Nutrition Exam 2 Flashcards
What functions as a dense form of food energy?
Why would someone receiving fat free parenteral nutrition develop a deficiency in linoleic acid?
Essential fatty oils
Process by which a double bond is broken on a fatty acid carbon chain and hydrogen is added?
Form of bile, vitamin D, sex hormones, brain and nerve tissue cells depend on?
Level of saturation of fat is determined by the number of?
Double bonds
Fatty acid with two or more double bonds on the carbon chain is a?
Poly-unsaturated fatty acid
Oil comes from vegetable products and saturated fats come from?
Natural fats
Omega 3 fatty acids interfere with blood clotting and lower the risk of?
Heart disease
How many kcal does fat contain?
Process by which liquid oil is made more solid and stable is?
Protein is needed by the body because it provides?
Amino acids
What do Americans eat more of then they need?
Dangerous situation in which body proteins may become denatured is when someone has a very high?
Process in which body proteins are broken down to release amino acids in the blood stream?
Main structural protein found in connective tissue, bone, and teeth?
Acid base balance is an important role of
Protein that carries oxygen in the muscles is called?
Phenylketonuria is caused by failure to break down excess?
Hard-boiled eggs are examples of food that contain complete?
Complete proteins contain 9 essential ?
Amino Acids
Fish is a good source of ?
Omega-3 fatty acids