Nz native plants Flashcards
What is the common name for a Cyathea dealbata?
Ponga (silver tree fern)
What is the scientific name for a Puriri (Evergreen tree)?
Vitex lucens
What is the common name for a Sophora chathamica?
Kowhai (Coastal Kowhai)
What is the scientific name for a Mamaku (black tree fern)?
Cyathea medullaris
What is the common name for a Pseudopanax crassifolius?
Horoeka (Lancewood)
What is the scientific name for a whekī (Rough tree fern)?
Dicksonia squarrosa
What is the common name for a Pittosporum tenuifolium?
kōhūhū (Black Matipo)
What is the scientific name for a Kauri?
Agathis australis
What is the common name for a Pittosporum eugenioides?
Tarata (Lemonwood)
What is the scientific name for a Rimu?
Dacrydium cupressinum (Red Pine)
What is the common name for a Pittosporum crassifolium?
What is the scientific name for a Tōtara?
Podocarpus totara
What is the common name for a Piper excelsum?
What is the scientific name for a Karamu?
Coprosma robusta (Large shrub)
What is the common name for a Phormium tenax?
Harakeke (Flax)
What is the scientific name for a cabbage tree?
Cordyline australis
What is the common name for a Myrsine australis?
Red Matipo (Bushy shrub)
What is the scientific name for a Karaka (Laurel)?
Corynocarpus laevigatus
What is the common name for a Metrosideros excelsa?
Pohutukawa (Christmas tree)
What is the scientific name for a hangehange?
Geniostoma ligustrifolium
What is the common name for a Melicytus ramiflorus?
Mahoe (Whiteywood)
What is the scientific name for a Koromiko?
Hebe stricta
What is the common name for a Leptospermum scoparium?
Manuka (teatree)
What is the scientific name for a Rewarewa?
Knightia excelsa
What is the common name for a Kunzea robusta?
What is the scientific name for a Ponga (Silver tree fern)?
Cyathea dealbata
What is the common name for a Vitex lucens?
Puriri (Evergreen tree)
What is the scientific name for a Kowhai (coastal kowhai)?
Sophora chathamica
What is the common name for a Cyathea medullaris?
Mamaku (Black tree fern)
What is the scientific name for a Horoeka (Lancewood)?
Pseudopanax crassifolius
What is the common name for a Dicksonia squarrosa?
Whekī (Rough tree fern)
What is the scientific name for a kōhūhū (Black Matipo)?
Pittosporum tenuifolium
What is the common name for a Agathis australis?
What is the scientific name for a Tarata (Lemonwood)?
Pittosporum eugenioides
What is the common name for a Dacrydium cupressinum?
Rimu (Red Pine)
What is the scientific name for a Karo?
Pittosporum crassifolium
What is the common name for a Podocarpus totara?
What is the scientific name for a Kawakawa?
Piper excelsum
What is the common name for a Coprosma robusta?
Karamu (Large shrub)
What is the scientific name for a Harakeke (flax)?
Phormium tenax
What is the common name for a Cordyline australis?
Cabbage tree
What is the scientific name for a Red matipo?
Myrsine australis
What is the common name for a Karaka (Laurel)?
Corynocarpus laevigatus
What is the scientific name for a Pohutukawa (Christmas tree)?
Metrosideros excelsa
What is the common name for a Hangehange?
Geniostoma ligustrifolium
What is the scientific name for a Mahoe (Whiteywood)?
Melicytus ramiflorus
What is the common name for a Hebe stricta?
What is the scientific name for a Manuka (teatree)?
Leptospermum scoparium
What is the common name for a Knightia excelsa?
What is the scientific name for a Kanuka?
Kunzea robusta
What is the scientific name for
What is the common name for
What is the scientific name for
What is the common name for
What is the scientific name for
What is the common name for
What is the scientific name for
What is the common name for
What is the scientific name for
WHat is the common name for
What is the scientific name for
What is the common name for
What is the scientific name for
What is the common name for
What is the scientific name for
What is the common name for
What is the scientific name for
What is the common name for
What is the scientific name for
What is the common name for
What is the scientific name for
What is the common name for
What is the common name for
What is the scientific name for
What is the common name for
What is the scientific name for
What is the common name for
What is the scientific name for
What is the common name for
What is the scientific name for
What is the common name for
What is the scientific name for
What is the common name for
What is the scientific name for
What is the common name for
What is the scientific name for
What is the common name for
What is the scientific name for
What is the common name for
What is the scientific name for
What is the common name for
What is the scientific name for
What is the common name for
What is the scientific name for
What is the common name for
What is the scientific name for
What is the common name for
What is the scientific name for
What is the common name for