Nutrition Flashcards
4 Functions of Food
Protection from diseases
Vegetables and Legumes
Sources - Chickpeas, broccoli, carrot
Minerals - Carbohydrates, fibre and vitamins
Assistance - Energy, prevents bowel infections and heart disease
5 serves
Avoided foods before activity
- Spicy foods or gassy drinks
- Food high in fat or protein
- Coarse food containing cellulose
- Seedy vegetables
- Laxatives
- Tea and coffee
- Alcohol
Sources - Avocado, eggs, butter, cream Saturated and unsaturated Fat cells in skin insulate from cold Protects vital organs especially heart ad kidneys Energy source
Makes up 70% of your body
Controls body temperature
Removes body wastes
Transports nutrients around the body
Post competition foods
A mixed carb and protein snack should be consumed following an event
Carbohydrates for glycogen
Protein for muscle repair
Water for fluid stores
Sources - Vitamins 13 essential vitamins Most common A,B,C,D,E,K Small amounts of each Increases immune defence Assist in energy production Promote healthy body cells and nerves
Pre-game foods`
Eaten 3-4 hours before the competition
High in complex carbs and fluids
Moderate in protein
Low in fat, fibre and caffeine
Sources - Bread, creal Simple and complex Simple carbs are sugars and complex are starches 70% of the body's energy Complex gives slow energy output
Sources - Fruit
Keeps the digestive system healthy and regular
Healthy bowel
Prevents constipation
Meat, fish and poultry
Sources- egg, meat, fish, nuts and seeds
Nutrients- Protein, minerals (iron and zinc)
Assistance- Iron carries oxygen in blood and zinc for wound repair
2.5 serves a day
5 Food Groups
Fruit Vegetables and Legumes Meat, fish and poultry Grains Dairy
A serving of fruit
1 medium - apple, banana, pear or orange 2 small - apricots, kiwi fruit or plums 1 cup - diced or canned fruit Occasionally 1/2 cup fruit juice (no added sugar) 30g dried fruit
A serving of grains
1 slice of bread 1/2 medium flatbread 1/2 cup cooked rice or noodles 1/2 cup cooked porridge 2/3 cup cereal 1 crumpet 1/4 cup muesli 3 crisp breads 1 small scone or english muffin
A serving of vegetables
1/2 cup cooked orange or green vegetables
1/2 cupo cooked dried or canned peas, beans and lentils
1 cup leafy greens or salad vegetables
1/2 cup corn
1/2 medium potato