Nutrition Flashcards
Vitamin K deficiency
Phylloquinone, phtomenadione, phytonadiane
defective blood clotting also could be created by long term use of antibiotics that destroy gut bacteria and halt synthesis
Vitamin K Use
correct bleeding due to vit k deficiency or USED IN WARFARIN OVERDOSE
Vitamin A deficiency
night blindness
eye problems
skin lesions lung gi and bone abnormalities
rarely seen except in 3rd world or pancreatic disease
Vitamin A Use
used for severe acne vulgaris
Vitamin A Adverse Effects
skin, bone, liver, gi problems at doses ocer 30mg
teratogenic category x drug
Vitamin D Deficiency
Used to enhance intestinal abs of ca iron mg phosphate and zinek and is activated by sun and enz conversionin the liver and kidney
Rickets in kids
osteomalacia in adults
Vitamin D adverse effects
excess destroys rneal tissue
causes muslce spasms
skeletal deformities due to alterations in ca metabolism
Vitamin E Deficiency
May be associated with low birth weights or anemia but is rare
Vitamin E adverse effects
Increase risk of death (over 400), inc risk of bruisisg and bleeding (inhibit platelet agg and vitamin k antagonism) headache (could be from hemm stroke) diarrhea fatigue upper lmit at 1000mg per day
Vitamin E uses
Natural antioxidant to reduce cell damage
prophylactic against heart dsease and cancer but may actually inc mortality
used as antioxidant in plastics used in hip and knee rpelacements
Vitamin B1 - alternate name
Vitamin B1 Deficiency
Beriberi (CNS/cardio)
can occur in alchoholics, renal failure, and ifnants from mothers on rice diets
Vitamin B1 Use
used as an adjunct in acuete alc intox to prevent wernicke korsakoff syndrome
Vitamin B2 - alt name
Vitamin B2 Deficiency
Essential part of FAD and FMN required for many reactions including synth of b6 and other vitamins
skin mucous membranes hematopeoeisis