OAS CPP Flashcards
- As long a syou lived in Canada for at least 20 years after reaching age 18, OAS pension will continue definitely even if you leaves Canada for extended period.
If you didn’t live in Canada for 20 years, payment for first 6 consecutive months of absence from Canada, resume in the month return to Canada
- OAS claw back rate is 15% –OAS threshold, is the income at which pensioner’s OAS benefit will begin to clow back
a. OAS cut off is based on Net income
b. OAS benefits based on previous income, same as child benefts
- You 66 years of age, has 5000 CPP pension plan income and live in Saskatoon. You want to do part time job with partial income of $14,600 per year. Under the GIC earning exemption prior to the enhancement, You would only get to keep about 6650 of this 14600 from the part time job after GIS benefit clawback, federal and provincial tax and tax credits and other benefits are consider
With the enhancement to GIS earnings exemption, what would be the amount of your client’s GIS earnings exemption?
The full exemption +50% (lesser of 10,000 and (annual employment income-5000))
In this case, it is 5000+50%X9600=9800
- Non pensionable employment income
a. Earn less than 3500
b. Migratory workers who do not work at least 25 days/who do not earn at least 250 per year from the same employer
c. Casual workers, such as babysisters,
d. Members of religious orders who turn their entire income over to their order
- You become parents, you stay at home to take care of kid till kid go to kindergarten.
In considering use of the child-rearing drop out, what would you advise your clt
- Learnings : The child-rearing drop out CRDO provision is a provision of the CPP legislation that permits you to exclude a period of up to 7 years for each child for years during which you were raising that child from your contributory period for the base CPP
- You have corporation, turned 64 y/o and commenced to receive CPP retirement. Had no need to accumulate additional funds in registered retirement savings plan.
The corporation’s taxable income before compension will not exceed 400,000 and you will take compensations salary or dividend to provide an fter tax income of 150K
- ## You could take the compensation as dividends and avoid having to make CPP contributions
- CPP death benefit
a. Either estate or surviving spouse will receive a death benefit of 2500
b. Death benefit is not automatic. The estate or spouse must apply to receive the benefit
c. In order for the heirs of a deceased CPP contributor to be eligible to receive CPP death benefits, survivor’s pensions and orphan’s benefits, the deceased contributor must have made CPP contributions for a min. qualifying period.
d. The CPP minimum qualifying period is
i. At least one third of the number years in CPP contributory period, in no case for less than 3 years, or
ii. At least 10 years
iii. Calculation- ( Current age – 18 +1)/3’
- The Amount of Disability pension is the amount calculated as The LESSER of
a.max monthly CPP disability pension and
b. A flat rate component +75% of the CPP retirement pension which you would have been entitled if you could have retired at the time of your disability
c. In 2018, the maximum monthly CPP disability pension is 1335 and the flat rate component is 488.2
If you remarry, you will lose SURVIVOR’s Allowance UNDER OAS
you will not lose Survivor’s pension under CPP
Your kid, if below 18 or untile age 25 if go the school full time, kid will not lose Orphan’s benefit
The GIS new EXEMPITON excluded the first 5000 of person’s employment and self employmnet income as well as 50% of Income great that 5000, but less than 15000
if your income would be 14600. your GIS exemption would be 5000+50% (less of 10000 and (14600-5000))
= 5000+0.5X9600=9800
OAS, GIS and ALLOWANCE benefits are all included when computing the net income, which in turn is used to asses the your eligible for various tax credits.
However, the GIS and Allowance benefits are subsequently deducted before determine taxable income –so they are not subjec tto income tax
CPP retirmeent beneftis included into taxpayers net income, not deducted before determine taxable income
You Marginal tax and OAS clawback rate is
0.85* MTR +15%
or MTR+OAS clawback rate X(1-15%)
if you earn less 3500,
or migratory work do NOT work at least 25 days per year
or casual work, such as baby sitter
member of religiousorders who turn all entire income over to order
YOu dont need to pay CPP
CPP 2021 , 5.7 %, YBE is 3500
If you still working after 60 years, must do CPP contribution
if you work after 65, flexible
You should pay CPP from 18 to 65
Child rearing dropout for CPP, only the caring mother or father can apply for CRDO
- CRDO could help meet the eligibility requirments for a disability benefits
Tax Credit for Pension Income is non refundable, who receive eligible pension income
15% of eligible of fed pension income…max amt of tax credit is 2000
Eligible pension income would be
- annuity from LIife annuity
- Annuity form RRSP/RIF/DPSP
the annuity payment from matured RRSP, but you are younger than 65, not eligible pension