O&G Flashcards
What fluids are given in hyperemesis gravidarum?
IV saline + KCl + cyclizine
What drugs are used in hyperemesis gravidarum?
Anti-histamine = promethazine Anti-emetic = cyclizine, ondasetron, metoclopramide
Which position are pregnant women put in during distress?
Left lateral position - prevents uterine compression of IVC
How do you calculate Parity?
Number of viable pregnancies over 24w - e.g. stillbirth still counts
What does Parity 1+1 mean?
1 pregnancy before 24w
1 miscarriage before 24w
What dates are anti-D given?
28 and 34 weeks to Rh-ve mothers
Which analgesia is used in LS C-section?
Spinal anaesthesia
What are the 4 grades of C-section?
1 - emergency
2 - urgent
3 - scheduled
4 - elective
What are 2 risks of breech?
Cord prolapse
How do you do induction of labour?
- Membrane Sweep to stimulate natural prostaglandins
- PGE-2 gel
- Amniotomy + oxytocin
What are the 3 treatments for shoulder dystocia?
- McRoberts
- Episiotomy + rotational manoeuvre
- Hands and Knees Position
For which patients is prophylaxis for pre-eclampsia given?
75mg Aspirin from 12w
1 high risk: CKD, DM, previous HTN in pregnancy, HTN normally, autoimmune (APS, SLE)
2 medium risk: obesity, 10 year gap, multiple pregnancy, over 40, nuliparity
When do obstetric cholestasis / acute fatty liver of pregnancy present?
3rd trimester, after 30 weeks
What are LFTs in obstetric cholestasis / acute fatty liver of pregnancy?
Obstetric cholestasis - high ALP, high GGT
Acute fatty liver - high ALT
What is a common feature of HEELP urine?
Coca Cola Urine