, pp74-76,48l-482,595-596j
List four respiratory changes that occur during pregnancy.
(l) Increased alveolar ventilation (70%), (2) decreased FRC (20%),
(3) airway edema, (4) decreased P,CO, (30%). [Barash Handbook, Clinical Anesthesia, 1997, p58l; Guyton, TMP, 1996, pl040; Barash, Clinical Anes- thesia, 1997, pl06]
How does minute ventilation change during pregnancy?
Minute ventilation increases by up to 45% during pregnancy. [Chestnut, OB Anes. 4th. 2009 pp20; Morgan, eta!., Clin. Anesth. 4e. 2006 pp875]
What respiratory parameter changes most to increase minute ventilation during pregnancy? What physiological factors prompt the increase in minute ventilation during pregnancy?
During pregnancy, resting minute ventilation increases (up to 45%) ow- ing primarily to an increase in tidal volume, with minimal, if any, change in inspiratory rate and pattern. The rise in minute ventilation results from hormonal changes (increased progesterone) and increased C02 produc- tion. Progesterone acts as a direct respiratory stimulant and the proges- terone-induced increase in chemoreceptor sensitivity results in a steeper and leftward shifted C02 ventilatory response curve. [Chestnut, OB Anes. 4th. 2009 pp20; Morgan, eta!., Clin. Anesth. 4e. 2006 pp875]
What lung capacity is changed most at term in the pregnant patient?
Functional residual capacity (residual volume+ expiratory reserve vol- ume) is most decreased (15% to 20%) at term in the pregnant patient. Vital capacity, total lung capacity, and closing volume are not changed. [Miller, Anesthesia, 1994, p203l]
How much is FRC decreased in the pregnant patient at term, compared to the non- pregnant patient?
FRC is decreased 15-20% at term compared with the non-pregnant pa- tient. [Stoelting and Miller, Basics, 1994, p357]
State three reasons why hypoxemia is more likely to develop during a period ofapnea in the pregnant patient compared with the non-pregnant patient?
The pregnant patient is more susceptible to hypoxemia because of:
(l) a decrease in functional residual capacity, {2) an increase in 02 con- sumption, and (3) development of a ventilation-perfusion inequality, as suggested by an increased P AOri\02 gradient. The decrease in functional residual capacity is probably the most important of these. [Yao and Artu- sio, Problem Oriented Patient Management, 1993, p48l; Authors]
Does pregnancy mimic restrictive or ob- structive disease? Explain.
Restrictive. With increasing enlargement of the uterus, the diaphragm is forced to assume a more cephalad position, causing a 20% reduction in functional residual capacity. [Stoelting, Co-Existing, 1993, pp54l-543]
Define pre-eclampsia.
Pre-eclampsia is a syndrome of pregnancy-induced hypertension> pro- teinuria, and edema occurring after the 20th week of gestation and resolv- ing within 48 hours after delivery. [Morgan and Mikhail, Clinical Anesthe- siology, 1996, p717]
Define eclampsia.
When seizures are associated with the syndrome of pregnancy-induced hypertension, the syndrome is termed eclampsia. [Morgan and Mikhail, Clinical Anesthesiology, 1996, p717]
What does HELLP stand for?
Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzymes, and Low Platelet count. [Morgan and Mikhail, Clinical Anesthesiology, 1996, p718]
When does the HELLP syndrome usually occur? What should be done if this syn- drome develops?
The HELLP syndrome usually occurs before 36 weeks gestation. Its diagnosis calls for immediate delivery, regardless of gestation due to high maternal and fetal mortality. [Shnider and Levinson, Anes. for OB., 1993, pp32-34j
Severe pregnancy-induced hypertension (pre-eclampsia) is characterized by what seven signs and symptoms?
(1) Hypertension (arterial blood pressure greater than 1601!10 nun Hg); (2) proteinuria (greater than 5 grams per day); (3) oliguria (urine now less than 500 mL/day); (4) systemic and pulmonary edema; (5) CNS dysfunc- tion (headaches, visual disturbances, seizures); (6) hepatic tenderness; and (7) presence ofHE!.LP syndrome. [Morgan and Mild1ail, Clinical Anesthesiology, 1996, p718; Shnider and Levinson, Anes. for OB., I993, pp306-314]
List the diagnostic triad (most characteristic signs and symptoms) of pre-eclampsia.
1) Hypertension (2) proteinuria, and (3) generalized edema. [Stoelting, Co-Existing, 1993, p783]
The pregnant patient presents with maternal hypertension, hyperreflexia, and convul- sions. Your immediate diagnosis is pregnan- cy-induced hypertension (PIH).What other diagnosis must be included in your differen- tial diagnosis?
Cocaine abuse. Maternal hypertension, hyperreflexia, and convulsion due to cocaine abuse can mimic pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) and must be included in your differential diagnosis. [Hughes Shnider and Levinsons Anes. for OB., 2002, p605]
The patient with pregnancy-induced hyper- tension (pre-eclampsia) is in danger of developing what six very serious complica- tions?
(I) Pulmonary edema, (2) cerebral hemorrhage, (3) renal failure,
(4) cerebral edema, (5) disseminated intravascular coagulopathy, and (6} airway obstruction are serious complications of pregnancy-induced hypertension. [Datta, Ob. Anes. Handbook, 1995, p200I
In the pre-eclamptic patient, what are the best tests to evaluate bleeding? Why?
PT and PTT might be best because prolongation of PT and PTT indicates consumption of coagulant factors. Platelets, fibrinogen, and fibrin split products might also be assessed to check for disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). [Yao and Artusio, Problem Oriented Patient Manage~ ment, 1993, p501; Stoelting, Co-Existing, 1993, pp562, 1281; Barash, Clinical Anesthesia, 1997, p1070-1074]
What is the number one cause of maternal death in pregnancy-induced hypertension (PII-I = pre-eclampsia)? The second most common cause?
The number one cause of maternal death in pregnancy-induced hyperten- sion is cerebral hemorrhage. The second leading cause of death is puhno- nary edema. [Yao, POPM, 5th ed. 2003, p815; Stoelting & Dierdorf, Co- Existing, 4th ed. 2002, p661]
How does pre-eclampsia affect the uteropla- cental circulation?
Uterine vascular resistance increases in pre-eclampsia, so uterine blood flow decreases. The uteroplacental circulation is compromised in pre- eclampsia. [Shnider and Levinson, Anes. for OB., 1993, pp306-314]
The mother has pre-eclampsia. What causes the variations in fetal heart rate? What caus- es the mother’s increased blood pressure?
The placenta develops a vasculitis, and placental perfusion decreases. Decreased blood Oow to the fetus with associated hypoxia c;tuscs variations in fetal heart rate. Pregnancy-induced hypertension is thought to be due to decreased placental perfusion. Placental ischemia and placental dysfunction result in release into the circulation of a variety of mediators including thromboxane, renin, angiotensin, aldosterone, catecholamines and thromboplastin. These mediators lead to gener- alized vasoconstriction and hypertension. [Morgan and Mikhail, Clinical Anesthe- siology, 1996, p7l7; Davison, Eckhardt, and Perese, Mass General, 1993, pp466- 467]
List 8 antihypertensive agents used prophy- lactically to prevent hypertension during induction of general anesthesia or to treat severe hypertension in the pre-eclamptic patient.
All of the following antihypertensive drugs are used in the patient with pregnancy-induced hypertension (pre-eclampsia): (1) hydralazine (the “standard” agent for tl1is condition); (2) labetalol; (3) sodium nitroprus- side (briefly for hypertensive emergencies); (4) nifedipine (a calcium channel blocker); (5) trimethaphan (Arfonad), which may be useful be- cause it does not cause cerebral vasodilation and increased intracranial pressure; (6) alpha-methyldopa; (7) nitroglycerin; and (8) diazoxide. Note that all of these agents have vasodilating properties. [Hurford, Bailin, Davison, Hospel, Rosow, Mass General, 1998, pp535-536; Barash, Clinical Anesthesia, 1997, pp1073-1074; Longnecker eta!., PPA, 1998, p499; Stoelting, Co-Existing, 1993, p563]
What are concerns with using sodium nitro- prusside or nitroglycerin in the pre- eclamptic patient?
Cyanide toxicity in fetal lambs occurs with high-dose nitroprusside. Tox- icity in human fetuses, however, has not been demonstrated with short- term use of recommended doses of nitroprusside. The actions of nitro- glycerin are unpredictable. In pre-eclamptic patients with severe hyper- tension and low pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, either nitroprusside or nitroglycerin can precipitate profound hypotension. [Datta, Ob. Anes. Handbook, 1995, p211; Longnecker eta!., PPA, 1998, p499]
What is the mainstay therapy for hyperten- sion in the pre-eclamptic patient? Why?
Hydralazine, which may be given IM, PO, or IV, has been the intrapartum mainstay antihypertensive therapy. Hydralazine is popular because it lowers blood pressure and increases uteroplacental blood flow. [Datta, Ob. Anes. Handbook, 1995, p211; Longnecker eta!., PPA, 1998, p499]
Which drug on the following list would you NOT give to treat severe hypertension in the pre-eclamptic patient: hydralazine, sodium nitroprusside, nitroglycerin, esmolol, labetalol, or trimethaphan? Why?
Esmolol should be avoided in the treatment of hypertension in the pre- eclamptic patient. “Unlike labetalol, esmolol can have significant, poten- tially adverse fetal effects.” [Morgan and Mikhail, Clinical Anesthesiology, 1996, p718]
What drug(s) would you administer to a pre-eclamptic patient with cerebral edema prior to cesarean section?
Hydralazine or labetalol are the most popular drugs to reduce hyperten- sion in the pre-eclamptic patient. Cerebral blood Oow and intracranial pressure are maintained with both of these antihypertensives. Antihyper- tensive with reported adverse effects during pregnancy which may be avoided include esmolol, clonidine, nifedipine, and ACE inhibitors. [Nor- ris,Ob.Anes.,1999,pp509-511;HughesShniderandLevinsons Anes.for OB., 2002, pp306-307; Omoigui, Anesthesia Drug Handbook, 1999, pp206, 234]
- Why is the fetus at increased risk in the patient with pregnancy-induced hyperten- sion (preeclampsia)?
The fetus is at increased risk because of mmginal placental function. [Stoelting, Co-Existing, 1993, p562]
List six complications during pregnancy- induced hypertension (Pill pre-eclampsia) that necessitate immediate delivery of the fetus.
Six complications during pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH, pre- eclampsia) that necessitate immediately delivery of the fetus are:
(I) severe hypertension (systolic~ 160 mmHg or diastolic~ 110 mmHg), persisting for 24-48 hours, (2) progressive thrombocytopenia, (3) liver dysfunction, (4) progressive renal dysfunction, (5) premonitory signs of eclampsia, and (6) evidence of fetal jeopardy. [Chestnut, Ob. Anes., yJ ed., 2004, p807]
Should either a general or regional anesthet- ic be used to lower blood pressure in the pre-eclamptic patient?
No. [Stoelting and Miller, Basics, 1994, p370)
What is the most common cause of morbidi- ty and mortality in pregnancy?
Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia, often referred to as toxemia of pregnancy and now referred to as pregnancy-induced hypertension, are among the leading causes of maternal morbidity and mortality. [Miller, Anesthesia, 1994, pp2061-2062)
Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia, often referred to as toxemia of pregnancy and now referred to as pregnancy-induced hypertension, are among the leading causes of maternal morbidity and mortality. [Miller, Anesthesia, 1994, pp2061-2062)
Hyperreflexia and CNS irritability occur in pre-eclampsia, accounting for the TMJ rigidity. Anesthesia can be managed by epidural, spinal or gen- eral anesthesia. Continuous epidural lumbar anesthesia is a useful method of analgesia for labor and vaginal delivery for the volume-depleted pre- eclamptic patient. [Yao and Artusio, POPM, 1993, pp499, 507-513; Stoelt- ing, Co-Existing, 1993, p564)
What is the normal serum magnesium concentration, and what is the therapeutic anticonvulsant range in the treatment of preeclampsia?
Normal serum magnesium is 1.4-2.0 mEq/liter, and the therapeutic range for the treatment of preeclampsia/eclampsia is 4-7 mEq/!iter. [Longneck- er eta!., PPA, 1998, p973)
How can you convert a magnesium concen- tration reported in mEq/liter to mg/dL? If serum magnesium is 4 mEq/liter, what is the concentration in mg/dL?
Divide mEq/liter by 0.8 to convert to mg/dL. 4 mEq/liter/0.8 ~ 5 mg/dL. [Longnecker eta!., PPA, 1998, p973)
State the loading and maintenance doses of magnesium sulfate administered for seizure prophylaxis in pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH).
For seizure prophylaxis in pregnancy-induced hypertension (preeclamp- sia), magnesium sulfate is administered at a loading dose of 4-6 g over 20-30 minutes, followed by a maintenance dose of 1-2 g/hr., continued for up to 24 hours postpartum. [Chestnut, OB Anes. 4th. 2009 pp986)
What is magnesium sulfate’s anticonvulsive mechanism of action in edampsiH and pre- eclampsia?
Magnesium depresses the CNS and increases the threshold for seizure activity. Magnesium produces these effects by decreasing the presynaptic release of acetylcholine and reducing the sensitivity of postsynaptic mem- lH’anes to acetylcholine. (Shnider and Levinson, Anes. for OB., 1993, p315; Stoelting, Co-Existing, 1993, p563)
List, in order of appearance, seven clinical manifestations of progressive hy- permagnesemia.
Signs ofhypermagnesemia are: {I) diminished deep tendon reOexes
(4-5 mEq/liter); (2) ECG changes including prolonged PR and ST inter- vals, widened QRS complexes, and/or elevated T waves (4-7 mEq/liter); (3) somnolence (5-7 mEq/liter); (4) loss of deep tendon reOexes, or myo- tonia (8-!0 mEq/liter); (5) heart block (!2 mEq/liter); (6) respiratory arrest (15 mEg/liter); and {7) cardiac arrest and cardiovascular collapse (20 mEq/liter). [Longnecker eta!., PPA, 1998, p973)
What are cardiovascular signs and symp- toms ofhypermagnesemia? At what serum magnesium levels are these cardiovascular signs and symptoms manifested?
ECG changes are seen when serum magnesium is 4-7 mEq/liter. Severe hypermagnesemia produces hypotension secondary to vasodilation, bradycardia, and myocardial depression. These signs and symptoms develop when serum magnesium exceeds 20 mEq/liter. [Morgan and Mikhail, Clinical Anesthesiology, 1996, p540)
When the plasma concentration of magnesi- um rises above the therapeutic range, as suggested by the absence of the knee jerk (patellar tap) reflex, what three things can happen?
(1) Hearl block, (2) ventilatory failure, and (3) cardiac arrest. [Stoelting,
Co-Existing, 1993, p563; Longnecker et al., PPA, 1998, p973]
- ; ( W h a t is the earliest sign of magnesium toxicity?
Clinically, the therapeutic effects of magnesium therapy are estimated by the response to deep tendon reflexes. Marked depression ofdeep tendon reflexes is an indication ofimpending magnesium toxicity. At therapeutic magnesium levels (4-6 mEq/L), letharb>y, nausea & vomiting, and facial flushing may occur. At magnesium levels greater than 6 mEq/L, loss of deep tendon reflexes and hypotension ensue. [Miller & Stoelting, Basics. Se. 2007 pp494; Hines, Stoelting’s Co-existing. Se. 2008 pp358]
What specific changes are often seen in the ECG when magnesium levels reach 10 mEq/L?
At magnesium levels of 10 mEq/L, prolonged P-Q intervals and widened QRS complexes may be observed. Asystole occurs at 20 mEq/L. [Yao, Yao & Artnsio’s POPM. 6e. 2008 pp917]
The pre-eclamptic mother who has been receiving IV magnesium and displays de- pression of deep tendon reflexes delivers her infant by Caesarean section. What signs wi!l the infant exhibit?
Magnesium crosses the placenta. Hypermagnesemia in the neonate re- sults in drowsiness, decreased muscle tone (atonia), and hypovenlilation requiring assisted ventilation. [Yao and Artusio, Problem Oriented Pa- tient Management, 1993, p506]
- What is the treatment for magnesium toxici- ty in the pre-eclamptic/eclamptic patient if supportive therapy is inadequate?
Magnesium toxicity is treated with IV calcium gluconate. [Shnider and Levinson, Anes. for OB., 1993, pp349-350; Stoelting, Co-Existing, 1993, p563]
The parturient with pregnancy-induced hypertension (pre-eclampsia) has been treated with magnesium sulfate and has now delivered the baby. Oxytocin has been given, but uterine atony persists. What is your next action?
This is a “toughie.” Magnesium sulfate is often given prophylactically to the patient with pregnancy-induced hypertension (Pil-I) to prevent seizures. Magne- sium sulfate is often continued for up to 24 hours p.illi!.partum for seizure prophy- laxis. Recall, though that Mg$0.1 is also a tocolytic (relaxes the uterus). Tocolytics (e.g., MgS01, beta-adrenergic agonists, and calcium channel blockers) given before or during labor have been implicated as causative agents of uterine atony. A careful review of medications that the patient has received or is receiving should be made and the offending agent should be stopped immediately. You might have considered giving methylergonovine to treat the uterine atony. However, even the baby has been delivered-which is definitive treatment for PHI-ergot alkaloids are relatively contraindicated in PIH, due to their hypertensive effects (Chestnut). [Datta, Anesthetic and Obstetric Management of High-Risk Pregnancy, 3’J ed., 2004, pl2l; Chestnut, Ob. Anes., yJ e(l., 2004, p67l; Authors]
The pre-eclamptic patient should generally not receive which general anesthetic? Why?
Ketamine should be avoided because it can aggravate the hypertension. [Barash, Clinical Anesthesia, 1997, p1074]
- What is the definitive treatment for preg- nancy-induced hypertension (pre- eclampsia)?
The definitive treatment ofpregnaucy-induced hypertensior1 is delivery of the fetus and placenta. The pregnancy is allowed to continue as long as the intrauterine environment supports growth and maturation of the fetus without endangering the mother. Hospitalization and bed-rest in the lateral decubitus position are begun. Adequate hydration and IV volume expansion with a balanced salt solution are also initiated. [Shnider and Levinson, Anes.for OB., 1993, pp314-315]
Why is ritodrine given to a parturient? How does ritodrine stop premature labor?
Ritodrine is administered to stop premature labor. Ritodrine relaxes uterine smooth muscle and stops contractions. It does this by stimulating uterine adrenergic beta-2 receptors. [Shnider and Levinson, Anes. for OB., 1993, pp341-342; Barash Handbook, Clinical Anesthesia, 1997, pl076]
What are the four side-effects associated with a ritodrine administration to stop premature labor?
Side-effects of ritodrine, a beta-2 adrenergic agonist, include hyperglyce- mia, hypokalemia, tachycardia and possibly pulmonary edema. [Barash Handbook, Clinical Anesthesia, 1997, pl076]
Does ritodrine (Yutopar) cross the placenta? What effects could ritodrine have on the fetus?
Ritodrine (Yutopar) readily crosses the placenta such that cardiovascular and metabolic side effects may occur in the mother and fetus. You should know the side-effects of ritodrine for mom (MemoryMaster 2004, IB6b:Q10). As a reminder they arc: (1) hypokalemia, (2) hyperglycemia, and (3) tachycardia. Thus the fetus could experience hypokalemia, hyper- glycemia, and/or tachycardia. [Stoelting, PPAP, 3’” ed. 1999, p276; Au· thorsl
Should atropine be administered to the pregnant patient receiving ritodrine? Why or why not?
No, do not administer atropine. Ritodrine has side-effects including tach- ycardia sufficient to produce pulmonary edema. Atropine will exacerbate the problem. [Barash Handbook, Clinical Anesthesia, 1997, pl076l
Your obstetric patient is receiving magnesi- um sulfate. How does magnesium interact with nondepolarizing muscle relaxants? With a depolarizing muscle relaxant (suc- cinyldlOline)?
Magnesium sulfate increases the mother’s sensitivity to both nondepolar- izing and depolarizing muscle relaxants. Muscle relaxants need to be titrated carefully. IShnider and Levinson, Anes. for OB., 1993, pp315-3l6]
Does magnesium sulfate cross the placenta? What effects can magnesium sulfate have on the fetus?
Magnesium sulfate may cross the placenta and potentially cause hy- pennagncsemia in the fetus. Hypermagnesemia in the fetus results in loss of beat-to-beat variability in fetal heart rate, hyporeflexia, muscle weak- ness, and respiratory depression (apnea). [Yao & Artusio, Yao & A rtusio’s POPM, Se, 2003, p819; Hurford, Mass Gen Handbook, 6e, 2002, p502l
What is the effect of intravenous lidocaine on uterine tone?
Uterine arterial vasoconstriction and high uterine tone occur with high increased intravenous doses of lidocaine. Low levels ofcirculating lido- caine do not produce vasoconstriction. [Shnider and Levinson, Anes. for OB., 1993, pp35-37, 273-275]
How does fetal ion trapping of a local anes- t-hetic occur? Ion trapping is signiftcant when fetal pH falls into what range?
The non-ionized form of the local anesthetic crosses the placental barrier. Since the fetus has a lower pH than is found in the mother, the non- ionized form of the local anesthetic is converted to the ionized form (a weak base made more acidic yields more ionized drug), and the ionized form is trapped in the fetus. The more acidotic the fetus, the greater the ion trapping. When fetal pH falls into the range of 7.03-7.23, significant ion trapping occurs. tShnider and Levinson, Anes. for OB., 1993, p75; Authors]
The amount of local anesthetic diffusing across the placental barrier to the fetus will be increased if mother is acidotic of if moth~ er is alkalotic? Explain your answer.
Maternal alkalosis favors diffusion of local anesthetic across the placental barrier. Un-ionized drug diffuses across barriers such as the placental barrier. Hence, maternal conditions that shift the drug to its un-ionized form will cause the rate of diffusion from Mother to fetus to increase. Local anesthetics are weak bases and follow the rule: a weak base made more basic becomes more un-ionized (base+ base= un-ionized). There- fore, maternal alkalosis results in greater diffusion of local anesthetic to the fetus. IAuthors]
Ion trapping of local anesthetic by the fetus is facilitated by fetal acidosis or fetal alkalo- sis? Explain your answer.
Fetal acidosis (decrease in fetal pH) facilitates ion trapping. Local anes- thetics, which are weak bases, become progressively more ionized as pH falls (base+ acid = ionized). The lower the fetal pH, the greater the amount oflocal anesthetic in ionized form in the fetus, and the greater the amount of ion trapping. Ionized drug does not cross the placenta from the fetus to the mother. IAuthors]
Which of the following sets of conditions most facilitates trapping of local anesthetic by the fetus: (a) maternal alkalosis and fetal alkalosis, (b) maternal alkalosis and fetal acidosis, (c) maternal acidosis and fetal acidosis, or (d) maternal acidosis and fetal alkalosis?
Ion Trapping is facilitated by maternal alkalosis (which favors the diffusion of un-ionized drug across the placenta to the fetus) and fetal acidosis (which favors the formation of ionized drug and trapping in the fetus). IAuthors; Barash Handbook, Clinical Anesthesia, 1997, p103]