O&A main cases Flashcards
Gibson v Manchester CC
permissive language is not good enough to be an offer (“may be prepared to sell” has no basis)
- Denning suggests to abandon rigid O&A rules because it is outdated apparently
- CA overruled Denning (some scenarios where O&A is outdated but this is not one of them)
Gunthing v Lynn
“if lucky” is too vague
Fisher v Bell
offer takes place at the till - displaying the knife is not breaking the law (it is just an ITT)
Partridge v Critterdon
“25s each” = not an offer
Harvey v Facey
statement of fact is not an offer
Harris v Nicklinson
Advert for auction is an ITT
Payne v Cave
requesting for bids is an ITT, offers are made by the bidders
Warlow v Harrison
if no reserve, but refusal to sell, that is a breach of collateral contract between auctioneer and bider
Barry v Heathcote
confirmed Warlow v Harrison
Spencer v Harding
invitation to tendor is an ITT
Blackpool Flyde Aero Co v Blackpool BC
If tender gives rise to binding obligations, it is an offer
Harvela v Royal Trusts of Canada
referential bids are against the terms of the tender
Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball
intention to create legal relations shows it is not a mere puff
- put money in the bank
Taylor v Laird
must be communicated to the offeree
Gunthing v Lynn
offer must be certain = cannot be too vague