Nyttige ord Flashcards
A drop, fall, moving back, recoil
Le recul - [ʀ(ə)kyl]
Below, underlying, implicit
Sous-jacent - [suʒasɑ̃, ɑ̃t]
Random, Uncertain and unpredictable
aléatoire - aleatwaʀ
, to deter/discourage,
rebuter - ʀ(ə)byte]
dissuade [sb] from doing [sth]
dissuader [qqn] de faire [qch] - disɥade
To encourage
sauter - sote
Recall, remind
Rappeler - ʀap(ə)le
Unique or unprefictable mold swings
fantasque - fɑ̃task
Huskelapp /Handleliste
pense-bête - pɑ̃sbɛt
Å skille mellom
Convenient, practical
pratique - pʀatik
To finish
In reflexive form means to come to an end
achever - [aʃ(ə)ve]
Si belle que tu sois, je ne vois qu’elle.Example sentence - However beautiful you are, I see only her.
si … que + [subjonctif]
so … that . Example sentence -
L’homme était si malade qu’il ne se levait plus de son lit. Lise est si gentille que je ne pourrais rien lui refuser.
Lisa is so kind that I couldn’t refuse her anything.
The man was so ill, he could no longer get out of bed.
si … que + [indicatif] ,
si … que + [conditionnel]
Work(resultart d`un travail), piece of work, task, endeavour, charity
la œuvre
Sort something out,
Suit - passer
Refleksiv form! Meaning improve, come to an agreement, find a way to
Snitch about something/somebody
Grief, Sorrow
La Chagrin
Hva finner du finne på(mer uformell versjon av å gjøre) + Cobble something together
Touch feel
Affecter(condition) et Concerner(matter)
Breast cancer mainly affects women.
Receive money
Staff receive their salaries on the 27th of the month.
toucher - tuʃe
interact with [sth/sb]
interagir avec [qch/qqn]
Fgurative - be close to [sth]
Diesel is verging on €1.50 a litre!
Brush past, graze
This symbol represents a church on the map.
Relexive - to imagine
To appear - Example sentence His name does not appear on the guest list.
Figurer - figyʀe