O&G Flashcards
Placenta contains large and small villi with scalloped outlines and trophoblastic hyperplasia
Hydatidiform Mole
Virus causing vulval warts
HHV6 and 11
Score used to assess favourability of cervix
Bishop’s Score
How long should active 1st stage last?
1cm/hr in nullips, 2cm/hr in multips
16hrs max
How is delay in active 1st stage defined as?
<2cm in 4hrs
How is delay in active 2nd stage defined as?
2hrs in nullip, 1hr in multips
What is main risk factor for preterm delivery?
Infection (GBS, BV, chlamydia)
The cervical length which increases preterm risk
Cervical lenght <25mm
Shoulder tip pain in ectopic
Intraperitoneal blood loss (phrenic nerve supplies supraclavicular)
Transvaginal US shows pseudosac
Ectopic Pregnancy
Support group for ectopic patients
Ectopic Pregnancy Trust
“Snow-storm” appearance on US
Molar Pregnancy
Pathophysiology of pre-eclampsia
Incomplete trophoblast invasion of spiral arteries in placenta –> no vasodilation in spiral arteries –> placenta not perfused well
2 urine-based investigations for pre-eclampsia
- ++ protein on dip
2. Urine PCR >30
When should pre-eclampsia deliver?
By 36 weeks
-use oxytocin instead of ergometrine in 3rd stage
Diagnosis of GDM (fasting and 2hr post-GTT)
Fasting >5.6 mmol/L
Post-GTT >7.8 mmol/L
Leading cause of maternal death in UK
Heart disease
Pregnant woman with excessive thirst, epigastric pain and jaundice
Acute Fatty Liver
Cause of Acute Fatty Liver
LCHAD deficiency –> can’t metabolise fatty acids –> fatty acid build-up in liver
Itchy without rash, worse on palms and soles
Itch increases in evenings
Obstetric Cholestasis (oestrogen prevents bile acid uptake by liver cells)
Treatment of thrombosis in pregnancy
Enoxaparin (LMWH)
Lamda Sign
T Sign
Lamda Sign = dichorionic (thick dividing membrane as it meets the placentas)
T Sign = monochorionic (thin dividing membrane)
Blueberry muffin rash in newborn
Congenital Rubella Syndrome
Urticarial rash on tummy, which spares the umbilicus
Polymorphic Eruption of Pregnancy
Bullous eruption on urticaria, involves umbilicus
Pemphigoid Gestationis
“Woody” uterus
(Severe) Placental Abruption (woody as bleeding stimulates myometrial contractions)
Pregnant woman has sudden increase in abdominal size
Polyhydramnios in Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome
Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome only affects which type of twins?
MCDA (shared placenta means shared vasculature)
Fused epiphyses in baby = side effect if this drug is used in pregnancy
Tense uterus and can’t feel foetal parts
What drug class can cause closure of ductus arteriosus?
When do you give anti-D to Rh-ve women?
1500IU at 28 weeks
Within 72hrs of sensitising events
Kleihauer Test
Checks number of foetal cells in mum’s circulation –> detects fetomaternal haemorrhage
Waiter’s Tip deformity in baby
Erb’s Palsy after shoulder dystocia (excess traction on neck damages brachial plexus)
Management of shoulder dystocia
- McRoberts Manoeuvre = max flexion of mum to give baby more room
- Episiotomy and Wood’s Screw Manoeuvre = pressure behind posterior shoulder –> baby rotates 180
Liquor looks like pea soup
Undiluted meconium in amniotic fluid
Definition of foetal hypoxia
Foetal scalp pH <7.20
Features of foetal distress on CTG
- Late decelerations
- HR > 160
- Reduced baseline variability
Pelvic bone pain worse on movement/end of day
Pelvic Girdle Pain
After C-section: heavy vaginal bleeding, boggy poorly contracted uterus
Retained Products
- can happen if not all products removed during C-section
- Offensive lochia = products infected
- Management: EUA to remove the products
Uterus too large for dates + hyperthyroid symptoms
Molar Pregnancy
-hCG looks similar to TSH!
Schiller’s Test
Lugol iodine applied –> normal cervix dark brown, cervical cancer not stained
Definitions of oligomenorrhoae and amenorrhoae
Oligomenorrhoea: <6 periods in 1 year
Amenorrhoea: no periods in 6 months
Investigation in subfertility which confirms ovulation
Day 21 progesterone >30 (ovulation leaves behind corpus luteum, which makes progesterone)
PCOS criteria
(i) Polycystic ovaries on US
(ii) Irregular periods >35 days apart
(iii) Hyperandrogenism (clinical = acne/hair; biochem = raised testosterone)
Free Androgen Index calculation
(Total Testosterone/SHBG) x 100
= shows active cholesterol
When would you do blood tests in menopausal woman?
- Under 45yrs
- Over 45yrs with atypical symptoms
–>check increased FSH on 2 samples, 4-6 weeks apart
When would you give:
- Monthly cyclical HRT
- Continuous HRT
- Perimenopause (LMP within 1yr)
2. Postmenopause (LMP after 1yr)
HRT benefits
- Decreases fragility fractures
- Improves muscle strength
HRT risks
- Oestrogen only: endometrial cancer
- Combined: breast cancer
- Oral: VTE
1st-line investigation in postmenopausal bleeding
Transvaginal US –> measure endometrial thickness:
<4mm and only 1 bleeding ep: do nothing!
>4mm/many bleeding eps: endometrial biopsy +/- hysteroscopy
Types of endometrial cancer
Type 1 = mucinous and secretory adenocarcinoma
- Oestrogen-dependent – arises from hyperplasia
- Low grade –> doesn’t invade past uterus
Type 2 = serous and clear cell carcinoma
- Oestrogen-independent – arise from atrophic endometrium
- High grade –> invades more
Transvaginal US shows “skip lesions”
Asherman’s Syndrome = intrauterine adhesions
- Cyclical pelvic pain
- Period pains before periods start
- Deep dyspareunia (“on deep penetration”)
- Pain on passing stool during periods
Transvaginal US shows “venetian blind appearance”
Transvaginal US shows chocolate cyst and “ground glass” bloos
What is squamocolumnar junction (SCJ)?
Columnar epithelium of endocervix meets squamous epithelium of ectocervix
High-risk HPV strains
16 and 18
Follow-up after treat CIN
Repeat smear and HPV test after 6 months
o Normal? Return to normal smears
o Abnormal? Colposcopy
Cervix bleeds on contact
Cervical cancer (UNLESS smears are normal = ectropion)
Cancer types in cervical cancer
90% squamous cell. 10% adenocarcinomas (BAD)
Surgical treatment of cervical cancer
Radical (Wertheim’s) hysterectomy
- Pelvic nodes
- Uterus
- Parametrium
- Upper 1/3 vagina
What is a Krukenberg tumour?
Met on ovary, coming from GI primary
Risk of Malignancy Index calculation
Ultrasound Score x Menopause Status x CA125
- US score = one point for every US feature (max 5)
- Menopause status = 3 points if post-menopausal
Gynae cause of colicky abdo pain and vomiting
Ovarian cyst torsion – causes infarction of ovary and tubes
Vaginal discharge that is cyclical with period
Physiological discharge (increases with oestrogen)
Amsel Criteria for bacterial vaginosis
- Thin white discharge
- Clue cells on microscopy
- Vaginal pH >4.5
- Fishy odour after adding 10% KOH to the discharge (on a microscope slide)
Cause of bacterial vaginosis
Gardnerella vaginalis (loss of commensal lactobacilli + increased anaerobes)
- Multiorgan failure + hypotension
- Desquamation
Toxic Shock Syndrome
= when keep tampon for a long time
–>Staph aureus/ Group A Strep releases toxins (superantigens) –> cytokines
Which STI causes arthritis, urethritis, conjunctivitis (Sexually Acquired Reactive Arthritis)
Chlamydia Trachomatis
Most common bacterial STI
Chlamydia Trachomatis
STI which is Gram -ve diplococcus
Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
Treatment of Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
IM ceftriaxone + PO azithromycin
Treatment of Chlamydia Trachomatis
Azithromycin 1g single dose
Or, doxycycline for 7 days
Most common viral STI
Genital warts (HPV)
Which types of HPV cause genital warts?
HPV 6 and 11
Solitary painless ulcer (on penis glans, tongue etc)
Which bacterium causes Syphilis?
Treponema Pallidum
Lots of warts at sites of skin friction in genitals
Condylomata lata = secondary syphillis
Treatment of Syphilis
IM penicillin
Strawberry cervix and frothy discharge
Trichomonas Vaginalis = flagellate protozoan
Bilateral lower abdo pain and deep dyspareunia
Most common cause of pruritus vulvae (itchy vulva)
Contact dermatitis
Pruritus vulvae: really bad itch, worse at night
Lichen Simplex = eczematous plaque (due to repeated rubbing/scratching)
Pruritus vulvae: parchment skin + figure-of-eight distribution around vulva
Lichen Sclerosus (autoimmune = vulva epithelium loses collagen)
Vaginal pus cells on wet-mount smear
Treatment of PID
IM ceftriaxone –> PO doxycycline + PO metronidazole
+screen partners for STI and treat them!
Difference between Urinary Stress Incontience and Overactive Bladder
Urinary Stress Incontinence = leaking during cough, WITHOUT detrusor contraction
Overactive Bladder = involuntary detrusor contraction after cough –> leak after cough
Dragging sensation in vagina
Urogenital Prolapse
Examination specific for urogenital prolapse
Sims’ Speculum: can see anterior and posterior vaginal walls
What does COCP contain?
Ethinyl oestrogen + progestogen
How does COCP work?
o -ve feedback on gonadotrophins –> suppresses ovulation
o Thickens cervical mucus
o Thin endometrium = more hostile
Pregnant even though have Mirena- what should you think about?
What should you warn women about re. Mirena?
Reduces menstrual blood loss –> may become amenorrhoeic
Causes irregular light bleeding
What should you warn women about re. depot progesterone?
Can have prolonged amenorrhoea after stop depot … warn potential mums about this!
Sharp, shooting breast pain - esp when breastfeeding
Deep burning breast pain
Ductal infection
Bladder still palpable after urination
Urinary Overflow Incontinence (retention, due to bladder outlet obstruction)
Sharp unilateral pain immediately following intercourse or strenuous exercise
Ruptured ovarian cyst (see free fluid on US)
Most common cause of post-coital bleeding
Cervical ectropion
Chignon vs cranial abrasion
Chignon = birth trauma on skull after ventouse
Cranial abrasion = after instrumental/C-section
Ectopic pregnancy: foetal heartbeat present but minor symptoms and haemodynamically stable
Surgical (foetal heartbeat = emergency due to rupture risk!)
Tender RIF –> when palpate LIF, there is more pain in the RIF than LIF
Rosvig’s Sign in appendicitis
Most common cause of PID in UK
Chlamydia trachomatis
US shows intrauterine sac with no fetal pole
Missed miscarriage
PCOS increases risk of which cancer?
Endometrial (oligo/amenorrhoea in the presence of pre-menopausal levels of oestrogen)
Ovarian tumour causing ascites and pleural effusion
Fibroma (benign) –> causes Meigs’ Syndrome
Most common benign ovarian tumour in women <30yrs
Dermoid Cyst
Most common ovarian malignant cancer
Serous Adenocarcinoma
Large ovarian malignancy cancer (can become massive)
Mucinous Cystadenoma
Sudden collapse (low BP, high HR) after ROM
Amniotic Fluid Embolism
Lack of postpartum milk production and amenorrhoea following delivery
Sheehan Syndrome = PPH causes ischaemia of pituitary
Best LARC for young people
Progestogen-Only Subdermal Implant (Nexplanon = 40mm rod containing etonogestrel)
Commonest ovarian cyst
Follicular Cyst –> regresses after a few menstrual cycles
“Redness around cervical os”
Cervical ectropion = larger area of columnar epithelium being on ectocervix
- Pregnancy!
Itchy, sore ulcer on vulva - does not respond to steroids
Vulval Carcinoma
- VIN = white plaque
- HSV = small vesicles
Ovarian cancer type which causes endometrial hyperplasia
Granulosa cell tumour
Treatment for endometrial hyperplasia
Simple hyperplasia with no atypia: progestogens (IUS) –> 3-6monthly hysteroscopy + biopsy
Atypia: hysterectomy
Fibroid complication that occurs during pregnancy
Red degeneration
Which cancer drug increases risk of endometrial hyperplasia?
Tamoxifen = oestrogen antagonist in breast, agonist in endometrium!
“Whirlpool sign” on US
Ovarian Torsion (whirlpool = twisty = torsion)
When is mid-luteal progesterone?
Cycle length - 7 days
should be high (>30) as ovulation leaves behind corpus luteum, which makes progesterone…
Disease which is an absolute contraindication for any hormonal therapy
Current breast cancer
Riskiest form of breech
Footling = feet first –> 15% risk of cord prolapse
What med suppresses lactation, and how does it work?
Cabergoline - dopamine receptor agonist –> inhibits prolactin
Biggest risk factor for cord prolapse
ARM - because the baby is not yet engaged in the pelvis when the membrane is ruptured, so cord compressed if suspended below the baby
If need to monitor LMWH in pregnancy, what do you use to monitor it?
Anti-Xa Activity (use APTT to monitor unfractionated)
Painless lump in woman who has just stopped breastfeeding
Galactocele (obstruction of lactoferous duct) –> clinical diagnosis
Which contraceptives should not be used >50yrs?
COCP and Depo-Provera (decreases BMD)
Contraceptives used with enzyme-inducing drugs
Copper IUD
Progesterone injection (Depo-provera)
Mirena IUS
Absolute contraindication for copper IUD
Chick presents >5 days after UPSI - is it too late to give UPSI?
Not necessarily - can give copper IUD within 5 days after earliest ovulation date (start of next period - 14 days)
Endometrial/ovary cancer, who also had bowel cancer at young age
Ovarian cysts that ruptures to cause pseudomyxoma peritonei
Mucinous cystadenoma
Where is most common site for ectopic rupture
Ampulla (middle region of Fallopian Tube)
Most common site for lymphatic spread in ovarian cancer
Para-aortic lymph nodes
Erythematous cervix with pinpoint areas of exudation
= Strawberry Cervix in Trichomonas vaginalis!
–> oral metronidazole
Most common site in the tube for an ectopic pregnancy
Ampulla (70% ectopics)
–> then isthmus, then fimbriae
Ovarian cyst containing Rokitansky’s protuberance
Teratoma (dermoid cyst)
-project from wall to centre of cyst
Ovarian cyst that forms in early pregnancy (is completely normal)
Corpus luteum
Main side effect of Progesterone Only Pill
Irregular vaginal bleeding
What secretes hCG?
Function of hCG
Prevent the disintegration of the corpus luteum, so it continues to make progesterone
Definition of anaemia in pregnancy
Hb <11 –> give oral iron
Fitz-Hugh–Curtis syndrome
PID –> liver adhesions
Early Decelerations on CTG
Benign, head compression – starts with onset of contraction and ends when contraction ends
Late Decelerations on CTG
Foetal distress – starts after contraction and ends >30 secs after end of contraction
–>foetal blood sampling –> C-Section if pH <7.2
Variable Decelerations on CTG
= independent of contractions = cord compression
Solitary painless, self-healing ulcer on penis –> unilateral lymphadenopathy
Lymphogranuloma venerum (chlamydia)
Argyll-Robertson pupils
Neurosyphillis (pupils that accommodate but don’t constrict)
Oestradiol functions
- Endometrium proliferation
- Production of thin cervical mucus
- Maintains eggs in ovary
Progesterone functions
- Induces secretory changes in endometrium
- Thickens cervical mucus
- Decreases uterine contractility and inhibits breast milk (so progesterone drops before labour)
Pelvic pain in pregnancy, which radiates to upper thighs/perineum– worse on walking
Symphysis Pubic Dysfunction (common)
Cephalic presentation– feel Y-shaped dip anteriorly, and diamond posteriorly
Occipito-anterior = 95% and preferred
- Y-shaped: posterior fontanelle
- Diamond-shaped: anterior fontanelle
Longitudinal lie, with irregular contours of uterus
Occipito-posterior (irregular contours = legs!)
Drug which increases risk of necrotizing enterocolitis
Ovarian tumour causing Meigs’ Syndrome
Fibroma (Meigs = ascites and transudative pleural effusion
Ovarian tumours that secrete AFP
Yolk sac tumour and malignant teratoma
Ovarian tumours causing precocious puberty/endometrial hyperplasia
Granulosa cell tumour
Thecoma (both are sex cord tumours)
Ovarian tumour that secretes androgens
Sertoli-Leydig Cell tumour (sex cord tumour)
Baby born with sensorineural deafness, cataracts and heart defect – what infection in pregnancy?
Mother ate dodgy cheese –> baby has much increased risk of stillbirth
Infection in mum causing fetal hydrops
Parvovirus B19 (haemolytic anaemia)
Most common cause of gynae cancer death in UK
Ovarian Cancer
Most common gynae cancer in UK
Endometrial Cancer
Diabetes increases risk of risk gynae cancer?
Endometrial Cancer
Drug used in Overactive Bladder if anticholinergics cannot be used
Mirabegron = B3 adrenoceptor agoinst –> relaxes detrusor muscle
Painkiller causing premature closure of ductus arteriosus (if used in late pregnancy)
Ibuprofen = 2nd line after paracetamol
Main oestrogen secreted by ovaries
Adipose makes this type of oestrogen
Oestrogen precursor
Painful genital ulcers –> phimosis and supppuration of inguinal lymph nodes (abscesses)
Chancroid = haemophilus ducreyi
–>culture on chocolate agar
STI with RUQ pain
Fitz-Hugh-Curtis Syndrome, due to ascending chlamydia infection
Painless genital ulcer –> systemic symptoms (fever, headache, skin rash)
Secondary Syphilis
Cause of genital warts (including specific subtypes)
HPV 6 and 11
Measurement of gestational age after 1st trimester
Head Circumference
What is Biophysical Profile?
Looks at foetal breathing movements, body movements, tone… = measure foetal neuro status
STI which is an obligate intracellular organism (can only replicate inside host cell)
Chlamydia trachomatis
Infection with “cobblestone” cervix
Chlamydia trachomatis
What position does head enter pelvis?
Occipito-transverse (looking sideways)
How does head change position as it moves through pelvis?
Internal rotation (90degrees to OA) and flexion (flexed head = smallest diameter)
Surge of this hormone initiates ovulation
Type of prolapse causing urinary problems
Cystocele = bladder descends through anterior vaginal wall
Type of prolapse causing pooing problems
Rectocele = rectum protrudes into lower vaginal wall
Term pregnancy – heartbeat heard above umbilicus
Breech (also don’t feel definite presenting part, and feel ballotable part in fundus)
Most common endometrial cancer
Dull red papule –> single, painless well-demarcated ucler
Syphillis (ulcer = “chancre”)
Placenta accreta vs increta vs percreta?
- Accreta: invades into superficial myometrium, does not invade through the muscle itself
- Increta: myometrium only
- Percreta: beyond myometrium (outside of uterus)
Inevitable vs Incomplete miscarriage
Inevitable = vaginal bleeding (foetus may still be alive) Incomplete = pass foetal parts
Tumour marker for Granulosa Cell tumour
Serum inhibin
Class of ovarian tumour seen in young women
Germ Cell Tumour
Most common ovarian malignancy in young women
Ovarian tumour with increased AFP
Yolk Sac Tumour
Supports of the uterus
- Transverse cervical ligaments
- Uterosacral ligaments
- Round ligament
2 important side effects of NSAIDs in pregnancy
- Renal agenesis
- Premature closure of ductus arteriosus
First site of mets in molar pregnancy
Dizziness/LOC when pregnant woman lies supine (“at night”)
Aortocarval Compression (compression of abdominal aorta and inferior vena cava)
Sudden-onset shock and cyanosis in labour (at height of a contraction)
Amniotic Fluid Embolism
Painkiller contraindicated in breastfeeding
Newborn with hypoplastic finger nails – what meds cause this?
Carbamazepine and phenytoin
Treatment of trichomonas
Metronidazole for 7 days
Treatment of BV
Treatment of Toxic Shock
IV clindamycin and vancomycin
When can IUS be inserted post-partum?
Within 48hrs or after 4 weeks (risk of uterine perforation)
When can COCP be used post-partum?
After 21 days if not breastfeeding
After 6 weeks if breastfeeding
Criteria for the cysts in PCOS
At least 12 in one ovary, 2-9mm
Foetal HR dropping steadily, but mum fine
Insertio velamentosa = umbilical vessels attached to membrane, not placenta –> bleeding from vessels compromises the foetus
How do prolactinoma cause amenorrhoea?
High prolactin inhibits GnRH on anterior pituitary
What hormone is in Depo-Provera?
Medroxyprogesterone acetate 150mg
Which antihypertensive drug class causes oligohydramnios?
ACEi (reduces renal perfusion)
Dyspareunia and menstrual pain –> ovarian cyst
Endometriosis (cyst = chocolate cyst! = endometrial ovarian deposit)
Mechanism of action for transexamic acid
Prevents plasminogen to plasmin –> fibrin cannot be degraded
Definition of low-lying placenta
- Placental edge <20mm from internal os
- >16 weeks
Erb’s Palsy caused by trauma to which nerves roots?
C5 and 6
Nerves affected in Erb’s Palsy
Musculocutaneous = C5, 6 (and 7) Radial = C5, 6 (7, 8, T1) Axillary = C5, 6
Newborn with claw hand
Klumpke’s Palsy = C8, T1
When should PID be hospitalised?
Fever >38
Laparoscopy shows thickened uterosacral ligament
Mechanism of mifepristone
Binds to progesterone receptors in endometrium –> degeneration of endometrium and ripens cervix
Mechanism of misoprostol
Prostaglandin E1 analogue = stimulates contractions
Mechanism of ectropion
Visible part of cervix goes from squamous to columnar (as cervical canal is columnar)
Frothy vaginal discharge, with musty smell
Trichomonas vaginalis
Treatment of DVT in pregnancy
LMWH until 6 weeks post-partum (3 months minimum)
Normal histo appearance of endometrium
Pseudostratified columnar with tubular glands
Most common cause of DIC in pregnancy
Placental abruption
Condition causing “streak ovaries” (underdeveloped)
Turner Syndrome
Cardio changes in pregnancy
CO 40% increase
Systemic Vascular Resistance 50% decrease
BP- small decrease in 2nd trimester
Resp changes in pregnancy
Tidal volume 40% increase –> increased Minute Ventilation (feel SOB)
FRC decreases
Definition of polyhydramnios
Amniotic Fluid Index > 25cm
Definition of oligohydramnios
Amniotic Fluid Index < 5cm
Endometrial cancer first metastasises to …
Para-aortic lymph nodes
Low-grade dyskariosis and +ve HPV
Colposcopy in 6 weeks (2 weeks if moderate dyskariosis)
Management of delay in 1st stage of labour
ARM if membranes intact
–> reassess 2hrs later – syntocinon if necessary
Optimal contraction frequency in 1st stage of labour
4-5 every 10mins
Down’s results in Combined Test
High NT and hCG
Down’s results in Quadruple Test
Low AFP and oestriol
High inhibin and hCG
Oestrogen which increases most during pregnancy
Pregnant woman with low-grade pansystolic murmur over precordium (4th ICS midaxillary line)
Flow murmur = normal!
Newborn with nasal hypoplasia, vertebral calcinosis and brachydactyly (shortening of fingers and toes)
Treatment of PE
Young obese pregnant with headache + raised ICP, but no evidence of raised ICP/hydrocephalus
Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension
Pregnancy rash on trunk/upper limbs, spares abdomen
Prurigo gestationis
Urinary incontinence, with urine leaking through vagina
Vesico-vagina fistula
Diagnosis of vesico-vaginal fistula
Inject methylene blue into bladder –> use speculum to see blue dye in vagina
Congenital infection causing chorioretinitis, microcephaly and convulsions
Bony landmarks of pelvic outlet
Bottom of pubic symphysis
Left and right ischial tuberosities
Tip of coccyx
Important indications for transdermal HRT
- Family history VTE
- BMI >30
- Variable blood pressure
- Liver enzyme-inducing drugs