Oaklahome Commercial Applicators Training Flashcards
Pass OK applicators exam
what does WPS stand for?
Worker Protection Standard
when are commercial applicators and their employees under WPS
when making pesticide applications to agricultural crop production areas.
Commercial applicators must providecrop producers with the following information for WPS
Location and description of treated area
time and date of application
product name, EPA registration #, active ingredients
Whether a posting and oral notification is required
Product specific requirements concerning the protection of workers or other persons during application
WPS applies to what type of pesticides
what is an REI
the period of time workers are not allowed into the treated field (most have a 4-48 REI)
what contributes to the breakdown of of pesticides
light, heat, oxygen, microbes, bacteria and fungi
What is the best way to avoid groundwater contamination
Dont use pesticides! second best is IPM
OK department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry. distributes licenses for all commericial applicators regardless of whether or not they apply RUP’s
When can a mist blower for hormone type herbicides be used?
forest nursery and timber productions areas where the control of undesirable vegetation with hormone type herbicide is necessary
Range, pasture, and crop areas where control of udnesirable vegetation with a hormone type herbicide is necessary.
( when terrain cannot be easily be covered by other types of equipment)
Commercial applicators are required to keep the following records for OK:
Start and Stop time of application (date of application)
Total amount of pesticide used
Name and address of the commercial or non commercial company
Name and address of the person whom applied
Legal description of the land where applied. St. address not p.o box
Dilution rate for mixing
Total amount of mix used
Trade Name of mix, EPA registration number or product used
Target pest for application, site of application
REI according to label
A copy or label or labeling
Copies of contracts issued, copies of wood infestation reports issued *KEEP FOR TWO YEARS
USDA record keeping for RUP’sl:
Brand or product name and EPA registration# Total amount applied Size of area treated Crop commodity, stored product or site Location of application Month, day and year applied Applicators name and cert. #
IPM for Ag. crops includes
resistant varieties of crop rotation
cultural practices
beneficial organisms
all of which need to be considered before the use of pesticides
Annual weeds
complete their lifecylce in less than one year. Some plants are winter or summer annuals. Summer annuals start in the spring and die before fall. Some plants are both. Knowing their lifestages helps to control these plants
Biennial weeds
Complete their lifecycles within two years. In the first the plant forms basal leaves and tap root. in the second year it flowers, matures and dies. These are most susceptable to herbicide treatmeants when they are still in rosette stage before putting up a flower stalk.
Perennial weeds
Live more than two years and live almost indefinitely. some by seed, a lot by rhizomes, bulbs, tubers or budding roots. Easiest to control as seedlings. Translocated herbicides are the most effective at control, best application time is right after plant has leafed out fully in springcult
Propagules: perennial weeds
Contain buds for the production of new shoots and they also store the food to supply energy to the shoots. until leaves develop and begin photosynthesis
cultural control
smother crops or crop rotation
mechanical control
hand pulling, hoeing, mowing, flooding, burning, tilling and smothering with nonliving materials such as plastic.
Biological control
consists of one living organism controlling another, without harming the crop plant. exp. insects, and geese in vinyards
Chemical control
Contact Herbicide
an herbicide that kills primarily by contact with plant tissue
translocated herbicide
herbicides that are “translocated” to sites within the plant to disrupt an important process in photosynthesis or growth.
Germination inhibitors
applied to the soil and affect seeds by preventing germination. almost no foliar activity, and are no translocated. Control grasses, better than weeds and no effect on perennials
Photosynthesis inhibitors
generally soil applied but can also be post emergence on small seedlings. they are trans-located from the soil through the xylem. Control annual broad leafs better than grasses.
Meristem inhibitors
Affect the cell division of the plants meristem. (growing points of plants) by inhibiting production of amino acids. Plant resistance can easily develop.
Contact Action
applied post emergence to seedling annual weeds to burn them off. Control annual broadleaf weeds better than grasses because the growing point is shielded in young grasses with leaf foliage.
Auxin Growth Inhibitors
Control broadleaf weeds and can be selectively used in most grass type crops. they translocate to the growth areas of the plant where they block a vital process. small doses from drift from this group can cause injury to non target plants.
Post emergence translocated herbicides
primarily post emergence for grass control. translocate readily and should be applied to actively growing plants. metabolic inhibitors, pigment inhibitors and meristematic inhibitors. Can be selective or non selective
Pre plant herbicides
herbicides applied to soil before the crop is planted