Nutrional Disorders Flashcards
Deficiency of Vitamin A
Site absorbed small intestine Deficiency syndrome Xeropthalmia Causes blindness Conjunctiva become dry and develop oval/triangular spots (Bitot’s spots) Corneas become cloudy and soft Give vitamin A If pregnant seek specialist help VitA embryopathy must be avoided. Re-educate and monitor diet
Vitamin B1 also called
Vitamin B1 deficiency
Site absorbed small intestine
Causes beriberi; wernickes encephalopathy
Beriberi is heart failure with general oedema (wet beriberi or neuropathy (dry beriberi)
Wernickes encephalopathy - confusion, ataxia, opthalmoplegia, brain damage in focal areas
Give thiamine pabrinex
B2 also called
B2 deficiency
Site of absorption proximal small intestine
Causes angular stomatitis, Cheilitis
B6 also known as
B6 deficiency
Site of absorption small intestine
Causes polyneuropathy
B12 deficiency
Site of absorption terminal ileum
Causes macrocytic anaemia, neuropathy, glossitis
Vitamin C deficiency
Site of absorption proximal ileum Causes scurvy Affects, poor, pregnant, odd diet 1 Listlessness, anorexia, cachexia 2 gingivitis, loose teeth, bad breath (halitosis) 3 bleeding from gums, nose, hair follicles, into joints 4 muscle pain/weakness 5 oedema Treat dietary education; ascorbic acid
Vitamin D deficiency
Site of absorption jejunum as a free vitamin
Causes rickets, osteomalacia
Treatment find cause and replace the appropriately activated vitamin D
Vitamin E deficiency
Site of absorption small intestine
Causes: haemolysis, neurological deficit
Vitamin k deficiency
Site of absorption small intestine
Causes bleeding disorders
Folic acid deficiency
Site of absorption jejunum
Causes macrocyctic anaemia
Nicotiniamide deficiency
Site of absorption jejunum
Causes Pellagra
Classical triad of symptoms: dementia, diarrhoea, dermatitis
+- neuropathy, depression, insomnia, tremor, rigidity, ataxia.
May occur in carcinoid syndrome and anti TB isoniazid
Calcium deficiency
Site of absorption duodenum + jejunum SPASMODIC Spasms Perioral parathesia Anxious Seizures Muscle tone inc Orientation confused Dermatitis a Impetigo herpetifirmis Chvosteks sign, choreoathetosis, cataract, cardiomyopathy
Copper deficiency
Site of absorption stomach + jejunum
Menkes kinky hair syndrome
Sparse kinky hair, failure to gain weight, and grow at the expected weight and deterioration of the nervous system
Fluoride deficiency
Site of absorption stomach
Causes dental caries
Iodide deficiency
Site of absorption small intestine
Causes goitre, cretinism
Iron deficiency
Site of absorption duodenum + jejunum
Causes microcytic anaemia
Magnesium deficiency
Site of absorption small intestine
Causes parasthesia, ataxia, seizure, tetany, arrhythmia
Phosphate deficiency
Site of absorption small intestine
Causes osteoporosis, anorexia, weightloss
Selenium deficiency
Site of absorption small intestine
Zinc deficiency
Site of absorption jejunum
Acrodermatitis enteropathica, poor wound healing