Nutrition Flashcards
What is a healthy fat ?
Healthy fats can be unsaturated fats, found in the salmon, avocados omega 3, fish etc,
It i important to avoid too many carbohydrates because…
There are good carbs and bad carbs where the good carbs can be stored as glycogen storage and utilized as energy but when there are far too any than it can begin to be stored as fat. Eventually causing plaques in the arteries
S/S of malnutrition
Muscle weakens, poor immunee system, feeling cold, poor health in the mucosal membrane, fatigue and tirelessness, loss of fat, wounds take longer to heal, loss of appetite, abdominal pain
Age related to nutrition
What’s can occur : malnutrition for the geriatric families, insufficient intake of nutrient
Or obesity
Low energy fatigue
Growth development , delayed bone density decreases, inadequate healing , muscle wasting
How would old age and adolescents affect nutrition?
Social, psychosocial and physiological concepts: younger children may be more prone to picky eating while olde adults face an aging body, resulting in lower glucose levels, lower tolerance to heat/cold changes, decreased absorption, slow intestinal peristalsis, reduced thirst and GERD,
TC: protein pump inhibitor
Treats GERD and gastric ulcers , reduced the stomach acid
FX: causes vitamin c deficiency, osteoarthritis, c.diff which can lead to diarrhea
H2 blocker Antagonist: good tidings, they treat ulcers gastric, treats GERD
fX: liver dysfunction such as the hepatoxicity, increases drug interactions
Clear liquid diet
Liquids that you an see your pen light through: like broth, sports drink like Gatorade, clear soups
Dysphasia, what are some independent nursing interventions
Inability to swallow: bickering agents like nectar or honey, diet adjustments, high Fowler position, only feed when fully awake, assist with eating in small bites, speech therapy referral, no straw use, chin tucked in and offer coaching
Iron deficiency anemia
RBC lack iron hence affecting the hemocratic level low hemoglobin levels 12-18 dgL)
Which then affects rbc production , chronic hemorrhage,
Iron deficiency subjective
Feeling cold, fatigue, lack of appetite, light headedness, syncope (fainting), breathlessness, palpitations, tachycardia, heart rate having to make up for the missing iron, may be asymptomatic
Iron deficiency objective
Brittle hair, nails and mouth sores
Drug therapy for IDA
Ferrous Sulfate:
Iron supplement, hematinic, meant to supplement missing iron, can cause dark stool, best taken with orange juice for vitamin c absorption
Lab diagnostics for IDA:
Reduced hemocritic and hemoglobin levels, reduced mean corpuscle volume and size change micro cystic and hypo chronic pale.
Serum iron, total iron binding capacity, transferrin saturation and ferritin levels
Additional lab diagnostics for IDA
Hemoglobin : 12-18 decreased i anemia
Hemocritic: 40-50% decreased anemia
Tranasferrin: 240-480, decreased anemia, increased dehydration
Dehydration lab diagnostics
Hemocratic: 40-50%, increased dehydration
BUN: 17-18
Creative: 0.4-1.5,
What might a nurse suggest for a patient lacking iron?
Assist with patient education, refer to a case manager or social worker to assist in resources, epoetin to increase blood production,
Diet: increase collie greens, vitamin c supplement, iron fish foods, fortified foods, enriched cereals, leafy greens, iron supplement
Blocks the HMG COa receptor, increases HDL the good cholesterol, but side effects include Rambo (rabbit), hepatoxicity, reduced triglycerides (triaceratops)