Nutrition, Oral Health Flashcards
malnutrition definition
- a geriatric syndrome
- faulty or inadequate nutritional status
- undernourishment characterized by insufficient dietary intake, poor appetite, muscle wasting, and weight loss
nutrition-related changes associated with age (8)
- decreased BMR
- hypogeusia - decreased taste
- hyposmia - decreased smell
- achlorhydria - decreased production of gastric acids
- diminished thirst sensation
- decreased bone density and lean body mass
- xerostomia - decreased saliva production
- increased cholecystokinin (stimulates gallbladder to release bile; leads to early satiety)
BMI indicative of malnutrition/mortality in older adults
clinically significant percent weight changes
> 5% in 1 month
7.5% in 3 months
10% in 6 months
3 visceral proteins
albumin, prealbumin, transferrin
normal albumin levels
3.5-5.5 g/dL
<3.5 = concern
normal prealbumin levels
19.5-35 mg/dL
normal transferrin levels
204-360 mg/dL
interventions to improve intake (7)
- small frequent meals/snacks
- make food appetizing
- provide assistance
- conducive environment for meals
- alleviate dry mouth
- analgesics, antiemetics, oxygen
- meds to increase appetite - Megestrol
complications of parenteral nutrition
- infection, sepsis, death
- fluid/electrolyte imbalance - monitor electrolytes, glucose
acute pancreatitis patho
inflammation of pancreas caused by early activation of excessive pancreatic enzymes → auto-digestion
acute pancreatitis causes (5)
- alcoholism
- gallstones
- abdominal/operative trauma
- drug use
- infection
chronic pancreatitis patho
irreversible, histological changes that causes loss of exocrine and endocrine function of the pancreas
major cause of chronic pancreatitis
ETOH use
labs for pancreatitis (6)
- increased amylase, lipase, trypsin
- increased bilirubin if biliary obstruction
- increased liver enzymes
- increased glucose
- increased WBC
- decreased calcium, magnesium