NY Defenses Flashcards
has mental disease or defect
because of condition
did not know what he was doing or its consequence
did not know what he was doing was wrong, although he knew what he was doing
NY calls Necessity
duress does not require
threat need not be of death or great bodily harm
follows model penal code
When is defense of duress allowed
threat of imminent unlawful physical force
person of reasonable firmness could not resist
available as defense to all crimes including homicide
When is defense of duress not allowed
defendant intentionally or recklessly
put self in situation
where probable would be subject to duress
affirmative defense
D engaged in conduct because
actively induced
by public servant seeking to obtain evidence
methods used created substantial risk offense would be
committed by person not otherwise disposed to commit it.
affording opportunity is not entrapment
If Defendant raises defense of entrapment
Prosecution may
present evidence of defendants predisposition to commit crime
on rebuttal
evidence of uncharged crimes or prior bad acts are otherwise generally not admitted to demonstrate predisposition
Who can raise Infancy Defense
In general - under 16
13-15 - not available for 2nd degree murder
14-15 - not available for violent felonies
Sentencing of individuals 16-19
if no prior felony conviction
may be sentenced as a youthful offender
record will not be treated as criminal conviction for purposes of public employment or licensed professions
Mistake under NY Penal Law includes
Statute allows mistake as a defense in criminal law
or where mistake would support justification defense
Person is not guilty of criminal solicitation when
solicits conduct necessarily incidental to commission of crime solicited.
will be found guilty of separate crime solicited
1st degree Solicitation
Conduct solicited is class A felony
D is over 18
co-conspirator is under 16
2nd degree Solicitation
Conduct solicited is a Class A felony
3rd Degree Solicitation
Conduct solicited is a felony
D is over 18
co-conspirator is under 16
4th Degree Solicitation
Conduct solicited is either a felony or
crime where D is 18+ and co-conspirator is under 16
5th Degree Solicitation
Conduct solicited is a crime
Affirmative Defense to Solicitation
voluntary and complete renunciation and
prevented commission
Affirmative Defense to Attempt
under circumstances manifesting
complete and voluntary renunciation of criminal purpose
avoided commission of crime by abandonment
if abandonment is insufficient took affirmative steps to prevent commission
Conspiracy requires
one conspirator commits an overt act in furtherance
Not a defense to Conspiracy if
one or more co-conspirator could not be found guilty
Affirmative Defense to Conspiracy for Crime
Not actually committed
voluntary and complete renunciation and
prevented commission