OB Flashcards
Triage: ROL
Cervical change over 1-2h, regular frequent painful cx
Triage: rule out preterm labor
- Check with attending (spec/exam)
- Sterile spec
- Swabs: GCCT, GBS, wet mount, ferning
- +/- US cervical length if <32w
Triage: early latent labor
Morphine 10-15mg IM
Phenergan 25mg IM
Return precautions 4/5-1-1
Triage: preterm cx—ddx (9), exam (7), orders (7)
Ddx: dehydration, recent increased physical exertion, UTI, preE, pyelo, chorio, BV, abruption, preterm labor
Exam: VS, FHT, CVAT, andominal pain, fundal tenderness, VB, 2 CEs 1-2h apart, +/- transvaginal US for cervical length (<2cm bad, >3cm good)
Orders: PO/IVF, UA/UCx, PIH/HELLP panel, Up/c, CBC/diff, wet mount, +/- GCCT
Triage: preterm labor
Preterm contraction workup
Consider antepartum admit for betamethasone 12mg q24h x2 (34w0d - 36w6d) if 7 days without previous steroids
Triage: rule-out SROM
Sterile spec 2/3 positive for nitrazine, ferning, pooling Spont labor if cx PROM without reg freq cx PPROM <37w w/o cx \+SROM = admission, minimize CEs
Triage: nonreassuring NST
BPP (tone, mvmt, resp, AFI)
If new oligo, r/o SROM
Triage: preE definition
> 140 or >90 x2 4h apart AND one of:
- proteinuria (>0.3, >300, or +1 on dip)
- Cr doubled or >1.1
- plt <100k
- cerebral edema (HA, vis changes)
- LFTs x2 ULN
- severe RUQ pain
- pulm edema
Triage: preE with severe features definition
- Cr doubled or >1.1
- plt <100k
- cerebral edema (HA, vis changes)
- LFTs x2 ULN
- severe RUQ pain
- pulm edema
- > 160 or >100 x2 separated by minutes
PreE ddx (3)
gHTN if >20w, cHTN if <20w, HELLP
PreE workup
PIH/HELLP panel, upc (start 24h urine collection if >300, none if SROM), q15min bps, LDH for HELLP, if severe, mag x24h vs through delivery, q6 mag levels & PIH labs, PIH to q12 if improving, 3.5L fluid restriction, no mIVF, monitor UOP
Triage: abdo trauma hx (6)
Mechanism, velocity, pain, VB, LOF, FM
Triage: abdo trauma PE
abd bruising, uterine tenderness, VB, SVE if cx
Triage: abdo trauma workup (7)
cEFM x4h, KB, CBC, fibrinogen (<200 ?DIC), T&S if blood type unknown, US (r/o abruption, low sensitivity), rhogam if rh-, ?2nd dose if KB+
Triage: abdo trauma DC criteria
Cx<4/h, no pain/VB, cat I FHT, KB-; if any +, admit for 24h cEFM
VB ddx (7)
Placenta previa, vasa previa, placental abruption, cervical polyps, cervical lesion, bartholin cysts, bloody show/mucus plug
When to start pcn for gbs+?
6cm primip, 4cm multip
Cervical ripening indicated if Bishops
Miso: q__h x__ max, can’t give if ________, may cause ________
4, 6, tachysystole, fever
Low dose pit for cervical ripening: max ____