O&M [2 Marks] Flashcards
What do Catholics mean by “Imago Dei”?
- Means Image of God.
- The belief that Humans are unique because they were made in the Image and the likeness of God.
Define “Abortion”.
- The deliberate termination of a pregnancy.
What do Catholic mean by “Omnipotence”?
- The belief that God is all-powerful.
- God is the only one who can create out of nothing causing him to be seen as omnipotent.
What do Catholic mean by “Stewardship”?
- The duty to care for the environment.
- Rather than consumers, we are given the duty to care for the environment for future generations to come.
What do Catholic mean by “Creation Ex Nihilo”?
- Means Creation out of Nothing.
- God is described as omnipotent because ONLY God can create out of nothing.
What do Catholics mean by “Conscience”?
- Human reasoning for making moral decisions.
- It is the knowledge we have of what is right and wrong.
What do Catholics mean by “Revelation”?
- The word used to describe the way in which God makes himself known to humans.
- It is believed that God does this through the person of Jesus.
What do Catholics mean by “Incarnation”?
- Means “made flesh”.
- The belief that God cam down to earth through the person of Jesus, fully human and fully divine.
What is the Inconsistent Triad? Who invented it?
- David Hume
- A “triad” of three things that cannot all be true at the same time.
- Those things being “God is Omnibenevolent”, “God is Omnipotent” and “Evil Exists”.
What do Catholics mean by “Omnibenevolent”?
- Means All-loving.
- God showed his omnibenevolence through creation and the fact he made us in His Image.
Define “Immanent”.
- This means God is not distant from the world, but involved in it.
What do Catholics mean by “Transcendence”?
- It is the belief that God exits out of time.
- He exists like nothing else; he is above and beyond Creation.
Define “Evolution”.
- The process of mutation leading to changes in species over time to suit particular environments.
What do Catholics mean by “Inspiration”?
- Means “God Breathed”.
- the belief that the spirit of God guides us to know what is good and true.