O - Z Flashcards
Objective is a target or purpose that, when combined with other objectives, leads to a goal.
Objective-centered describes a theory of instruction that concentrates on observable and measurable outcomes. It is based on behaviorism, the primary tenet of which is that psychology should concern itself with the observable behavior of people and animals, not the unobservable events that take place in their minds.
Observation occurs when participants are directed to view or witness an event and be prepared to share their reflections, reactions, data, or insights. Observation is also a methodology for data collection.
Observation bias
Observation bias is the tendency for observers to see what they expect to see based on past experiences and knowledge. To prevent it, observations should be conducted in the least obtrusive manner possible, preferably by multiple people. Observers should receive training, as well as a checklist, to aid in their observations. The Hawthorne Effect is a well-documented phenomenon that can negatively influence research observations.
One-way analysis of variance
One-way analysis of variance allows the comparison of several groups of observations, all of which are independent but may have a different mean. A test of great importance is whether the means are all equal. All observations arise from one of several groups (or have been exposed to one of several treatments in an experiment). This method classifies data one way—according to the group or treatment.
Online help
Online help is a computer application that provides online assistance.
Open space technology
Open space technology is an approach for facilitating meetings, conferences, symposia, and so forth that is focused on a specific purpose or task—but starting without any formal agenda beyond the overall purpose or theme. Open space meetings ensure that all issues and ideas people are willing to raise are discussed.
Open systems
Open systems continuously interact with their environment. In organizations, an open system is said to allow people to learn from and influence one another because of their interconnectedness and interdependence within the system.
Open systems theory, also known as living or general systems theory
Open systems theory, also known as living or general systems theory, is the concept that open systems are strongly affected by and continuously interacting with their environments. Organizations are viewed as open systems.
Open-ended is a type of questioning that stimulates discussion. Open-ended questions have no single correct answer and encourage people to draw on their own experiences and apply them to the current situation or discussion.
Opening exercises, also called openers.
Opening exercises, also called openers, differ from icebreakers in that they always introduce or tie in to the subject matter being taught. Openers set the stage and avoid abrupt starts. They also make participants comfortable with the formal program they are about to experience. Openers may also energize a group after coffee breaks and meals, as well as to open sessions that occur on the second or third day of a program.
Operating expenses
Operating expenses are the costs incurred by an organization as a result of conducting normal business activities.
Operational goals
Operational goals, or programmatic goals, define the objectives that must be met to initiate a TD effort, such as the date by which the program will be deployed.
Opportunity (within performance improvement) refers to whether employees are able or allowed to do a job. Employees mired in insignificant tasks may not have time to do the work that supports organizational goals.
Ordinal data.
Ordinal data is a number or variable that allows for ranking order of importance from highest to lowest.
Organization development (OD)
Organization development (OD) is the process of developing an organization so that it’s more effective in achieving its business goals. OD uses planned initiatives to develop the systems, structures, and process in the organization to improve effectiveness.
Organizational culture
Organizational culture is the unspoken pattern of values, assumptions, and beliefs that guide the behavior, attitudes, and practices of people in an organization.
Organizational learning
Organizational learning is the systemic implementation of best practices to create, retain, and disseminate knowledge within an entity or organization to ensure improvement over time.
Outcome goals
Outcome goals are based on the needs of the organization and the expectations of senior leaders. They measure an initiative’s influence on organizational goals
Outcome measures
Outcome measures are the numerical results or impact of the learning program or initiative, such as the results of a training program on revenue or how a leadership development program has influenced succession plans.
Outcomes are measures that examine the impact of an initiative on organizational goals and results.
Outlier is a data point that’s an unusually large or unusually small value compared with others in the data set. An outlier might be the result of an error in measurement, in which case it distorts interpretation of the data, which has undue influence on many summary statistics.