Nutrition Flashcards
Nothing by Mouth
Clear Liquid Diet
See through i.e. jello, broth, juice
Full liquid Diet
Contains clear liquids plus…
-Any food items that are liquid at room temperature
-Soups, milk, milkshakes, puddings, custards, juices, yogurt…
Mechanical Soft Diet
For patients with chewing difficulties
-Includes soft vegetables and fruits, breads, pastries, eggs, cheese, chopped ground or shredded meats
-Grinding or blending other foods to make them soft can also be included
Pureed Diet
Blended diet
-Liquids are often added to create a liquid texture
(Pts. typically don’t eat due to appearance of meal)
Why would a pt. be on thickened liquids?
Aspiration risk, difficulty swallowing
What helps nurses mange nutritional imbalances?
Identify the etiology(cause) of the imbalance
What are some dietary guidelines to include in pt/family teaching for older adults?
-Eat small, well balanced meals and nutritious snacks
-Increase protein, supplements
-Check food security based on income
What are ways to improve pt. appetite?
-Offer small frequent meals
-Keep environment clean and neat
-Provide good oral hygiene
-Serve food attractively
-Position person comfortably
-Learn personal preferences
-Control pain
What are ways to assist pts. during meals?
-Assess functional ability, nutritional adequacy
-Serve one food at a time
-Serve small amounts
-Encourage independence
– allow choices
-Serve finger food
-Provide privacy
-Maintain dignity
-Sit down while feeding – don’t rush; converse
-Prepare food on tray if client can feed self.
What are examples of alternative feeding methods?
Enteral Nutrition
-Deliver liquid nutrition via a tube into the G.I. tract (only used when pt. can’t swallow or take nutrients orally)
Parenteral Nutrition
-Deliver of nutrition
Enteral Nutrition (Tube Feeding)
-Preferred method over parenteral (IV) if patient has functional GI tract but needs nutritional support
-Can be used for short and long term therapy
What are possible risks of enteral nutrition?
aspiration, infection, diarrhea, metabolic disturbances, alteration in drug absorption and metabolism
What are the types of enteric tubes for pts. less than 4 weeks?
Nasogastric (nose to stomach)
Nasoenteric( nose to jejunum/duodenum
How is a lumen measured?
French Scale
-Larger the number, larger diameter
Important things to remember when checking tube placement?
Must be verified prior to any feeding
-Or once each shift for
continuous feedings
-Risk of aspiration if tube
placement is changed.
-Radiographic verification
– most reliable
-Used to verify initial
Other methods:
-Aspiration of stomach
-Measuring the pH of the
-Injecting air - not reliable
What are other uses for a nasogastric tube?
-Lavage of the stomach (washing out of stomach)
-Collecting stomach content specimens
-To prevent nausea, vomiting, and gastric distention after surgery or with bowel obstruction
What are types of enteric feeding for pts. greater than 4 weeks?
-Percutaneous gastrostomy tube (PEG)
-Jejunostomy tube (J-tube)
-Placed via laparoscopy through skin and abdominal wall into the stomach or jejunum
Types of enteral feeding schedules
-Continuous feedings
-Intermittent feedings (bolus)
What does the nurse monitor during enteral feeding tubes?
-Tube placement
-Skin condition (insertion site, diarrhea)
-Lab values (glucose, BUN,
& electrolytes,pre-
Why is parenteral nutrition preferred over enteral?
Preferred method of feeding for clients who cannot be nourished through the GI tract
Two types of Parenteral Nutrition
Partial Parenteral Nutrition(PPN)
-Can take some of their nutritional intake orally
-IV nutrition is supplemental
Total Parenteral Nutrition(TPN)
-Require total resting of GI Tract
-Extensive burns or trauma, severely malnourished
Composition of TPN
10-50% concentration of dextrose
(Blood sugar checks regular)
-Vitals and Minerals
-Prepared under antiseptic conditions
How is TPN administered?
CVC (central venous catheter)
-central line, PICC line
-Only hang for 12-24 hrs
Mr. Conrad is in chronic kidney disease stage 4 (CKD-4) and is a hemodialysis (HD) patient. A renal diet is ordered for him by the LIP. Which of the following is a low potassium source of protein for Mr. Conrad?
A. Eggs
B. Beans
C. Beef
D. Brussel Sprouts
-low potassium protien source