Vitamins and Minerals
Vitamin A (Retinol) disorders
- night blindness»xerophthalmia
- fetal malformation– bone development
- unhealthy epithelial tissue– sinus issue, sore throat, ear/mouth/salivary abscesses
- carotenemia– over-ingestion of carotene; skin turns yellow/orange, will rt to normal color 2-6 weeks after decreasing carotene intake
Vitamin D (Cholecalciferol) disorders
- ricketts–childhood; s/s soft bones, bow legs, knocked knees
- osteoporosis (Ca deficiency, porous bones)
- osteomalacia– adults; soft bones, future and widespread bone pain
Most toxic of all vitamins when levels are too high in blood
Retinol food sources
vitamin A
liver, kidney, egg yolks, carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, orange fruits and veggies
Vitamin K (Phylloquinone) disorders
- newborns: with low K levels, injection of AquaMephyton given to prevent bleeding issues
- prolonged bleeding times
- dont take with Coumadin
Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) disorders
- scurvy– deficiency disease..hemorrhagic manisfestation/abnormal bone/teeth formation
- S/S: tender, sore gums; small hemorrhages/internal bleeding; delayed wound healing
When the total volume is given…
..calculate the mL/hr
Total volume/total time in hrs=mL/hr
Ordered: 2000mL D5W to be infused for 24 hrs. How many mLs/hr must PT receive for 24 hrs?
2000(TV)/24 (TT)=83.33=83 mL/hr
When the mL/hr is given, calculate the ____ per minute
Answer: drops
Drop factor (gtt)/mL/Time in minutes x total hourly vol. =drops/min
Ordered: D5W to infuse at 83 mL/hr, DF is 10
10(DF)/60(mins) x 83 (Vol./hr)
10/60 x 83/1 =83/6=13.8 or 14 drops/min
When the IV tubing is micro drip, 60/mL, the drops/min will be the same as the ___
Step 1: 1000(TV)/8(TT)=125 mL/hr
60/60 x 125= 125 drops/min
Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin)
- function: necessary for RBC formation
- Nervous system properly functioning
- Sources: meat, fish, shellfish, poultry, milk/eggs/cheese
Calcium deficiency S/S
- Tetany: Chvostek’s sign (taping on facial nerve near ear» twitch); Trousseau’s sign: use BP cuff , overinflate, forearm/hand would spasm
Potassium disorders
- hypokalemia: deficiency, <3.5 meq-5 meq/L, nausea, vomiting, irregular pulse; Hyperkalemia: elevated, >5.0 meq/L, irritability, irregular pulse, cardiac arrest
- can affect heart rhythm
- treatment: hyper–insulin; IV/oral recommended
Iron disorders
- deficicency–fatigue, restlessness, imapired cognition
- hemosiderosis: excess iron in liver/spleen/lungs
- hemochromatosis: escess iron in tissues
iodine disorders
- deficiency – goiter, cretinism, myxedema
fluroide disorders
- deficiency–dental caries
- toxicity: mottles teeth, brown stains, weak teeth
Zinc disorders
- deficiency– growth failure, hypogonadism, delayed wound healing, delayed sexual maturation
Copper disorder
- menkes disease–deficiency
- wilson’s disease–too much
Selenium disorder
- Keshan cardiomyopathy: kids with this deficiency; can be corrected; cardiac disease 1
Folic Acid (Folate)
- maintain cell production; reduced colon/cervical cancer
- preventc neural tube defects so given to pregnant PTs
Foods with Potassium
Legumes, leafy greens, squash, banana, OJ, potato skins
Foods with Calcium
Milk, OJ, spinach/kale, broccoli, salmon, clams
Vitamin B12 Deficiency
- pernicious anemia
- S/S: sore tongue, hand and feet numbness/tingling, depression, psychosis delusions
B1 disorders (thiamine)
- wernecke-korsakoffs—usually from alcohol abuse, confusion rapid eye movement
- B1 disorder usually from lack of good diet as B1 is in a lot of foods
- Beriberi-cerebral/cardiovas abnormality wet/dry
- dry: can’t walk, wet: tachy, edema
- coverts energy to glucose
B3 Niacin disorders
- high doses can be used to treat high cholesterol
- dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia
- food sources: red meat, legumes, nuts, brown rice
- pellagra- b3 deficiency
Vitamin E
Stop before surgery for coagulation