NWEN - Revision Flashcards
Name Three Crypt Analysis Techniques
- Brute Force
- Frequency Analysis
- Relationship Analysis
How does Polyalphabetic Cipher work
Uses more than one alphabet for the encryption and decryption process
Explain how relationship analysis works
Adjacent letters in some languages may have certain personality traits. E.g. ‘Q’ is most likely always followed by a ‘U’
How do you break the Polyalphabetic Cipher
- Determine key length (X)
- Split into X seperate cipher texts
- Apply frequency analysis
- Recombine results
Name a way to make it harder to crack the Polyalphabetic Cipher
Change the pattern the cipher uses for encryption.
Breaking Vigenere Cipher
You only care about the length of the keyword used. Finding the correct word length allows you to split the text into separate texts which can then have frequency analysis performed to break the cipher.
Estimating key length of Vigenere
Must estimate based on any repeated sequences that can be viewed. More specifically the distance between repeated patterns that can be viewed helps estimate the length.
Explain One-Time Pad Key Length
Must have the same number of bits as the plaintext
Explain the operation performed for One-Time Pad
Exclusive or (XOR)
Polyalphabetic Cipher’s main purpose
To decrease the footprint left by a language used for encryption.
What is impractical about One-Time Pad
Long messages need an equally long key and so may prove to be impractical
Name the two types or classes of symmetric encryption techniques
- Stream Cipher (One time pad)
2. Block cipher
Name the two block cipher main operations
- S-Box (substitution mapping on n bit input to n bit output)
- P-Box (permutation taking in a number of bits and rearranging them)
Two main approaches of Cryptography
- Substitution
- Transposition
Block cipher uses both
Block cipher aim
For every bit of input to effect every bit within the output.
Why are multiple S-boxes used
To try and decrease the overall complexity. S boxes for N inputs can have 2^n outputs, which can get very large very quickly. `
What condition must be satisfied by P-Box
Must be reversible. And so uses XOR to perform the scrambling operation
What is an issue with Block Ciphers
The same plaintext input produces the same output (which can in turn be used to break the encryption).
How to overcome Block Cipher limitations
Perform XOR and use a random key to encrypt the messages as well. Random key is derived through the use of CBC.